EC Library Guide on gender equality and gender mainstreaming: Selected books
Selected books
The doctrine of the separate spheres in political economy and economics: Gender equality and classical liberalism by Giandomenica Becchio
ISBN: 9783031512612Publication Date: 2024This book delves into the doctrine of separate spheres within the history of economic thought. The concept of separate spheres emerged in philosophy and has consistently been incorporated by various disciplines. This book stands as the first comprehensive exploration of how this doctrine was embraced, adapted, and contested by economists engaged in gender issues and marriage theory. Spanning the late eighteenth to the early twentieth century, it illuminates the evolution of the drive for gender equality--rooted primarily in the tradition of classical liberalism--across the landscape of economic ideas and theories. This book is a valuable resource for scholars and researchers interested in the intricate history of the interconnections among between economic thought, feminism, gender studies, and cultural studies.Engaging with Human Rights: How Subnational Actors use Human Rights Treaties in Policy Processes by Evelyne Schmid; Martino Maggetti; Constance Kaempfer; Jonathan Miaz; Matthieu Niederhauser
ISBN: 9783031535178Publication Date: 2024Making human rights a reality requires that various types of domestic actors take measures, which is often demanding, all the more so in federal systems. This open access book, Engaging with Human Rights: How Subnational Actors use Human Rights Treaties in Policy Processes, shows that an important part is played at the subnational level, with repeated back-and-forth between and within levels of governance rather than a 'top-down' trajectory. The dynamics of implementation at national and sub-national level is an emerging area of study. This book explores how actors use human rights treaties in the policy process, sometimes leading to an engagement that increases human rights implementation, and at other times not. Treaties provide both opportunities and constraints. Switzerland, as a highly decentralized federal state, offers a perfect setting to study the processes at work. Using legal, political, and sociological analyses, the authors draw on over 65 semi-structured interviews and focusses on two topical case studies: violence against women, including domestic violence, and the rights of persons with disabilities.Frontiers of gender equality: Transnational legal perspectives by Rebecca J. Cook (Editor)
ISBN: 9781512823578Publication Date: 2023In Frontiers of Gender Equality, editor Rebecca Cook enlarges the chorus of voices to introduce new and different discourses about the wrongs of gender discrimination and to explain the multiple dimensions of gender equality. This volume demonstrates that the wrongs of discrimination can best be understood from the perspective of the discriminated, and that gender discrimination persists and grows in new and different contexts, widening the gap between the principle of gender equality and its realization, particularly for subgroups of women and LGBTQ+ peoples.Gender, constitutions, and equality: A global comparison by Priscilla A. Lambert and Druscilla L. Scribner
ISBN: 9781032301648Publication Date: 2023At a time when gender equality provisions are increasingly common in constitutional design, this book clarifies the mechanisms that link constitutional provisions to changes in process and outcomes while also systematically describing and analyzing the effect of gender provisions across countries and over time. Gender, Constitutions, and Equality will inform theoretical debates on gender and politics, law and social change, feminist institutionalism, and constitutional design and its effect on legislation and political strategies.Gender equality, climate action, and technological innovation for sustainable development in Africa by Ogechi Adeola; Olaniyi Evans; Innocent Ngare
ISBN: 9783031401237Publication Date: 2024This open access book explores the intersection of gender and climate change, suggests ways in which innovative technologies can accelerate climate relief actions, and offers strategies for integrating climate change initiatives into national policies and planning. By examining the devastating consequences of climate change on women and girls throughout the continent, the authors pose a crucial question: Does gender matter in climate change discussions in Africa? Political and social traditions have burdened women with greater vulnerability to the impacts of climate-related natural disasters, including violence, displacement, poverty, famine and lack of access to clean water. However, women are also key to effective and inclusive climate mitigation, adaptation, and decision-making. The authors provide a compelling discourse that identifi es the social and economic benefi ts for all citizens when genderinclusive policies shape equitable and targeted action plans, from mitigationto adaptation and funding. The UN's SDG 13 calls for urgent action and commitment to combat climate change.Gender equality from a modern perspective: Moving beyond diversity by Tanusree Chakraborty
