EC Library Guide on EU law: Selected books
Selected books
General – Administrative law – Competition – Criminal law – Data protection, AI – Environment – External relations – Fundamental rights, EU citizenship, immigration – Institutional law – Intellectual property – Labour law – Private international law – Procedural law – Taxation
Advanced Introduction to European Union Law by Jacques Ziller
ISBN: 9781035323135Publication Date: 2023Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. This thoroughly updated second edition of Advanced Introduction to European Union Lawprovides an essential overview of the diverse fields of EU law and their relevant politics. In precise but accessible language, Jacques Ziller analyses the latest developments in EU law following Brexit, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the Russia-Ukraine war, focusing on the main fields of action for the EU: the internal market, area of freedom, security and justice, and external action.Balancing unity and diversity in EU legislation by Ton van den Brink (Editor); Virginia Passalacqua (Editor)
ISBN: 9781035302949Publication Date: 2024Presenting cutting-edge insights into the current state of EU legislation, this book addresses the profound changes that the EU's legislature has undergone in recent years and how these shape EU law. At the heart of this inquiry is how the strive for uniform EU legislation is balanced with the necessity to leave a certain degree of autonomy to member states, and how such tension between unity and diversity is reflected in the design of EU legislation. Featuring sectoral and cross-sectoral contributions from a diverse array of distinguished academics, the book examines how the tension between EU unity and national autonomy has evolved over time. In particular it considers the response to significant new developments in the EU constitutional and law-making framework. The chapters explore the legislative strategies that have been adopted across various fields of EU law and policy to shape unity and diversity, and the practical, conceptual, and constitutional issues that these engender. Case studies from different EU fields and member states are critically analysed alongside key concepts including harmonization, derogations, proportionality, and effectiveness.Droit de l'Union européenne by Chloé Brière, Marianne Dony
ISBN: 9782800417769Publication Date: 2022Introduction: Les grandes étapes de l'intégration européenne -- 1e partie: Droit institutionnel de l'Union européenne. Ch. 1. La constitutionnalisation progressive de l'Union européenne -- Ch. 2. Le système institutionnel de l'Union européenne -- Ch. 3. L'ordre juridique de l'Union européenne -- Ch. 4. Le contrôle juridictionnel dans l'Union européenne -- 2e partie: Les politiques de l'Union. Ch. 1. Le régime juridique du marché intérieur -- Ch. 2. L'espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice -- Ch. 3. Les politiques à caractère économique -- Ch. 4. Les politiques à caractère non économique -- Ch. 5. L'action extérieure de l'Union européenne.Droit matériel de l'Union européenne by Claude Blumann
ISBN: 9782275152752Publication Date: 2024Le droit de l’Union européenne régit un nombre de plus en plus élevé d’activités. Il assure des droits étendus aux citoyens européens. Il promeut la libre circulation des personnes, des biens, des services et des capitaux. Il organise la concurrence entre les entreprises et protège les travailleurs et les consommateurs. Le droit matériel de l’Union assure également la promotion des valeurs de l’Union dans divers domaines dont les crises récentes ont souligné le caractère existentiel : protection de la santé et de l’environnement, régulation des marchés financiers, approvisionnement énergétique, droit d’asile et politique d’immigration, régulation des nouvelles technologies, dans un cadre favorisant la promotion de la coopération internationale. Le présent ouvrage propose une présentation d’ensemble du droit de l’Union, afin de permettre la compréhension de ses notions et règles fondamentales. Synthétique et concret, ce manuel entend rendre compte à la fois de la diversité des règles et de la profonde unité qui les inspire, en éclairant systématiquement les développements les plus récents à la lumière de leur construction historique.EU law: Text, cases and materials by Paul Craig; Gráinne de Búrca
ISBN: 9780198856641Publication Date: 2020The seventh edition has been comprehensively updated to reflect the extensive legal developments that have taken place since publication of the sixth edition, and a new chapter on current challenges facing the EU (including Brexit and the rule of law crisis) has been added.EU law and national constitutions: The constitutional dynamics of multi-level governance by Alberto Nicòtina; P. Popelier; Peter Bursens
ISBN: 9781032442648Publication Date: 2024This book provides an in-depth guide to researchers and practitioners who are interested in analyzing the evolution of EU law from a national and comparative constitutional law perspective. The volume deals with questions of how EU Member States constitutional systems, including the subnational tier, interact with the supranational level. It maps the evolution over time of constitutional strategies in the face of multi-level governance and individuates contextual factors on an empirical basis. The volume includes twelve national reports written by leading experts in constitutional and EU law, and in political science. The countries discussed include the six founding Member States, together with a selection of Member States in which a clear-cut evolution in the national constitutional approach towards the EU can be observed. These include the Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Portugal and the United Kingdom.EU law enforcement: The evolution of sanctioning powers by Stefano Montaldo (Editor); Francesco. Costamagna (Editor); Alberto. Miglio (Editor)
ISBN: 9780429582776Publication Date: 2021The Union's institutional setting is growing in complexity and a variety of agencies has been or is expected to be endowed with law enforcement responsibilities. In addition, the so-called competence creep has led the EU to play an increasingly prominent role in several areas of EU law enforcement, including the issuing of sanctions. This book examines these developments, focusing on both the general features of the EU legal order and the analysis of key-substantive areas, such as banking and monetary union, environmental law, and data protection. The work thus presents a general framework for understanding EU sanctioning based on structural features and general legal principles. Part I develops an analytical framework, tracking the most significant evolutive patterns of EU sanctioning powers. Part II adopts a more practical approach focusing on specific issues and policy areas.Europarecht by Andreas Haratsch; Christian Koenig; Matthias Pechstein
