EC Library Guide on the United Nations, the European Union and international security: Research journals
Selected journals
- Cambridge Review of International Affairs | Taylor & Francis
The Cambridge Review of International Affairs (CRIA) is a peer-reviewed journal promoting debate on international affairs across the social sciences – including international studies, international relations, international history, international law, and international political economy – and between scholars and policymakers
- Conflict Management and Peace Science | Sage Journals
Conflict Management and Peace Science is a peer-reviewed journal published six times a year that contains scientific papers on topics such as: international conflict, arms races, the effect of international trade on political interactions, foreign policy decision making, international mediation, and game theoretic approaches to conflict and cooperation.
- Cooperation and Conflict | Sage Journals
Cooperation and Conflict is a peer reviewed journal committed to publishing high quality articles that examines a broad set of research questions.
- Critique internationale | CAIRN
Revue comparative de sciences sociales, Critique internationale a pour objectif d’éclairer les sciences sociales du politique dans une perspective comparatiste et empirique.
- European Journal of International Relations | Sage Journals
European Journal of International Relations publishes peer-reviewed scholarly contributions across the full breadth of the field of International Relations, from cutting edge theoretical debates to topics of contemporary and historical interest to scholars and practitioners in the IR community.
- European Journal of International Security | Cambridge
The European Journal of International Security (EJIS) publishes theoretical, methodological and empirical papers at the cutting-edge of security research. Welcoming high quality research from around the world, EJIS covers all areas of international security, including: conflict and peacebuilding; strategy and warfare; environmental, health and food security; energy, ecological and climate security; human, gender and everyday security; technology and security; and security governance.
- Foreign Affairs | Council on Foreign Relations
Reviews current events as they affect US relations worldwide, focusing on international, political, commercial and cultural relations.
- International affairs | Royal Institute of International Affairs
International Affairs is one of the world's leading journals of international relations and one of the few to cover the entire discipline. Founded by and edited at Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, it has been in existence for over 90 years and has become renowned for its academically rigorous, practitioner-focused scholarship.
- International Peacekeeping | Taylor & Francis
International Peacekeeping is an international peer-reviewed journal that examines the theory, practice, outcomes and consequences of peacekeeping operations throughout the world.
- International Security | MIT Press
International Security publishes lucid, well-documented essays on the full range of contemporary security issues. Its articles address traditional topics of war and peace, as well as more recent dimensions of security, including environmental, demographic, and humanitarian issues, transnational networks, and emerging technologies.
- Journal of Conflict & Security Law | Oxford
The Journal of Conflict & Security Law (JCSL) is a thrice yearly peer-reviewed journal aimed at academics, government officials, military lawyers, and lawyers working in the area, as well as individuals interested in the areas of arms control law, armed conflict law and collective security law, and the interfaces between them.
- Journal of Conflict Resolution | Sage Journals
The Journal of Conflict Resolution is an interdisciplinary journal of social scientific research and theory on human conflict. The journal focuses largely on international conflict, but also explores a variety of national, intergroup and interpersonal conflicts.
- Journal of Global Security Studies | Oxford
The Journal of Global Security Studies (JoGSS) aims to publish cutting-edge research which offers a significant, rigorous and original contribution to our understanding of global security and global aspects of debates in security studies.
- Journal of Peace Research | Sage Journals
Journal of Peace Research is an interdisciplinary and international peer reviewed bimonthly journal of scholarly work in peace research.
- Journal of Peacebuilding & Development | Sage Journals
Journal of Peacebuilding & Development (JPD) ) is a refereed journal providing a forum for the sharing of critical thinking and constructive action at the intersections of conflict, development and peace.
- Peacebuilding | Taylor & Francis
Peacebuilding is a peer-reviewed international, comparative, multidisciplinary journal open to articles on making peace in contemporary and historical cases of conflict-affected societies. It aims to provide in-depth analyses of the ideologies, philosophies, interests, and policies that underpin programmes and initiatives designed to build peace, security, and order, and to connect with debates being held by policymakers, civil society, scholars and students.
- Politique étrangère | CAIRN
Publiée dès 1936 sous l'égide du Centre d'études de politique étrangère, Politique étrangère est est la plus ancienne revue française de débats et d'analyses sur les grandes questions internationales .
- The Review of International Organizations | Springer Nature LInk
The Review of International Organizations publishes original scientific contributions in the entire field of political economy, with a focus on the policies and structure of international organizations.
- La revue internationale et stratégique | CAIRN
La Revue internationale et stratégique s’attache à rendre compte des grands débats qui animent la scène internationale. À travers la confrontation d’idées et avec le concours de chercheurs et de décideurs, elle tente, au-delà de l’actualité immédiate, de donner sens aux événements internationaux.
- Sécurité globale | CAIRN
Sécurité globale est une revue française de référence sur la sécurité intérieure et les enjeux sécuritaires internationaux. Elle traite des thèmes comme le terrorisme, la criminalité organisée, les crises sanitaires, et la gestion des catastrophes.
- Small Wars & Insurgencies | Taylor & Francis
Small Wars & Insurgencies provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the academic and scholarly discussion of the historical, political, social, economic and psychological aspects of insurgency, counter-insurgency, limited war and irregular warfare.
- Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | Springer Nature LInk
Die Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (ZfAS) ist die Zeitschrift für theoriegeleitete und empirisch gehaltvolle Außenpolitikanalysen, sicherheitspolitische Studien und Analysen der internationalen Politik.
- Last Updated: Mar 7, 2025 5:07 PM
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