EC Library Guide on the Schengen area: Selected books
Selected books
Borders, migration and globalization: An interdisciplinary perspective by Anna Rita Calabrò (Editor)
ISBN: 9781000217490Publication Date: 2021This book contains contributions from scholars in the fields of law, social sciences, the sciences, and the liberal arts, brought together to delineate the features of the migration phenomena that will accompany us over the coming decades. The focus is on the multifaceted concept of 'border' as representing a useful stratagem for dealing with a topic like migration that requires analysis from several perspectives.Borders as infrastructure: The technopolitics of border control by Huub Dijstelbloem
ISBN: 0262542889Publication Date: 2021In Borders as Infrastructure, Huub Dijstelbloem brings science and technology studies, as well as the philosophy of technology, to the study of borders and international human mobility. Taking Europe's borders as a point of departure, he shows how borders can transform and multiply and and how they can mark conflicts over international orders. Borders themselves are moving entities, he claims, and with them travel our notions of territory, authority, sovereignty, and jurisdiction. The philosophies of Bruno Latour and Peter Sloterdijk provide a framework for Dijstelbloem's discussion of the material and morphological nature of borders and border politics.The borders of the EU: European Integration, "Schengen" and the control of migration by Jochen Oltmer
ISBN: 9783658391997Publication Date: 2022Under the concept of "freedom of movement", border crossings between EU member states as well as work and settlement by nationals of other member states were largely facilitated; internal borders thus lost their significance. At the same time, the question of how to deal with a common external border and the migration of "third-country nationals" gained in importance. The essential explains why migration from outside Europe was increasingly understood as a problem of security policy and why this still determines the measures for designing a common external border today.Die Grenzen der EU: Europäische Integration, „Schengen“ und die Kontrolle der Migration by Jochen Oltmer
ISBN: 9783658332129Publication Date: 2021Dieses Open-Access-Buch blickt auf die Hintergründe der Politik der Freizügigkeit in Europa und diskutiert die Folgen. Die europäische Integration veränderte die Migrationsverhältnisse erheblich: Zwischen den EU-Mitgliedstaaten wurden unter dem Begriff der ,,Freizügigkeit" Grenzübertritte sowie Arbeit und Niederlassung von Staatsangehörigen anderer Mitgliedsländer weitgehend erleichtert, Binnengrenzen verloren also an Bedeutung. Zugleich gewann die Frage des Umgangs mit einer gemeinsamen Außengrenze und der Migration von ,,Drittstaatsangehörigen" an Gewicht.The European Union and the return of the nation state: Interdisciplinary European studies by Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt (Editor); Karin Leijon (Editor); Anna Michalski (Editor); Lars Oxelheim (Editor)
ISBN: 3030350045Publication Date: 2020This book explores the complex and ever-changing relationship between the European Union and its member states. The recent surge in tension in this relationship has been prompted by the actions of some member state governments as they question fundamental EU values and principles and refuse to implement common decisions seemingly on the basis of narrowly defined national interests. Furthermore, Brexit forces the EU for the first time to face the prospect of a major member state preparing to leave the Union. Are these developments heralding the return of the nation-state, and if so, in what form? Is the national revival a lasting phenomenon that will affect the EU for a long time to come, or is it a transitory trend?Frontiers: Law, theory and cases by Dimitri Endrizzi (Editor); Jairo Becerra (Editor); Eduardo Andrés Perafán Del Campo (Editor); Jaime Cubides Cárdenas (Editor); Laura Cecilia Gamarra-Amaya (Editor)
ISBN: 3031136063Publication Date: 2023This book focuses on current frontier-related issues such as humanitarian crises, economic crises, discrimination of migrants in certain countries, different typologies of borders such as land, maritime, air, space, and even cyberspace borders, and environmental protection of water resources at borders. It addresses legal and theoretical considerations and presents empirical cases showing the manifestations of the concept in the real world and its dynamics.Identities, borderscapes, orders: (in)Security, (Im)mobility and crisis in the EU and Ukraine by Benjamin Tallis
ISBN: 3031232488Publication Date: 2023This book provides a pre-history of Russia's war on Ukraine and Europe's relations to it, illuminating the deep roots of the EU's neighbourhood crisis as well as the migration crises the Union created in the last decade. To do so, the book employs a new and innovative framework that allows for a comprehensive, yet nuanced analysis of borders and a more cogent interpretation of their socio-political consequences. Drawing on interdisciplinary scholarship the book analytically examines the key common elements of borderscapes and links them in related arrays to allow for nuanced evaluation of both their particular and cumulative effects, as well as interpretation of their overall consequences, particularly for issues of identities and orders.Practical guide to Schengen law by Lutz, Fabian
ISBN: 9783031568985Publication Date: 2024Schengen law is legally complex and, at the same time, foundational for the free movement objectives of the European Union. This "Practical Guide to Schengen Law" seeks to explain the specific features of Schengen law and its differences from normal EU law. It focuses on the territorial scope of application of Schengen law (variable geometry) and on the determination of the substantive scope of the Schengen acquis. It also includes replies to frequently encountered practical questions arising in that field.
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