ISBN: 9783161596674Publication Date: 2023Das Lehrbuch "Europarecht" wendet sich sowohl an Studierende mit dem Pflichtfach Europarecht als auch an Schwerpunktstudierende. Es ist schliesslich ebenso als Nachschlagewerk fur die juristische Praxis geeignet, da es einen schnellen Zugang zur Materie ermoglicht. Die Neuauflage wurde grundlich uberarbeitet und ist auf dem neuesten Stand der Rechtsprechung.European Union law by Catherine Barnard (Editor); Steve Peers (Editor)
ISBN: 9780192863836Publication Date: 2023Edited by Catherine Barnard and Steve Peers, European Union Law draws together a range of perspectives from experienced academics, teachers and practitioners to provide a comprehensive introduction. Each chapter has been written and updated by an expert in the field to provide students with access to a broad range of ideas while offering a solid foundation in the institutional and substantive law of the EU.European Union law by Robert Schütze
ISBN: 9780198864660Publication Date: 2021Schütze's European Union Law uses a distinctive three-part structure to examine the constitutional foundations, legal powers, and substantive law of the European Union. Written in a uniquely engaging style, and full of illuminating analyses, this book provides a thorough and modern guide to the study of the European law. Visual and pedagogical support is offered by the book's numerous diagrams and tables that clarify key concepts and processes, and a practical appendix helps students to find and read primary and secondary legal sources.European Union law: Text and materials by Damian Chalmers; Gareth Davies; Giorgio Monti
ISBN: 9781108463591Publication Date: 2019The new edition reflects the challenges facing the European Union now, with dedicated chapters on Brexit, the migration crisis and the euro area, and with further Brexit materials and analysis integrated wherever relevant.European Union law in context by Ester Herlin-Karnell; Gerard Conway; Aravind Ganesh
ISBN: 9781849467018Publication Date: 2021This textbook provides an explanatory and contextual view of EU law and its impact in a simple and easily accessible yet analytical manner. It illustrates the power struggles behind a given EU law act, to allow for full understanding of how it developed. This allows the student to understand EU law as a force in the increasingly globalized world, rather than as technical and doctrinal subject. The textbook begins by setting the scene of EU integration, how we got there and why it is important. Thereafter it explores the constitutional framework for understanding EU law in context and by discussing inter alia, division of competences, accountability, legitimacy, enforcement, human rights, participation rights and so on as well as the general principles of the EU and citizenship rights. Subsequently the textbook explores the essentials of the internal market as well as the principles of competition law. It also discusses free movement rights and links to the growing "Area of Freedom, Security and Justice".The evolution of EU law by Paul Craig (Editor); Gráinne de Búrca (Editor)
ISBN: 9780192846556Publication Date: 2021This last decade has been particularly turbulent for the EU. Beset by crises - the financial crisis, the rule of law crisis, the migration crisis, Brexit, and the pandemic - European Law has had to adapt and change in a way not previously seen. First published in 1999, the goal then was to reflect on the important developments that had been made since the creation of the EEC. That goal has not changed. From EU Administrative Law through to the Regulation of Network Industries, each chapter in this seminal work assess the legal and political forces that have shaped the evolution of EU law.Governance of Automated Decision-Making and EU Law by Herwig C. H. Hofmann; Felix Pflücke
ISBN: 9780198919544Publication Date: 2024Governance of Automated Decision-Making and EU Law presents a comprehensive and nuanced exploration of the intricate relationship between technological innovation and democratic governance in Europe. Focused on preserving constitutional values within the European Union, the book rigorously examines the profound impact of information technologies on rule-making and decision-making processes. The dual objectives of the volume are to comprehensively explore the impact of innovative information technologies on the EU's public law and to devise future-proof regulatory strategies in the face of rapid technological advancements. Addressing the spread of information technology and automated decision-making processes across EU policy sectors, the work delves into potential risks to democratic principles and accountability standards. Advocating for a comprehensive approach, the volume integrates legal, policy, and technological considerations to establish accountability standards for automated decision-making systems.Legislative Authority and Interpretation in the European Union by Martijn van den Brink
ISBN: 9780198900085Publication Date: 2024Although legislation has in the past decades become the legal cornerstone of European integration, the EU legislature remains systematically neglected in EU legal scholarship. This book explores the virtues of the legislative process and the nature of legislative acts and asks how moving the legislature from the sidelines to the centre of legal analysis changes our understanding of the EU Court of Justice's role. The first part of the book examines how the CJEU should exercise its authority relative to the legislature. The author argues that as the legislature lends democratic legitimacy to EU law and is a better lawmaker than the judiciary, that judicial deference to the legislature's choices is required in all but exceptional circumstances. The second part of the book sets forth a theory of legislative interpretation that enables judicial officials to respect the wishes of the legislature. This theory shows, first, that the legislature can aggregate the intentions of individual legislators into a coherent legislative intent, and second, how this legislative intent can be identified from the publicly available legislative material.Les grandes notions du droit de l'Union européenne by Gaëlle Marti.
