EC Library Guide on persistent identifiers: ORCID Integrations
Intergrating ORCID with other researcher iDs
Several ORCID member organization have built search and link tools that allow you to import information about publications and other works into your ORCID record from other databases.
A ResearcherID is a unique identifier that connects you to your publications across the Web of Science ecosystem.
You can exchange data between ORCID and your ResearcherID account, including your biographical information and your publication list. For more information go to Publons.
Scopus Author ID
Scopus Author IDs are assigned by Scopus to authors whose works are indexed in this database.
You can connect your Scopus Author ID to your ORCID record, and your ORCID iD to your Scopus Author ID, and you can export the publications associated with your Scopus Author ID to your ORCID record. How do I import Author details to ORCID? - Scopus: Access and use Support Center
Google Scholar Profiles
Google Scholar offers author profile pages for the identification and disambiguation of publications by a certain author. Google Scholar has not yet integrated with the ORCID API, which would allow citations from Google Scholar to be included in the interoperable cross-system connections that ORCID provides. While an automated connection between Google Scholar and ORCID is not available, it is possible to export citations from Google Scholar to BibTex format and then import the BibTex citations into ORCID.
ISNI allows an author or researcher to link their ISNI record to their ORCID record, under the Other IDs section.
- Last Updated: Feb 3, 2025 11:25 AM
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