EC Library Guide on artificial intelligence, new technologies and democracy: Selected books
Selected books
AI, ethics, and discrimination in business: The DEI Implications of algorithmic decision-making. by Marco Marabelli
ISBN: 9783031539183Publication Date: 2024This book takes a historical approach to explore data, algorithms, their use in practice through applications of AI in various settings, and all of the surrounding ethical and DEI implications. Summarizing our current knowledge and highlighting gaps, it offers original examples from empirical research in various settings, such as healthcare, social media, and the GIG economy. The author investigates how systems relying on a binary structure (machines) work in systems that are instead analogic (societies). Further, he examines how underrepresented populations, who have been historically penalized by technologies, can play an active role in the design of automated systems, with a specific focus on the US legal and social system. One issue is that main tasks of machines concern classification, which, while efficient for speeding up decision-making processes, are inherently biased. Ultimately, this work advocates for ethical design and responsible implementation and deployment of technology in organizations and society through through government-sponsored social justice, in contrast with free market policies. This interdisciplinary text contributes to the timely and relevant debate on algorithmic fairness, biases, and potential discriminations.Blue Book on AI and rule of law in the world (2022) by Cui Yadong (Editor); Shu Jingyi (Translator)
ISBN: 9789819710591Publication Date: 2024This book focuses on the development of artificial intelligence and rule of law in the world, by collecting and summarizing the information about the development of artificial intelligence and rule of law in China and the world, covering topics like AI strategy, policy, law, theoretical research, practical application, etc. It makes an in-depth analysis so as to provide an objective, fair, and accurate report. The purpose is to promote the study of AI and law, promote the construction of AI and rule of law system, and create an AI and rule of law environment. In particular, it aims to play an active role in promoting the establishment of legislative norms, legal systems, policy systems, and ethical norms that are compatible with the innovative development of AI, promoting the implementation of a new generation of national AI development strategies and ensuring the safe, reliable, controllable, healthy, and sustainable development of AI.Cyberdemocracy: Transforming politics by Harem Karem
ISBN: 9783031275432Publication Date: 2023This book is explicitly modernist at a time when many scholars have either forgotten the emancipatory promise of the Enlightenment or railed against it in the name of postmodernism. The book, broadly, adopts a hybrid epistemology that utilises the critical insights of Geisteswissenschaften Tradition (Weberian 'Ideal-Type Analysis') and the Habermas (1988) notions of the 'public sphere' and deliberative/dialogic democracy ('ideal speech') to advance a general proposition of democratic renewal by way of cyberdemocracy. Curiously, as democracy spreads across the world in the age of globalisation, it has also been accompanied by increased discontent with democratic systems. To that end, this book is not overly concerned with saving democracy beyond the liberal representative model, rather the focus is on how modern representative democracy has failed and how cyberdemocracy might function as a more effective model that truly represents the people by broadening participation and reflexivedeliberation.Decidim, a Technopolitical Network for Participatory Democracy: Philosophy, Practice and Autonomy of a Collective Platform in the Age of Digital Intelligence by Xabier E. Barandiaran; Antonio Calleja-López; Arnau Monterde; Carol Romero
ISBN: 9783031507830Publication Date: 2024This Open Access book explains the philosophy, design principles, and community organization of Decidim and provides essential insights into how the platform works. Decidim is the world leading digital infrastructure for participatory democracy, built entirely and collaboratively as free software, and used by more than 500 institutions with over three million users worldwide. The platform allows any organization (government, association, university, NGO, neighbourhood, or cooperative) to support multitudinous processes of participatory democracy. In a context dominated by corporate-owned digital platforms, in the era of increasing social structuring via Artificial Intelligence, Decidim stands as a public or community owned platform for collective human intelligence. Yet, the project is much more than its technological features. Decidim is in itself a crossroad of the various dimensions of the networked society, a detailed practical map of its complexities and conflicts. Theauthors distinguish three general dimensions of the project: (1) the political - shedding light on the democratic model that Decidim promotes and its impact on public policies and organizations, (2) the technopolitical - explaining how this technology is democratically designed and managed to produce and protect certain political effects, and (3) the technical - presenting the conditions of production, operation, and success of the project.Deepfakes: Creation, detection, and impact by Loveleen Gaur