ISBN: 9782130814122Publication Date: 2023Notion I. L'intégration. Notion II. L'autonomie. Notion III. La subsidiarité. Notion IV. La diversité. Notion V. L'effectivité.Notion VI. La confiance mutuelle. Notion VII. Le marché. Notion VIII. La non-discrimination. Notion IX. La citoyenneté. Notion X. L'État de droit.The legitimacy of European constitutional orders: A comparative inquiry by Marco Dani (Editor); Marco Goldoni (Editor); Agustín J. Menéndez (Editor)
ISBN: 9781803928883Publication Date: 2023The Legitimacy of European Constitutional Orders is a systematic and comparative study of European constitutional orders, taking into consideration the national constitutional traditions of European countries, as well as the defining power of EU law. Drawing on a wealth of case studies, this book explores the trajectories followed by European national constitutional orders in their efforts to attain legitimacy. More in particular, the book investigates Bruce Ackerman's influential world constitutionalism project and engages with the three legitimacy pathways put forward therein; that is, the revolutionary, the establishment, and the elite pathways. Such ideal trajectories are revisited and found in need of being questioned so as to furnish the conceptual tools essential in the efforts of reconstructing and assessing the European constitutional orders. The book also considers the relevance of constitutional transformation and change in comparative constitutional law, and accounts for the manifold impacts of the European integration process on national constitutional trajectories.Legislation in Europe: A comprehensive guide for scholars and practitioners by Ulrich Karpen (Editor); Helen Xanthaki (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509908752Publication Date: 2017This book provides a practical handbook for legislation. Written by a team of experts, practitioners and scholars, it invites national institutions to apply its teachings in the context of their own drafting manuals and laws. Analysis focuses on general principles and best practice within the context of the different systems of government in Europe. Questions explored include subsidiarity, legitimacy, efficacy, effectiveness, efficiency, proportionality, monitoring and regulatory impact assessment.Legislation in Europe: A country by country guide by Ulrich Karpen (Editor); Helen Xanthaki (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509924714Publication Date: 2021Following on from the first volume, this unique book is the only collection of native analyses of the status of legislation in 30 European jurisdictions plus the EU. Each chapter, written by a national authority in the legislative field, presents and critically assesses:- the national constitutional environment and its connection with EU law;- the nature and types of legislation; - the legislative process;- the drafting process;- jurisprudence conventions; - the training of drafters. The book opens with a comparative chapter on the these six themes, and concludes with an analysis of trends and best practices in Europe.Postnational Constitutionalism: Europe and the time of law by Paul Linden-Retek
ISBN: 9780192899187Publication Date: 2023Postnational Constitutionalism: Europe and the Time of Law proposes a temporally-attuned constitutional theory with principles of anti-reification, narrative interpretation, and non-sovereign agency at its centre. These principles reimagine essential domains of constitutional order: social integration, constitutional adjudication, and constituent power. Spanning various bodies of EU jurisprudence, the book devotes particular attention to migration and asylum--struggles where questions of solidarity, law, and belonging are most generative and acute.The Practical Guide to the EU Labyrinth: Understand everything about EU institutions by Daniel Guéguen; Vicky Marissen
ISBN: 9789462363069Publication Date: 2023The first edition of thePractical Guide to the EU Labyrinth was published in 1991. 32 years and 16 editions later, Daniel Guéguen and Vicky Marissen now offer an updated and adapted edition. The Treaty of Lisbon of 1 December 2009 requires a comprehensive reform of this guide to understand the new procedures, new ways of conduct and new practices of the EU. After reading this guide, enriched with diagrams, examples and summaries, the structures, competences and procedures of the European institutions will no longer hold any secrets for you.Research handbook on general principles of EU law: Constructing legal orders in Europe by Violeta Moreno-Lax (Editor); Päivi J. Neuvonen (Editor); Katja S. Ziegler (Editor)
ISBN: 9781784712372Publication Date: 2022This innovative Research Handbook explores judicial, scholarly, and theoretical approaches to general principles in the EU legal order against the backdrop of considerable uncertainty about the concept. It does so by analysing both a diverse range of general principles in discrete areas of EU law ('zooming in') and external, wider perspectives on the notion of a general principle of law from international law, comparative law, and legal theory ('zooming out'). Rather than arguing for a single closed definition of what a general principle of law in the EU legal order must look like, this Research Handbook identifies conceptual, theoretical, and legal parameters within which the doctrine of general principles can be meaningfully discussed and contested in EU law. The different analytical layers built into this Research Handbook shed light on whether general principles are defined by the different contexts in which they apply; whether general principles are in practice leading to more coherence between different areas of EU law; and what challenges they create for the EU legal order. Chapters thus contribute to a more refined methodological and doctrinal understanding of general principles in the EU legal order.Research handbook on the enforcement of EU law by Miroslava Scholten (Editor)
ISBN: 9781802208023Publication Date: 2023This comprehensive Research Handbook investigates the success of EU law enforcement processes. Going beyond traditional analyses of administrations and courts in isolation, it focuses on the increased cooperation seen between national and EU authorities, and on the widening variety of means used to enhance compliance with EU norms. Bringing together leading experts from law, political science, economics and socio-legal studies, this Research Handbook provides a state-of-the-art analysis of EU enforcement laws, policies, and scholarship. It presents conceptual, institutional, and sectoral perspectives on EU law enforcement, advancing existing knowledge on why, when, and how laws are being followed or disobeyed. Contributors explore enforcement in specific EU policy areas, including foreign relations, economic policy, the internal market, competitiveness, and citizen rights. It argues that an overarching EU enforcement strategy would be more successful than the current model of diverse methods of enforcement in different policy areas.Research handbook on the politics of EU law by Paul J. Cardwell (Editor); Marie-Pierre Granger (Editor)
ISBN: 9781788971270Publication Date: 2020Expert contributors from international and interdisciplinary backgrounds set the politics of EU law in both a historical and contemporary context, exploring the relations between different EU institutions across a variety of substantive policy areas. Identifying the main sites of interaction between law and politics, chapters highlight key theoretical insights providing an in-depth understanding of the field. With up-to-date coverage of the latest developments, this Research Handbook analyses the impact of Brexit, economic and financial crises, migration crises and important trends for law and governance. Discerning and forward-thinking, this Research Handbook will be key reading for students and scholars of European law, European politics, and those with an interest in exploring the interface between the two. Its accessible approach will also engage practitioners in EU law and politics, including lawyers and national government and EU institution officials.Soft Law and Its Importance in Ensuring Member States' Compliance with Union Law by Paul Weismann
ISBN: 9783756000081Publication Date: 2024Soft law and its role in the enforcement of EU law: Apart from the Treaty infringement procedure there are more and more procedures, mostly laid down in secondary law, by which the EU - often using soft law - ensures Member States' compliance with EU law. This development entails a considerable transforming power. It deserves not only a foundational, mainly competence-oriented analysis of EU soft law, but also a systemic and legal account of these procedures in which it is often EU agencies - instead of the Commission and the European Court of Justice, as provided for in the TFEU - which, largely beyond public attention, interpret EU law and, on this basis, try to enforce it vis-a-vis the Member States.Understanding European Union law by Karen Davies; Maarten van Munster; Isabel Düsterhöft
ISBN: 9781032168975Publication Date: 2022The book provides readers with a clear understanding of structures and rationale behind EU law, explaining how and why the law has developed as it has. In addition to discussing the core areas of EU law such as its sources, the role and powers of the EU's Institutions, the enforcement of EU law and the law of the internal market, this edition also includes a new chapter on three 'non-economic' areas of EU law: fundamental human rights, equality (non-discrimination) and the environment.
