EC Library Guide on tackling disinformation and misinformation: Selected books
Selected books
Anti fake news: Le livre indispensable pour démêler le vrai du faux by Thomas Huchon; Jean-Bernard Schmidt
ISBN: 9782412076712Publication Date: 2022Réseaux sociaux, sites internet, radio, télévision, journaux... les sources d'information n'ont jamais été aussi nombreuses. Et le mensonge n'a jamais autant circulé, au point que l'on parle même " d'infodémie ", comme d'une maladie. Comment juger alors la pertinence d'une information ? Est-ce que ce que je lis ou écoute est vrai ou faux ? Est-ce une opinion ou un fait ? Cet ouvrage entend apporter des clés pour apprendre à se repérer dans ce Far West de l'info où l'audience du message l'emporte souvent sur sa qualité, et où les fake news prolifèrent. Cela signifie savoir démêler le vrai du faux en toutes circonstances, se poser les bonnes questions, douter à bon escient. Cela signifie aussi comprendre les règles de circulation de l'information sur les réseaux, réaffirmer nos droits face à des géants du numérique qui organisent ce que nous lisons et regardons en toute opacité. Car produire, éditer et diffuser de l'information ne s'improvise pas. Cela répond à des règles professionnelles et déontologiques strictes.Counterspeech: Multidisciplinary perspectives on countering dangerous speech by Stefanie Ullmann and Marcus Tomalin
ISBN: 9781003817406Publication Date: 2024This volume looks at the forms and functions of counterspeech as well as what determines its effectiveness and success from multidisciplinary perspectives. Counterspeech is in line with international human rights and freedom of speech, and it can be a much more powerful tool against dangerous and toxic speech than blocking and censorship. In the face of online hate speech and disinformation, counterspeech is a tremendously important and timely topic. The book uniquely brings together expertise from a variety of disciplines. It explores linguistic, ethical and legal aspects of counterspeech, looks at the functions and effectiveness of counterspeech from anthropological, practical and sociological perspectives and addresses the question of how we can use modern technological advances to make counterspeech a more instantaneous and efficient option to respond to harmful language online. The greatest benefit of counterspeech lies in the ability to reach bystanders and prevent them from becoming perpetrators themselves.Data, Security, and Trust in Smart Cities by Stan McClellan (Editor)
ISBN: 9783031611162Publication Date: 2024This book provides a comprehensive perspective on issues related to the trustworthiness of information in the emerging "Smart City." Interrelated topics associated with the veracity of information are presented and discussed by authors with authoritative perspectives from multiple fields. The focus on security, veracity, and trustworthiness of information, data, societal structure and related topics in connected cities is timely, important, and uniquely presented. The authors cover issues related to the proliferation of disinformation and the mechanics of trust in modern society. Topical issues include trust in technologies, such as the use of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), the importance of encryption and cybersecurity, and the value of protecting of critical infrastructure. Structural issues include legal and governmental institutions, including the basis and importance of these fundamental components of society. Functional issues also include issues of societal trust related to healthcare, medical practitioners, and the dependence on reliability of scientific results. Insightful background on the development of AI is provided, and the use of this compelling technology in applications spanning networks, supply chains, and business practices are discussed by practitioners with direct knowledge and convincing perspective.Europe in the age of post-truth politics: Populism, disinformation and the public sphere by Maxmilian Conrad (Editor); Guðmundur Hálfdánarson (Editor); Asimina Michailidou (Editor); Charlotte Galpin (Editor); Niko Pyrhönen (Editor)
ISBN: 3031136934Publication Date: 2023This open access book is the product of three years of academic research that has been carried out in the EU-funded Jean Monnet Network on "Post-Truth Politics, Nationalism and the Delegitimation of European Integration" since 2019. Drawing on the multidisciplinary expertise of the network's members, the book explores the impact of the phenomenon of post-truth politics on European integration and the European Union. It places particular emphasis on how post-truth politics has played out in the public sphere and asks what impact the phenomenon has had on public deliberation, but reflects also on its implications for democracy in a wider sense. This book is primarily written for audiences with an interest in politics and policy making, including academics, policy makers and civil-society actors. Thanks to its accessible style, the book should however also be an asset to wider audiences.Fake News und Desinformation: Herausforderungen für die vernetzte Gesellschaft und die empirische Forschung by Ralf Hohlfeld (Editor); Michael Harnischmacher (Editor); Elfi Heinke (Editor); Lea Lehner (Editor); Michael Sengl (Editor)