ISBN: 9781032139203Publication Date: 2023Deepfakes is a synthetic media that leverage powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques to generate fake visual and audio content that are extremely realistic, thus making it very hard for a human to distinguish from the original ones. Apart from technological introduction to the Deepfakes concept, the book details algorithms to detect Deepfakes, techniques for identifying manipulated content and identifying face swap, generative adversarial neural networks, media forensic techniques, deep learning architectures, forensic analysis of DeepFakes and so forth. Provides a technical introduction to DeepFakes, its benefits, and the potential harms Presents practical approaches of creation and detection of DeepFakes using Deep Learning (DL) Techniques Draws attention towards various challenging issues and societal impact of DeepFakes with their existing solutions Includes research analysis in the domain of DL fakes for assisting the creation and detection of DeepFakes applications Discusses future research directions with emergence of DeepFakes technology.Digital Policy in the EU: Towards a human-centred digital transformation by Werner Stengg
ISBN: 9781035338634Publication Date: 2024This thought-provoking book follows the EU's journey into the digital age, explaining how it uses legislation and policy to tackle challenges such as the abuse of market power by Big Tech companies and the spread of hate speech and disinformation. Werner Stengg draws on his extensive experience in shaping digital policy to expertly analyse the EU's ambitious legislative and innovation programme, which focuses on human rights and prioritises trustworthy, transparent, and accountable usage of digital technologies. Alongside this examination of legislation and policy, Stengg also outlines the EU's major investment agenda into the digital infrastructures required to become a global player in our data-driven and AI-powered economy. Ultimately, the book highlights that innovations in the digital sphere are essential not only for the global competitiveness of European companies, but also for Europe to safeguard its resilience, autonomy, and technological sovereignty at a time of mounting geopolitical tensions.Knowledge and Digital Technology by Johannes Glückler (Editor); Robert Panitz (Editor)
ISBN: 9783031391002Publication Date: 2024This open access book explores the multifaceted interplay of technology, knowledge, and place. While digital technology is increasingly influencing our way of knowing, conversely it is itself the consequence of human creativity and local social interaction. Part I analyzes how digital technologies transform markets through artificial intelligence and decentralized blockchain models. Its contributions discuss novel governance mechanisms, including the responsible use and analysis of big data. Part II illustrates various ways in which technology supports humanity, be it algorithms supporting complex decision-making processes or the use of robotics in care services. The chapters highlight that technology's efficiency and potential rely on social norms and human capital. Finally, Part III shows that digitization is generating vibrant entrepreneurship, reflected in geographically clustered urban scale-up economies, as well as opening up new ways for people to connect with one another, organize civic engagement and enable new forms of labor.Künstliche Intelligenz in öffentlichen Verwaltungen: Grundlagen, Chancen, Herausforderungen und Einsatzszenarien by Moreen Heine; Anna-Katharina Dhungel; Tim Schrills; Daniel Wessel
ISBN: 9783658401009Publication Date: 2023Dieses Buch bietet eine verständliche und kompakte Einführung in die Nutzung von KI-Systemen in öffentlichen Verwaltungen. Es beantwortet folgende Fragen: Was bedeutet Künstliche Intelligenz? Wie und in welchen Einsatzgebieten können KI-Systeme im öffentlichen Sektor genutzt werden. Welche Erwartungen und Ziele werden mit dem KI-Einsatz verbunden? Welche Probleme werden adressiert? Auch Aspekte der Governance, also Steuerungsfragen, spielen eine Rolle. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Betrachtung der Beziehung und Interaktionen zwischen Mensch und KI-System. Dabei wird auch die Erklärbarkeit der Funktionsweise eines KI-Systems erläutert. Die Inhalte sollen Personen in die Lage versetzen, den Einsatz von KI in der öffentlichen Verwaltung differenziert beurteilen zu können. Kenntnisse im Bereich der Informatik werden nicht vorausgesetzt. Nach dem Lesen dieses Buches sind Sie in der Lage, KI-Anwendungsfälle und Potenziale im öffentlichen Sektor zu identifizieren, KI-Methoden im Überblick zu verstehen, Grenzen und Herausforderungen bei der Anwendung im öffentlichen Sektor zu diskutieren und Anforderungen an KI-Anwendungen im öffentlichen Sektor zu erarbeiten.Künstliche Intelligenz und Gefährdungshaftung im öffentlichen Recht: Zur Notwendigkeit der Einführung eines speziellen Gefährdungshaftungstatbestands by Pauli Laura Katharina