EU administrative law by Paul Craig
ISBN: 9780198831655Publication Date: 2019The third edition of EU Administrative Law provides comprehensive coverage of the administrative system in the EU and the principles of judicial review that apply in this area. This revised edition provides important updates on each area covered, including new case law; institutional developments; and EU legislation. These changes are located within the framework of broader developments in the EU.EU and EEA Law Litigation Before National Courts: A practical guide by Zsófia Varga
ISBN: 9781509964895Publication Date: 2024This book provides practical and comprehensive guidance for national practising lawyers (judges and litigation attorneys) on the application of EU/EEA law before national courts. It describes the essential rules regarding the application of EU/EEA law before national judicial instances and structures them systematically, in order to enable national judges and litigation attorneys to comprehend the main standards. In short, the book is about legal norms that would fall under the category of civil and administrative procedural law in a national legal order. These rules, developed by the ECJ and the EFTA Court, govern when and how national judges should apply EU/EEA law in national proceedings. The book is divided into six chapters, each dealing with a specific topic.European public procurement: Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU by Roberto Caranta (Editor); Albert Sanchez-Graells (Editor)
ISBN: 9781789900675Publication Date: 2021This detailed Commentary provides an authoritative interpretation of each provision in the main EU Directive on public procurement - Directive 2014/24/EU, and is rich in its critical analysis of the provisions of the 2014 Directive and the case-law. The Commentary also highlights the application problems and interpretative issues being raised in EU Member States, which in due time will make their way up to the CJEU or even require further legislative interventions. Key features include: Updated to include the most significant CJEU case law as of end-2020 Analysis that is informed by the practical issues arising across the EU Member States, as well as in the UK Written by a diverse pool of specialists in each of the aspects of the Directive upon which they comment, with the Commentary underpinned by their collective knowledge of public procurement law in the old 28 EU Member States.
Antitrust and the bounds of power - 25 years on by Oles Andriychuk (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509962136Publication Date: 2023This collection of essays addresses the transformations ongoing in the field of competition law by analysing current developments through the prism of Giuliano Amato's Antitrust and the Bounds of Power - thereby building an intellectual bridge between past and present. Giuliano Amato's book, Antitrust and the Bounds of Power: The Dilemma of Liberal Democracy in the History of the Market was published by Hart in 1997. It has predicted, articulated, and explained many of the changes that have taken place in competition law in the last 25 years, and it is referred to by generations of competition lawyers as a key theoretical work. There are many mutually invigorating reasons and explanations for the paradigmatic transformations that have occurred in competition law, economics, and policy since the 1990s. Some are triggered by the internal evolution of competition law; others are determined by the broader societal context.Artificial intelligence and competition policy by Alden Abbott (Editor); Thibault Schrepel (Editor)
ISBN: 9781954750425Publication Date: 2024“Artificial Intelligence and Competition Policy” features 20 essays by leading scholars and practitioners exploring the wide range of questions bearing on the implications of AI for the competitive process. This collection of essays is divided into three sections, providing a solid foundation to delve into the emerging subjects: “Market Dynamics, Mergers, and Partnerships in AI”, “AI Challenges for Competition Law”, and “Policy Responses to the AI Boom”. This book offers a provocative look at key areas of competition-related AI scholarship. It serves as a valuable resource for legislators, policymakers, and enforcers to assess how competition law can be adapted to confront the challenges of AI.Competition inspections in 25 jurisdictions: A practitioner's guide by Sean Sullivan (Editor); Ilene Knable Gotts (Foreword by)
ISBN: 9781954750258Publication Date: 2024This multi-contributors guide invites you to explore the detailed landscape of antitrust law and economic policy through a comprehensive review of the 2023 United States Merger Guidelines. Written by a panel of esteemed scholars and practitioners, this volume offers a diverse array of perspectives on the pivotal changes reshaping competition regulation. In the wake of significant shifts in the global economic landscape, the updated Guidelines reflect a nuanced understanding of contemporary market dynamics. From the intricacies of common ownership to the complexities of market delineation, from the implications of monopsony power to the considerations surrounding buyer power, or the role and relevance of economics in antitrust analysis, each chapter investigates critical aspects of the evolving regulatory framework.Contributors from university, law, and economics converge to dissect the implications of these new regulations.Competition inspections under EU law: A practitioner's guide by Nathalie Jalabert-Doury; Cecilio Madero Villarejo (Foreword by)
ISBN: 9781939007988Publication Date: 2020The power to conduct inspections at companies’ premises and homes constitutes one of the most powerful enforcement tools of the European Commission. Inspection can also be coordinated at the European and international levels when several authorities investigate the same international cartels, as well as when the suspected participants have their main offices abroad.Inspections entail high risks for the companies and individuals concerned, and not only because they could ultimately lead to an infringement decision. Private life and legal privilege issues will necessarily arise and appropriate measures need to be implemented to reduce the risk of obstruction.Competition law dictionary: Global dictionary of competition law by Healey, Deborah, et al.