ISBN: 9783848760138Publication Date: 2020Desinformation ist eine Konstante der politischen Kommunikation. Doch mit der Wahl Donald Trumps zum Prasidenten der Vereinigten Staaten und der Brexit-Abstimmung in Grossbritannien erhielten bewusst lancierte Falschnachrichten eine neue gesellschaftliche Bedeutung. Denn nun wurde sichtbar, welche Wirkungen Falschmeldungen fur demokratische Systeme haben. Der Band geht diesem Phanomen auf den Grund, indem er herausarbeitet, was "Fake News" sind. Er geht der Frage nach, wie, warum und von wem sie eingesetzt werden und reflektiert, was man gesellschaftlich und personlich dagegen tun kann. Das Buch gibt zu diesem Zweck einen Uberblick uber den aktuellen Stand der empirischen Forschung zu Fake News und Desinformation, besonders mit Blick auf deren Verbreitung, Erkennbarkeit und Wirksamkeit. Zugleich diskutiert er in einer Mischung aus Essays, theoretischen Erorterungen und empirischen Studien die Herausforderungen von Desinformation fur unsere Gesellschaft und beleuchtet so das Thema von allen Seiten.Free Speech: What everyone needs to know by Nadine Strossen
ISBN: 9780197699645Publication Date: 2024An engaging guide to the most important free speech rules, rationales, and debates, including the strongest arguments for and against protecting the most controversial speech, such as hate speech and disinformation. This concise but comprehensive book engagingly lays out specific answers to myriad topical questions about free speech law, and also general explanations of how and why the law distinguishes between protected and punishable speech. Free Speech provides the essential background for understanding and contributing to our burgeoning debates about whether to protect speech with various kinds of controversial content, such as hate speech and disinformation: the applicable legal tenets and the strongest arguments for and against them.Infodemic in the era of post-truth by Yan Su
ISBN: 9781003814603Publication Date: 2024With the revolution in information technology, concerns about the proliferation of false, unverified, and misleading information have been growing. As one of the severe public health crises in modern history, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided a novel context for the "post-truth" research. In a "post-truth" era, people are no longer interested in investigating objective facts, but tend to curl up in echo chambers and resonate with like-minded others. Against this backdrop, this book (1) systematically conceptualises "post-truth" and analyzes its defining characteristics and driving forces, (2) examines the nuanced effects of information sources and news consumption behaviours and strategies on COVID-19 misperceptions and knowledge, (3) explores the role of social media in shaping COVID-19-related misperceptions and knowledge, and (4) highlights the importance of news media literacy in navigating the "post-truth" era.Information disorder: Algorithms and society by Michael Filimowicz (Editor)
ISBN: 9781000924831Publication Date: 2023This book focuses on the recent rise of "infodemics" as forms of disinformation, misinformation and mal-information saturate contemporary media platforms, shaping public opinion to advance agendas. The internet in general and social media in particular have relativized, through their global, complex and instantaneous information flows, assumptions about truth and authority in fact-based content. This has created new opportunities for state actors to use information beyond traditional conceptions of propaganda to directly assault a public's conception of reality. Additionally, almost anyone has the capability to challenge evidential claims through narratives and imagery alone as there is a wide appetite online for alternative realities. This requires new approaches to media literacy in education, the creative arts and our acts of media consumption and dissemination. The volume covers the ways that social media platforms amplify and catalyze the messages of politicians and influencers, the ambivalence of algorithms that can both generate and detect problematic information, how fake news imitates the style of memes to gain widespread social traction and virality, and how artists have intentionally created "sicko AIs" in new media performances to highlight the ethical risks of increasingly "intelligent" technologies. Scholars and students from many backgrounds, as well as policy makers, journalists and the general reading public, will find a multidisciplinary approach to questions posed by information disorder research from the fields of communication, social psychology, human-computer interaction, journalism, media, semiotics and new media art.The Language of Deception: Weaponizing Next Generation AI by Justin Hutchens; Stuart McClure (Foreword by)