ISBN: 9783428588657Publication Date: 2023KI ist eine hoch innovative, aber zugleich risikoreiche Technologie. Aufgrund ihrer Lernfähigkeit und Autonomie sind ihre Entscheidungen aus ex ante Sicht kaum vorhersehbar. Auch aus ex post Perspektive bleibt ein Transparenzdefizit bestehen. Aufgrund der mit dem Einsatz von KI-Systemen verbundenen spezifischen Risiken stellt sich die Frage, ob und inwieweit der Staat gegenüber dem Bürger KI einsetzen darf. Dabei hängt das »Ob« des hoheitlichen KI-Einsatzes entscheidend von der Reichweite der Haftung des Staates auf Sekundärebene ab. Das überkommene Staatshaftungsrecht bietet hierfür de lege lata keinen ausreichenden Sekundärrechtsschutz. Der hoheitliche KI-Einsatz wäre ohne die Implementierung eines angemessenen Haftungstatbestands auf Sekundärebene verfassungswidrig. Aus diesem Blickwinkel heraus fordert Pauli die Einführung eines speziellen öffentlich-rechtlichen Gefährdungshaftungstatbestands, den sie abschließend in einem konkreten Gesetzgebungsvorschlag ausformt.Participatory and digital democracy at the local level: European discourses and practices by Gilles Rouet (Editor); Thierry Côme (Editor)
ISBN: 9783031209420Publication Date: 2023This edited volume discusses digital democracy at the local level in Europe. Contrasting the political discourse surrounding participatory digital democracy with actual experiences of implementation, the book provides a wholistic view of digital democracy across Western, Central, and Eastern Europe. The book is divided into three parts. Chapters in Part I analyze discourses about participatory democracy in Europe. Chapters in Part II provide case studies of digital democracy practices at the local level in the EU. Chapters in Part III discuss the risks and challenges associated with digital democracy.The rise of artificial intelligence and big data in pandemic society: Crises, risk and sacrifice in a new world order by Kazuhiko Shibuya
ISBN: 9783030691288Publication Date: 2022This book presents a study of the COVID-19 pandemic. The work also draws from the philosophy of sacrifice and futurology. It also emphasizes the nature and importance of sacrifices and the role of politics in the distribution of sacrifices. The book considers the treatment of AI and Big Data and their use to both “good” and “bad” ends, exposing the inevitability of these tools being usedThe Rule of Law and Automated Decision-Making by Markku Suksi (Editor)
ISBN: 9783031301414Publication Date: 2023The book presents observations concerning automated decision-making from a general point of view at the same time as it analyses the manner in which praxis in some jurisdictions has evolved as concerns automated decision-making and how the requirements that are placed by the legal orders on it are formulated. The principle of the rule of law should apply in the context of automated decision-making of public authorities just as much as when the decision-makers are physical persons. In sync with increasing automatization of decision-making in public authorities, problematizing questions about the appropriate legal basis for algorithmic decision-making have started emerge. How should the principle of the rule of law apply within the area of automated decision-making, how should automated decision-making be regulated so that it satisfies the requirements created by the principle of the rule of law, and how should the principle of the rule of law be made concrete in decision-makingthat is based on algorithms?Separation of Powers and Antitrust by Vincent Martenet
ISBN: 9781009357258Publication Date: 2024Separation of powers and antitrust deal with power and occupy centre stage in our challenging, digital times, but their interactions have not yet been analysed. This timely and ground-breaking book provides an innovative cross-disciplinary analysis of the potential convergence of these two fields. Notably, Vincent Martenet examines the concentration of politico-economic power in the hands of a few digital firms which have adopted private regulation, impacting an entire industry and society at large. He combines doctrinal method with historical developments, case studies, assessment of legislative proposals, and observations on the functioning of digital markets and democracy in the digital era. The book sketches important new axes of the separation of powers and suggests that antitrust may contribute, albeit in a limited way, to greater trust in both society and democracy: 'antitrust for trust', the ultimate apparent antitrust paradox.Upgrading political systems with purposive technology by Soobhiraj Bungsraz
ISBN: 9789819741960Publication Date: 2024This book presents a framework for designing and implementing technologies to reduce risks in parliamentary decision-making, leading to the emergence of e-politics. It emphasizes adaptable virtual systems and problem-solving over predefined solutions, fostering multi-helix engagement among cross-functional teams. These teams collaborate to develop strategic, tactical, and operational solutions for citizens, elected parliamentarians, and organizations such as the UN. The book underscores the importance of risk identification, mitigation, and communication for e-political system safety. The framework leverages technology to create an e-democracy, enhancing the productivity of parliamentarians and promoting democratic sustainability. It builds on the theoretical framework of system engineering, aiming to avoid the pitfalls of previous generations' promises and instead focusing on continuous improvement through a people-centric system. The book introduces the PI App as a purposive technology that aids in implementing these ideas.
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