ISBN: 9781939007056Publication Date: 2024The Global Dictionary of Competition Law is a dictionary dedicated to competition law worldwide, edited by Professors Deborah Healey (University of New South Wales), Bill Kovacic (George Washington University), Pablo Trevisán (IDC - Instituto de Derecho de la Competencia), and Richard Whish (King’s College London). As the first dictionary of its kind, written entirely by competition law experts, it brings together over 250 definitions essential for a complete understanding of global competition law, economics, and policy.Competition Law in the EU: Principles, substance, enforcement by Johan W. van de Gronden; Catalin S. Rusu
ISBN: 9781035318339Publication Date: 2024This thoroughly revised and updated second edition provides an enhanced understanding of EU competition law, exploring significant substantive and enforcement issues relating to antitrust, merger control, the Digital Markets Act and state aid law. While considering well-established doctrines and landmark judgements, the textbook also addresses recent developments such as digitalisation, sustainability and globalisation, and how these issues will influence future inquiry into competition law. This incisive textbook is an invaluable resource for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students and scholars of competition and European law. It is additionally beneficial for researchers and practitioners of comparative competition law; in particular, it is a useful guide for in-house company training courses.Competition law of the European Union by Van Bael & Bellis.
ISBN: 9789041154057Publication Date: 2021This new Sixth Edition of a major work by the well-known competition law team at Van Bael & Bellis in Brussels brings the book up to date to take account of the many developments in the case law and relevant legislation that have occurred since the Fifth Edition in 2010. The authors have also taken the opportunity to write a much-extended chapter on private enforcement and a dedicated section on competition law in the pharmaceutical sector. As one would expect, the new edition continues to meet the challenge for businesses and their counsel, providing a thoroughly practical guide to the application of the EU competition rules.Dawn Raids under Challenge: Due process aspects on the European Commission's dawn raid practices by Helene Andersson
ISBN: 9781509969425Publication Date: 2024The 2nd edition of this book provides an updated comprehensive analysis of the European Commission's dawn raid practices from a due process perspective. Examining the obligations imposed by the Charter and the ECHR and the response of the Luxembourg and Strasbourg Courts, the book shows that whereas the Strasbourg Court manages to strike a balance between efficiency concerns and fundamental rights, the approach of the EU Courts is not equally balanced. The dawn raid is a powerful tool on which the European Commission relies heavily in its antitrust investigations. In 2022, the Commission carried out dawn raids in private homes for the first time in many years and it has declared its intent to make greater use of the power to inspect private premises. Furthermore, the European Commission is expanding its dawn raid practices into new areas of law. Both the Digital Markets Act and the Foreign Subsidies Regulation empower the Commission to carry out dawn raids and to impose heavy fines on anyone failing to cooperate. Ensuring adequate procedural safeguards is therefore more important than ever.Digital competition law in Europe by Marc Wiggers; Robin Struijlaart; Joost Dibbits
ISBN: 9789403511672Publication Date: 2023'Digital competition', a term and concept that has risen to the forefront of competition law, may be viewed as both promising and cautionary: on the one hand, it brings the promises of increased speed, efficiency and objectivity, and, on the other, it entails potential pitfalls such as hard-to-identify pathways to unfair pricing, dominant positions and their potential abuse, restriction of choice and abuse of personal data. Accordingly, jurisdictions around the world are taking measures to deal with the phenomenon. In this concise but thoroughly researched book - both informative and practical - lawyers from two prominent firms with specialised digital competition teams take stock and examine the state of digital competition in the enforcement practices of six competition authorities in Europe, most of these forerunners in the field of digital competition policy and enforcement. The competition authorities surveyed are those of the European Union, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. For each, an overview, spanning the period from 2012 to mid-2022 but including as many landmark cases as possible up to and including December 2022, includes not only landmark cases in which digital technologies have had a significant impact on the competition law outcome but also guidance documents such as speeches, policy statements, industry surveys and research reports.Digital platforms, competition law, and regulation: Comparative perspectives by Tyagi, Kalpana (editor), Kamperman Sanders, Anselm (editor), Cauffman, Caroline (editor)
ISBN: 9781509969401Publication Date: 2024This open access book offers a comparative and inter-disciplinary perspective on the unique competition law challenges presented by the converged digital markets. Following the digitalisation of even the most traditional bricks-and-mortar sectors of the economy, a well-functioning internal market can only be guaranteed by ensuring the competitiveness of the digital markets. What role do intellectual property law and competition law play in this digital world? How can a more economic analysis strengthen innovation policies to achieve a truly competitive digital single market? The book provides a rigorous discussion of the many reasons why the regulatory responses, not just in Europe but in other jurisdictions too, may fall short.Droit de la concurrence by Daniel Mainguy, Malo Depincé, Mathilde Cayot
ISBN: 9782711039401Publication Date: 20241e partie: Les règles du droit de la concurrence déloyale et des clauses de non-concurrence. -- 2e partie: Transparence et pratiques restrictives de concurrence. -- 3e partie: Les règles organisant la régulation du marché: le droit "antitrust".EU antitrust enforcement: Law, economics, history, policy and practice by Wouter P. J. Wils