ISBN: 9781394222544Publication Date: 2024A penetrating look at the dark side of emerging AI technologies In The Language of Deception: Weaponizing Next Generation AI, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity veteran Justin Hutchens delivers an incisive and penetrating look at how contemporary and future AI can and will be weaponized for malicious and adversarial purposes. In the book, you will explore multiple foundational concepts to include the history of social engineering and social robotics, the psychology of deception, considerations of machine sentience and consciousness, and the history of how technology has been weaponized in the past. From these foundations, the author examines topics related to the emerging risks of advanced AI technologies, to include: The use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for social manipulation, disinformation, psychological operations, deception and fraud The implementation of LLMs to construct fully autonomous social engineering systems for targeted attacks or for mass manipulation at scale The technical use of LLMs and the underlying transformer architecture for use in technical weapons systems to include advanced next-generation malware, physical robotics, and even autonomous munition systems Speculative future risks such as the alignment problem, disembodiment attacks, and flash wars.Managing infodemics in the 21st century: Addressing new public health challenges in the information ecosystem by Tina D. Purnat (Editor); Tim Nguyen (Editor); Sylvie Briand (Editor)
ISBN: 3031277880Publication Date: 2023This open access book on infodemic management reviews the current discussions about this evolving area of public health from a variety of perspectives. Infodemic management is an evidence-based practice underpinned by the science of infodemiology that offers guidance to better manage pandemic and epidemic risks and more quickly tackle new and resurgent health threats. Infodemic management has added much visibility and recognition for the importance of social-behavioural sciences, health communication, participatory and human-centered approaches, and digital health as complementary scientific and practical approaches that also must be strengthened in public health practice through a whole-of-society and whole information ecosystem approach. This volume makes a case that health of the information ecosystem in the digital age has emerged as the fourth ecosystem that public health is challenged by, along with the triad of environment-human-animal health.Mapping Lies in the Global Media Sphere by edited by Tirse Erbaysal Filibeli and Melis Öneren Özbek
ISBN: 9781000999129Publication Date: 2024This volume addresses the concept of "(in)nocent lies" in the media - beyond the concept of misleading information online, this extends to a deliberate effort to spread misinformation, disinformation and conspiracy theories - and proposes a critical approach to tackle the issue in related interdisciplinary fields. The book takes a multidisciplinary and international approach, addressing the digital divide and global inequality, as well as algorithmic bias, how misinformation harms vulnerable groups, social lynching and the effect of misinformation on certain social, political and cultural agendas, among other topics. Arranged thematically, the chapters paint a nuanced and original picture of this issue.The propagation of misinformation in social media: A cross-platform analysis by Richard Rogers (Editor)
ISBN: 9789048554249Publication Date: 2023There is growing awareness about how social media circulate extreme viewpoints and turn up the temperature of public debate. Posts that exhibit agitation garner disproportionate engagement. Within this clamour, fringe sources and viewpoints are mainstreaming, and mainstream media are marginalized. This book takes up the mainstreaming of the fringe and the marginalization of the mainstream. In a cross-platform analysis of Google Web Search, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, 4chan and TikTok, we found that hyperpartisan web operators, alternative influencers and ambivalent commentators are in ascendency. The book can be read as a form of platform criticism. It puts on display the current state of information online, noting how social media platforms have taken on the mantle of accidental authorities, privileging their own on-platform performers and at the same time adjudicating between claims of what is considered acceptable discourse.Re-Thinking Mediations of Post-Truth Politics and Trust: Globality, culture, affect by Jayson Harsin