ISBN: 9781774912072Publication Date: 2023Explores the disparity between genders in terms of the labor market and career advancement, child-rearing practices, education, financial literacy, work-life balance, pay gaps, economic development, etc. It focuses on the gender gap from a modern perspective and brings to readers the current status of this societal issue.Governing Gender Equality Policy: Pathways in a Changing Nordic Welfare State by Anna Elomäki; Hanna Ylöstalo
ISBN: 9783031481383Publication Date: 2024This book analyses the effects of public governance reforms on gender equality policy in Finland. Recent economic crises, rising austerity and increasing opposition to gender equality have led to the defunding of gender equality bodies, and the side-lining of gender equality as a political goal. This policy backlash has taken place alongside transformations to the state and governance, that have changed the discourses, knowledge, actors, and practices of gender equality policy. This book contributes to these discussions by demonstrating the subtleties of the constantly changing governance reform agendas, their operation in practice, and how they intertwine with other elements of the gender equality policy backlash. It is based on more than 100 interviews with civil servants, politicians, non-governmental organisations, social partners, and think tanks, and a broad range of policy documents and media material.Law, Vulnerability, and the Responsive State: Beyond Equality and Liberty by Martha Albertson Fineman (Editor); Laura Spitz (Editor)
ISBN: 9781032346656Publication Date: 2024This book considers how vulnerability theory provides the basis for a reconceptualization of the liberal ideas of autonomy, equality, and freedom. Vulnerability theory argues a 'vulnerable legal subject' should displace the 'liberal legal subject' that currently dominates law and policy. The theory is based on the fundamental empirical realities of the material body and offers an alternative to a social contract or rights-based notion of state responsibility, both of which tend to privilege abstractions such as rationality or dignity. A vulnerability analysis poses law and policy questions based on the "vulnerable legal subject" and requires new thinking about state or governmental responsibility. Importantly, to achieve a truly comprehensive and inclusive notion of what constitutes social justice or a universal or 'common' good, vulnerability theory mandates a reassessment of both equality and freedom as these concepts are currently conceived.Overlapping Inequalities in the Welfare State: Strengths and Challenges of Intersectionality Framework by Başak Akkan (Editor); Julia Hahmann (Editor); Christine Hunner-Kreisel (Editor); Melanie Kuhn (Editor)
ISBN: 9783031522260Publication Date: 2024The volume stresses the relevance of the intersectionality framework in welfare state analysis by examining overlapping inequalities within the shifting institutional boundaries and organisational processes across diverse welfare settings. The volume explores the strengths and challenges of theoretical and methodological approaches to intersectionality, addressing its spatial, temporal and comparative dimensions. It, therefore, adopts a critical and process-focused approach while recognising the agency of individuals as subjects of state policies. The contributions critically build the link between intersectionality and other theoretical frameworks and research paradigms, including Marxist social reproduction theory, critical race studies, Bourdieuan analysis of class, critical geography, childhood, queer, migration, and disability studies. The contributions provide insights into the institutional realms of health, education, social services, and care work and examine state practices of racial profiling and policing in distinct welfare states. Overall, the contributions illustrate the strengths of the intersectionality framework in empirical inquiries while providing critical reflections on its limitations.The Palgrave Handbook of South-South Migration and Inequality by Heaven Crawley (Editor); Joseph Kofi Teye (Editor)
ISBN: 9783031398131Publication Date: 2024This open access handbook examines the phenomenon of South-South migration and its relationship to inequality in the Global South, where at least a third of all international migration takes place. Drawing on contributions from nearly 70 leading migration scholars, mainly from the Global South, the handbook challenges dominant conceptualisations of migration, offering new perspectives and insights that can inform theoretical and policy understandings and unlock migration's development potential. The handbook is divided into four parts, each highlighting often overlooked mobility patterns within and between regions of the Global South, as well as the inequalities faced by those who move. Key cross-cutting themes include gender, race, poverty and income inequality, migration decision making, intermediaries, remittances, technology, climate change, food security and migration governance.Preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence : A commentary on the Istanbul Convention by Sara De Vido and Micaela Frulli