ISBN: 9781939007650Publication Date: 2024EU antitrust enforcement has been radically transformed in the past thirty years. Following the decentralisation brought about by Regulation 1/2003, the European Commission now shares the public enforcement of Articles 101 and 102 TFEU with the competition authorities of the EU Member States. Public enforcement has furthermore changed through the use of leniency, settlements and prioritisation. Private antitrust enforcement, in particular in the form of follow-on actions for damages in cartel cases, has significantly increased, raising delicate questions as to the optimal balance and interaction between public and private enforcement. Increased antitrust enforcement has also brought renewed attention to the procedural rights of defendants and third parties in public antitrust enforcement, and the compatibility of the existing enforcement system and practices with the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.EU competition litigation: Transposition and first experiences of the new regime by Magnus Strand (Editor); Vladimir Bastidas (Editor); Marios C. Iacovides (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509922031Publication Date: 2019All EU Member States have now transposed Directive 2014/104/EU on damages actions for breaches of competition law into national law. The Directive (and the soft-law instruments accompanying it) not only marks a new phase for private enforcement of competition law but also, more generally, provides a novel and thought provoking instance of EU harmonisation of aspects of private law and civil litigation.The EU Geo-Blocking Regulation: A commentary by Marketa Trimble
ISBN: 9781803923864Publication Date: 2024This Commentary analyses the history, technology, uses, legality, and circumvention of geo-blocking, which affects customers and businesses both inside and outside the EU. Marketa Trimble examines each of the provisions of the 2018 EU Geo-Blocking Regulation, including provisions on non-discriminatory access to online interfaces, goods and services, and means of payment. Key Features: This Commentary analyses the history, technology, uses, legality, and circumvention of geo-blocking, which affects customers and businesses both inside and outside the EU. Marketa Trimble examines each of the provisions of the 2018 EU Geo-Blocking Regulation, including provisions on non-discriminatory access to online interfaces, goods and services, and means of payment.Key Features: Analyses each article of the 2018 EU Geo-Blocking Regulation in detailReviews the history of the legislative process of the Regulation in depthExplores the relationship between geo-blocking and other areas of law, particularly copyright law and competition lawOutlines the development of the EU Digital Single Market project, which led to the adoption of the Geo-Blocking RegulationSummarises the first review of the Regulation by the European Commission and tracks the implementation and enforcement of the Regulation This Commentary is a comprehensive and essential resource for lawyers and judges who interpret and apply the EU Geo-Blocking Regulation, authorities that assist consumers who are covered by the Regulation, and policymakers and technology experts who work with the Regulation. It will appeal to students and researchers in commercial law, competition law, cyberlaw, EU law, intellectual property, and information and technology law.EU regulation of e-commerce: A commentary by Arno R. Lodder (Editor); Andrew D. Murray (Editor)
ISBN: 9781800372085Publication Date: 2022This book addresses the key pieces of EU legislation in the field of e-commerce, including on consumer rights, copyright, electronic identification, open internet access, electronic payments, competition law and digital content. Key features of this second edition include: thoroughly up-to-date analysis of decisions of the Court of Justice and the Commission article-by-article commentary on the latest directives and regulations in the field of e-commerce a unique structure featuring detailed tables of cases and legislation and paragraph references, enabling easy access to all substantive legal provisions new chapters featuring analysis of services in the internal market, copyright in the Digital Single market, measures concerning open internet access and more.Evidence, proof and judicial review in EU competition law: Second edition by Fernando Castillo de la Torre; Eric Gippini Fournier
ISBN: 9781839108679Publication Date: 2024In this thoroughly revised new edition of what quickly became the authoritative work when first published in 2017, Fernando Castillo de la Torre and Eric Gippini Fournier, two of the most experienced litigators in EU competition law, update their systematic analysis of the case law of the EU Courts on the rules of evidence, proof and judicial review, as they are applied in EU competition law.The evolving governance of EU competition law in a time of disruptions: A constitutional perspective by Carlo Maria Colombo (Editor); Kathryn Wright (Editor); Mariolina Eliantonio (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509951796Publication Date: 2024Repeated economic crises, the climate emergency, digitalisation, and geopolitical and democratic threats are all having profound societal and economic effects on the EU. In light of its fundamental role in the Treaties, EU competition law has been called upon to play an important role in responding to this state of 'turbulence'. This brings about significant governance and constitutional challenges, firstly by questioning how the governance of EU competition law is being transformed to respond and adapt. Secondly, these crisis-induced transformations probe the logic and constitutional limits of EU competition law within the framework of EU law.Harmonisation of EU competition law enforcement by Jurgita Malinauskaite
ISBN: 9783030302320Publication Date: 2019This book explores how the EU's enforcement of competition law has moved from centralisation to decentralisation over the years, with the National Competition Authorities embracing more enforcement powers. At the same time, harmonisation has been employed as a solution to ensure that the enforcement of EU competition rules is not weakened and the internal market remains a level playing field.Le réseau des règles de droit international européen de la concurrence by Panagiota Katsorchi
Publication Date: 2022Loin d’être une accumulation aléatoire de normes, les règles de droit international européen de la concurrence créées par les accords internationaux de l’Union européenne font partie d’un réseau normatif.Il s’agit d’un réseau de forme étoilée – au centre duquel se trouve l’Union européenne – composé de règles de droit de la concurrence adoptées par l’Union européenne et ses partenaires. L’étude de ces règles ainsi que des instruments internationaux qui les mettent en place, montre que ce réseau se développe de manière équilibrée autour de deux axes : les règles en matière de coopération entre autorités de la concurrence et les règles de fond. L’efficacité de ces règles peut être assurée par leur application à des litiges entre entreprises, par la gestion des conflits et par les possibilités de coopération qu’elles ouvrent entre autorités de la concurrence.Market Abuse Regulation: Commentary and annotated guide by Marco Ventoruzzo (Editor); Sebastian Mock (Editor)