ISBN: 9781032484211Publication Date: 2024This collection reaches beyond fake news and propaganda, beyond misinformation and charismatic liars, to explore the lesser-publicized cultural forms and practices that serve as a cultural infrastructure for post-truth society and politics. Situating post-truth in specific contexts as a site of contestation or crisis, the book critically explores it as a dynamic and shifting site around which political and cultural practices in specific contexts revolve and overlap. Through a breadth of perspectives, the volume considers a number of overlapping cultural and political developments across varying national and transnational contexts: changing technologies and practices of cultural production that sometimes shift and at other times reproduce authority of traditional institutional truth-tellers; seismic cultural changes in representations, values and roles regarding gender, sexuality, race and historical memory about them, as well as corresponding reactionary discourses in the "culture wars"; questions of authenticity, honesty, and power relations that combine many of the former shifts within an all-encompassing culture of (self-) promotional, attentional capitalism.The Routledge handbook of discourse and disinformation by Stefania M. Maci (Editor); Massimiliano Demata (Editor); Mark McGlashan (Editor); Philip Seargeant (Editor)
ISBN: 1000990168Publication Date: 2024This handbook offers a comprehensive overview of research into discourses of disinformation, misinformation, post-truth, alternative facts, hate speech, conspiracy theories, and "fake news". Divided into two sections, it provides a detailed look at the methodological challenges and approaches for studying disinformation, along with a wide range of case studies covering everything from climate change denial to COVID-19 conspiracies. The studies address how discourses of disinformation are constructed and developed, what rhetorical and persuasive strategies they employ, how disinformation can be discerned from real news, and what steps we might take in order to create a more trustworthy news environment.Similar Practice, Different Rationales: Political Fact-Checking Around the World by Laurens Lauer
ISBN: 9783658435264Publication Date: 2024Misinformation and disinformation have emerged as paramount societal challenges, affecting areas from public health to climate change and eroding both social understanding and democratic values. Enter the political fact-checkers: stalwart defenders of accurate public information and guardians of robust public discourse. What began as an endeavor to verify political claims in the U.S. has transformed into a global movement addressing diverse forms of public information, harnessing innovative tech tools, championing media literacy, and exploring governance solutions. Who are these fact-checkers, and how have they become such a versatile force against misinformation? While united by very similar verification practices, the community of fact-checkers is remarkably diverse. Reflecting the media-political landscapes they navigate, these initiatives bring together a spectrum of professional expertise, visions, and strategies. This book delves into this fascinating world, exploring how theconcept of fact-checking has proliferated globally. Spotlighting efforts in Argentina, Georgia, Italy, and the U.S., it offers an in-depth understanding of fact-checkers' approaches, their alignment with distinct environments, and their potential impact on modern public discourse.Societal Deception: Global Social Issues in Post-Truth Times by Geoffrey Lawrence
ISBN: 9781349961061Publication Date: 2024This book provides a comprehensive overview of 'societal deception' - how and why people are deceived and led to believe fake news. Coherently blending critical political economy and sociology, the author provocatively examines how corporations, political parties, the media, think tanks and assorted 'influencers' seek to manipulate public opinion to achieve their goals. This book spans an array of contemporary topics and issues not normally tackled by a single writer - the media, genetic engineering, fast food, environmental pollution, climate change, economic inequality, political manipulations, sports, and religion. While critical in subject matter, and replete with easily accessible and reliable sources, this book is highly readable and entertaining for the general as well as academic audience interested in current global issues.La souveraineté numérique by sous la direction de Brunessen Bertrand et Guillaume Le Floc
ISBN: 9782802771340Publication Date: 2024La souveraineté numérique concerne tout à la fois des enjeux démocratiques, économiques et sociaux, commerciaux, industriels, de défense et de sécurité. Saisis dans leur intégralité, ces différents domaines mettent en cause l’intégrité des compétences des États ainsi que leur indépendance, leur capacité à appliquer les valeurs qui fondent leur identité et structurent les rapports sociaux. Face aux manipulations de l’information, aux cyberattaques contre des infrastructures sociales essentielles, à l’impuissance des économies à lutter contre la puissance de marché des plateformes, à la captation des données des citoyens et des industries et un retard technologique industriel, le sentiment d’impuissance individuelle des États européens a placé la question de la souveraineté numérique au coeur des enjeux internationaux.
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