EC Library Guide on EU law: Other databases
Other databases
- Archive of European Integration (AEI) | University of Pittsburgh
The Archive of European Integration (AEI) is a free to everyone electronic repository and archive for research materials on the topic of European integration and unification. Its focus is the post-War development, activities, and foreign relations of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), the European Economic Community (EEC), the European Community (EC), and the European Union (EU).The AEI collects certain types of independently-produced research materials and official European Community/European Union documents.
- Beck-online – die Databank
An extensive collection of German law journals and books providing full-text of commentaries on legislation and case law. This database also contains some Austrian law journals and books.
- Brill International Law & Human Rights Journal Collection
The 2024 Brill Online Journal Collection International Law & Human Rights gives access to the online content available back to the year 2000 of Brill´s 2024 International Law & Human Rights journal program.
- Cadmus – European University Institute Research Repository
Cadmus is the European University Institute Research Repository collecting, preserving & providing access to the EUI research outputs according to the EUI Open Access policy.
- Concurrences
Specialised website for competition practitioners from the Concurrences legal publisher.
- Dalloz – les revues, les codes et la jurisprudence
Le fonds se compose de plus de 60 codes Dalloz, 23 revues, 12 répertoires de l'Encyclopédie, 18 ouvrages professionnels de référence, des archives de Dalloz actualité, des formulaires interactifs en procédure civile, commerciale, pénale at administrative, de plus d'1.800.000 décisions de jurisprudence, de plus de 1200 fiches d'orientation pour faire le point sur un sujet et naviguer aisément dans les fonds (définition, textes de référence, décisions de jurisprudence, actualité, synthèse et bibliographie).
- Droit européen des affaires | ELnet
Ensemble des dispositions européennes en matière sociale, fiscale, économique et commerciale. Analyses et commentaires par des experts et praticiens de l'actualité législative, réglementaire et jurisprudentielle. Documentation complète pour appliquer le droit, modèles de contrats à l'appui.
- Encyclopedia of private international law
The Encyclopedia consists of three inter-linked pillars, enhanced by sophisticated search and cross-linking functionality. The first pillar consists of A-Z coverage of the scope and substance of Private International Law in the form of 247 entries. The second pillar comprises detailed overviews of the Private International Law regimes of 80 countries. The third pillar presents valuable, and often unique, English language translations of the national codifications and Private International Law provisions of those countries.
- EPI Právny systém
Collection of Slovak laws and consolidated statutory texts since 1945; commentaries on laws; Slovak and Czech Republic case law; EU case law; expert articles; explanatory reports; praxis examples; forms; contract specimens; internal company regulations.
- EU Law Live
EU Law Live produces News (brief legal updates), Analyses (a more in-depth examination of the law) and Op-Eds (detailed opinion pieces) throughout the week covering the latest developments related to EU Law. On a daily basis, EU Law Live also publishes a Morning Agenda covering the main events of the day that have a legal impact, related to the EU Institutions of legal relevance.
- IBFD Tax Research Platform
The IBFD Tax Research Platform provides the most complete and up-to-the-minute coverage of the latest tax developments. Outlined in daily news reports, integrated in our comprehensive descriptions of worldwide tax systems and analysed in detail in journal articles, books and commentaries.
- Kluwer Competition Law
130+ books; 3 journals; 16.000+ case files; 11000+ Commission decisions; 2800+ Judgements of ECJ; 6 SmartCharts for Cartel Precedent Finder.
- Kluwer IP Law
150+ books; 3 journals; 38.000+ case files; 1800+ key decisions; 230+ jurisdictions; 6 SmartCharts; 9 jurisdiction comparison tools.
- Kluwer Law International
Kluwer package, 15 journals.
- Lexis 360 Intelligence
Lexis 360 vous donne accès (via un simple navigateur Web) à un système documentaire complet et unique afin de répondre à toutes vos questions juridiques quels que soient vos domaines d'activité.
- LexisNexis – Lexis Advance legal resources
A legal database giving access to law resources including: European competition laws, European merger control law and Smit & Herzog on the law of the European Union.
- Lexology Pro
Lexology delivers the most comprehensive source of international legal updates, analysis and insights.
- Lex Omega – Lex Polonica
Contains law, jurisprudence, nomenclature, legal references. legal commentaries and journals.
- Lexxion
Lexxion is a third party publisher of STRADA LEX Plus.As a legal publishing company, Lexxion offers professional journals on various legal topics and niche sectors in English and German. Lexxion is focusing on various European topics, including European State aid and competition law, European procurement and public private partnerships, EU funding, climate and environmental law and substance law.
- NOMOS – legal database
ΝΟΜΟΣ : βάσεις νομικών δεδομένων.
- Oxford Competition Law
Oxford Competition Law (OCL) is the only fully integrated service to combine world-renowned market-leading commentaries with rigorous, selective National case reports and analysis from EU member states. The service is continually updated with cases and materials.
- Smit & Herzog on the Law of the European Union
The e-resource aims to serve as a reference and to provide a comprehensive overview of any legal question related to the founding treaties and secondary law based thereon.
- Staudinger BGB Online
The Staudinger BGB Online is a module of Juris, a portal for German, European and international law materials.
- Strada Lex Plus
Strada Lex Plus rassemble, en un seul site, la législation, la jurisprudence et la doctrine dans toutes les branches du droit belge et européen : packs thématiques, une centaine de revues en texte intégral, 1400 monographies, Codes Larcier en français et néerlandais, codes Bruylant, 50 codes thématiques, répertoire national.
- Westlaw Edge UK
Westlaw UK is an online legal research service and proprietary database for lawyers and legal professionals. Centering on UK law, it also includes EU Law.
- Last Updated: Feb 3, 2025 11:25 AM
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