ISBN: 9780198871095Publication Date: 2022Now a volume in the Oxford EU Financial Regulation Series, the second edition of Market Abuse Regulation has been updated to reflect the impact of a number of major developments in legislation and case law following the implementation of the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR).Written by leading scholars in the field of capital markets law from a number of European jurisdictions, the book is divided into two main parts. The first consists of chapters considering relevant issues by topic, including aspects not directly addressed by MAR such as enforcement, and the impact of US securities regulation. The second part provides article-by-article commentary on the Regulation, with a detailed and technical analysis of its terms.Das Neue Recht der Digitalen Märkte: Digital Markets Act (DMA) by Fabian Hubener (Editor); Jens Peter Schmidt (Editor)
ISBN: 9783848774128Publication Date: 2023Der Digital Markets Act (DMA) dient der Ex-ante-Regulierung grosser digitaler Plattformen, die eine Gatekeeper-Funktion haben. Er enthalt nicht nur viele neue Regeln fur die Gatekeeper, sondern hat auch unmittelbare Auswirkungen auf alle Nutzer:innen der Plattformen. Der Einfuhrungsband Das Handbuch ist der ideale Einstieg in die hochkomplexe Materie. Es macht die Neuregelungen greifbar und beantwortet die wichtigsten Fragen, u.a.: Wie werden die vom DMA adressierten Gatekeeper identifiziert? Welche Verhaltenspflichten werden Gatekeepern im Einzelnen auferlegt? Welche Befugnisse haben EU-Kommission und nationale Behorden gegenuber Gatekeepern? Inwiefern profitieren gewerbliche Nutzer:innen - vor allem in der Herstellung, im Einzelhandel, in der Werbung, im Verlagswesen und in der Software- oder App-Entwicklung - von den neuen Vorschriften? Wie konnen Nutzer:innen die neuen Rechte durchsetzen? Welche Rechte haben Dritte vor Behorden und nationalen Gerichten? Welche Verfahrensfragen sind zu beachten?The new EU competition law by Pablo Ibáñez Colomo
ISBN: 9781782259152Publication Date: 2024Competition law has undergone fundamental transformations in the past decade, from the rise and fall of the 'effects-based approach' to the challenge of Big Tech and the growing interaction with intellectual property. Making sense of these changes and fully grasping their implications can be difficult. The book discusses the shift from traditional enforcement in the industrial era to the sort of intervention that a knowledge-based economy demands. It presents the changes that the field is undergoing (policy priorities, relationship with regulation and intangible assets, move away from efficiency and consumer welfare) and illustrates them by reference to the most significant developments. The analysis includes an up-to-date evaluation of the Digital Markets Act and addresses the application of EU competition law to key areas, including energy, pharma, telecommunications and online platforms.Parental liability in EU competition law by Peter Whelan
ISBN: 9780198844839Publication Date: 2023In enforcing EU competition law, the Commission employs a unique doctrine of parental antitrust liability: it imposes fines on the parent company of an infringing subsidiary in cases where the parent exercises decisive influence over the subsidiary's commercial policy. Critics of this contentious aspect of EU competition law believe that the doctrine is unfair, ineffective, obscure, disproportionate, contrary to due process, and based upon a dubious, if not extremely flimsy, justificatory foundation. Such criticism raises serious and unanswered questions about the legitimacy of the Commission's efforts to enforce competition law. Parental Liability in EU Competition Law: A Legitimacy-Focused Approach is the first monograph to be dedicated to this controversial topic. Written by Professor Peter Whelan, the book contends that, although the general concept of parental liability can be justified in principle, the current EU-level doctrine of parental antitrust liability in fact suffers from a distinct and problematic lack of legitimacy. More specifically, the said doctrine displays significant deficiencies with respect to effectiveness, fairness, and legality.Regulating Competition in the EU by Pernille Wegener Jessen; Bent Ole Gram Mortensen; Michael Steinicke; Karsten Engsig Sorensen
ISBN: 9403506881Publication Date: 2024This revised and updated edition of a basic sourcebook and practice guide in EU competition law retains the first edition's significantly broader perspective on EU competition law than most books in the field. It explains not only the traditional areas of competition law but also aspects of competition law that are of particular importance to practitioners. With its comprehensive overview of relevant provisions related to competition, among others, the authors shed clear light on the following topics and the interplay between these different areas of competition law: the prohibition of agreements which restrict competition; the prohibition of abuse of dominant position; the rules on merger control; the prohibition of State aid; the liberalised sectors such as energy supply, transport, postal services, and telecommunications; and the rules on public procurement. The chapters integrate an extensive number of sources, including new acts, new decisions and judgments, and new Commission guidelines, that help guide the interpretation of the underlying Treaty provisions.Research handbook on abuse of dominance and monopolization by Pinar Akman (Editor); Konstantinos Stylianou (Editor); Or Brook (Editor)
ISBN: 9781839108716Publication Date: 2023This Research Handbook offers a comprehensive and state-of-the-art collection on the competition law (antitrust) prohibition of abuse of a dominant position and monopolization. It draws from the long and influential traditions of leading jurisdictions such as the European Union and the United States to analyse applicable rules and policy in these jurisdictions. It also takes a comparative approach to identify common threads and differences. Bringing together contributions from authoritative legal and economic experts, it provides an in-depth analysis of foundational legal and economic principles which guide the Research Handbook's exploration of the concept and prohibition of abuse of a dominant position.Research handbook on private enforcement of competition law in the EU by Barry J. Rodger (Editor); Miguel S. Ferro (Editor); Francisco Marcos (Editor)