ISBN: 9781839107757Publication Date: 2023This Commentary provides the first comprehensive and holistic analysis of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention). It offers a complete article-by-article guide to the Convention with reference to the explanatory report, the findings of the monitoring body (GREVIO) and relevant State practiceThe Routledge handbook of gender and EU politics by Gabriele Abels (Editor); Andrea Krizsán (Editor); Heather MacRae (Editor); Anna van der Vleuten (Editor)
ISBN: 9781138485259Publication Date: 2021This Handbook maps the expanding field of gender and EU politics, giving an overview of the fundamentals and new directions of the sub- discipline, and serving as a reference book for (gender) scholars and students at different levels interested in the EU. In investigating the gendered nature of European integration and gender relations in the EU as a political system, it summarizes and assesses the research on gender and the EU to this point in time, identifies existing research gaps in gender and EU studies and addresses directions for future research. Distinguished contributors from the US, the UK and continental Europe, and from across disciplines from political science, sociology, economics and law, expertly inform about gender approaches and summarize the state of the art in gender and EU studies.Thinking about Victimization by Jillian J. Turanovic; Travis C. Pratt
ISBN: 9781032216874Publication Date: 2024Bringing together cutting-edge theory and research that bridges academic disciplines from criminology and criminal justice, to developmental psychology, sociology, and political science, Thinking About Victimization offers an authoritative and refreshingly accessible overview of scholarship on the nature, sources, and consequences of victimization. This book integrates empirical research and victimization theory and is written in a lively style, with sharp storytelling and an appreciation of international research on victimization. Rooted in a healthy respect for criminological history and the important foundational works in victimization studies, it provides a detailed account of how different data sources can influence our understanding of victimization; of how the sources of victimization--individual, situational, and contextual--are complicated and varied; and of how the consequences of victimization--personal, social, and political--are just as complex. Thinking About Victimization also engages with contemporary issues such as sexual victimization and intimate partner violence, victimization in schools, cybervictimization, prison victimization, as well as terrorism and state-sponsored violence.Voices for Transgender Equality: Making change in the networked public sphere by Thomas J. Billard
ISBN: 9780197695425Publication Date: 2024Transgender rights have emerged as an important topic of everyday conversation across the country in recent years and become, in many ways, the flashpoint du jour of the American culture wars. During the Trump presidency in particular, transgender people were thrust onto the center stage of US politics. Faced with unrelenting hostility and an increasingly complicated media system, transgender activists crafted new communication strategies to fight for their equality, stall attempts to undermine their rights, and win the support of large swathes of the public. In Voices for Transgender Equality, Thomas J Billard offers an insider's view into transgender activism during the first two years of the Trump administration. Drawing on extensive on-the-ground observation at the National Center for Transgender Equality, Billard shows how these activists developed an unlikely blend of online and offline strategies to saturate a diverse ecology of national news outlets, local and community media outlets across the country, and both public and private conversations across multiple social media platforms with voices in support of their cause. Moreover, these activists navigated the complex flows of information and ideas among these different domains of the communication system as they worked to shape the national conversation on transgender rights.When gender equality policies in practice matter: A comparative study in France by Isabelle Engeli (Editor); Amy G. Mazur (Editor)
ISBN: 9783031441073Publication Date: 2024This book analyses gender equality policy implementation in France. Presenting seven detailed case studies through a common comparative framework by leading experts on French gender policy, it sheds light on if, how, and under what conditions gender equality policy in practice leads to success, overall gender transformation, and enhanced gender equality in democratic settings. The book contributes to ongoing comparative research that focuses on the post adoption phases of implementation and evaluation and seeks to develop accurate recipes for gender equality policy success. It will appeal to all those interested in gender studies, comparative politics and public policy, and policy implementation.
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