ISBN: 9781800377516Publication Date: 2023The Research Handbook on Private Enforcement of Competition Law in the EUprovides wide-ranging coverage of a key aspect of competition law enforcement which is undergoing constant and rapid growth in significance. The Handbook examines the private enforcement of competition law across the EU and beyond, shedding light on pertinent and underlying issues. This Research Handbook brings different perspectives into the dialogue, curating contributions from judges, academics and practitioners. As a whole, the Handbook delivers a deft exploration of strategies to successfully enforce rights across the EU and encompasses discussion and scrutiny of legal instruments, institutional developments, key litigation issues and judicial practice. It delivers contemporary and comparative reflection on developments in practice, including the impact of the Antitrust Damages directive, and the impact of a range of CJEU case-law.Research handbook on sustainability and competition law by Julian Nowag (Editor)
ISBN: 9781802204650Publication Date: 2024This Research Handbook explores the complex interplay between competition law and sustainability, and also provides key insights into the role and limitations that tax, environmental laws, consumer laws, and social laws have in promoting sustainability. A distinguished array of international experts examine core principles of environmental and social sustainability, delve into the economic dynamics that shape this multidimensional relationship, and critically analyse how competition law and policy can both positively and negatively shape sustainability outcomes. The Research Handbook presents a detailed overview of various policy questions surrounding sustainability and antitrust law - considering their economic, legal, and institutional aspects - and includes diverse jurisdictional perspectives which highlight the many nuances in this increasingly relevant interface.Restrictions of EU competition law in the digital age: The meaning of 'effects' in a digital economy by Bernadette Zelger
ISBN: 9783031313387Publication Date: 2023This book offers an in-depth legal analysis concerning the notion of restrictions of competition, be it by object restrictions according to Article 101 TFEU or prima facie abusive practices treated according to the form-based approach under Article 102 TFEU. Although extensive research has been conducted on the notion of object infringements of competition, there is no systematic review of this topic covering both competition provisions, namely Articles 101 and 102 TFEU. This book fills that gap by providing an extensive analysis of the relevant case law, while also covering new phenomena stemming from the digital revolution and its impact on the functioning of traditional markets. In this regard, particular attention is paid to the concept of prima facie infringements and the analysis necessary for their successful establishment. Object restrictions and object abuses are not infringements per se in the sense that they can be established in the abstract and without consideration of the actual legal and economic context (context analysis) within which a measure is implemented. Hence, the indispensable context analysis is informed by the potential economic effects of a given measure.
The Cambridge Companion to European Criminal Law by Kai. Ambos (Editor); Peter Rackow (Editor)
ISBN: 9781108799799Publication Date: 2023European Criminal Law has developed into a complex, jagged subject matter, which at the same time has become increasingly important for everyday criminal law practice. On the one hand, this work aims to do comprehensive justice to the complexity of the matter without sacrificing readability. In order to achieve this, the book's structure enables legal scholars and experienced practitioners to access the information relevant to them in a targeted manner and, at the same time, enables less oriented readers to gain access to European criminal law.Coopération judiciaire pénale dans l'Union européenne by Laurent Moreillon, Mathilde von Wurstemberger
ISBN: 9783725588978Publication Date: 20241e partie: Historique et généralités.-- 2e partie: L'harmonisation du droit pénal matériel au sein de l'Union européenne.EU criminal law by Valsamis Mitsilegas
ISBN: 9781849464581Publication Date: 2022This is the second edition of EU Criminal Law, which has become since its publication in 2009 a key point of reference in the field. The second edition is updated and substantially expanded, to take into account the significant growth of EU criminal law as a distinct legal field and the impact of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty on European integration in criminal matters. The book offers a holistic and in-depth analysis of the key elements of European integration in criminal matters, including EU powers and competence to criminalise, the evolution of judicial co-operation under the principles of mutual recognition and mutual trust, EU action in the field of criminal procedure including legislation on the rights of the defendant and the victim, the evolving role of European bodies and agencies (such as Europol, Eurojust and the European Public Prosecutor's Office) in European criminal law, and the development of EU-wide surveillance and data gathering and exchange mechanisms. Several chapters are devoted to the external dimension of EU action in criminal matters (including transatlantic counter-terrorism cooperation and the impact of Brexit on EU Criminal Law) Throughout the volume, the constitutional and fundamental rights implications of European integration in criminal matters are highlighted.The legitimacy of EU criminal law by Irene Wieczorek
ISBN: 9781509919741Publication Date: 2020This book traces the history of the EU competence, EU policy discourse and EU legislation in the field of criminalisation from Maastricht until the present day. It asks 'Why EU Criminal Law?' looking at what rationales the Treaty, policy document and legislation put forth when deciding whether a certain behaviour should be a criminal offence. To interpret the EU approach to criminalisation, it relies on both modern and post-modern theoretical frameworks on the legitimacy of criminal law, read jointly with the theories on the functions of EU harmonisation of national law. The book demonstrates that while EU constitutional law leans towards an effectiveness-based, enforcement-driven, understanding of criminal law, the EU has in fact in more than one instance adopted symbolic EU criminal law, ie criminal law aimed at highlighting what values are important to the EU, but which is not fit to actually deter individuals from harming such values.The normative foundations for EU criminal justice: Powers, limits and justifications by Jacob Öberg
ISBN: 9781509962334Publication Date: 2024Should the European Union regulate criminal justice? This open access book explores the question forensically, establishing whether a compelling normative justification for EU action in the field exists. It develops an integrated standard based on the perspectives of the effective allocation of regulatory authority between the EU and the Member States, representation-based political theories, and harm-based theories of criminal law.The principle of mutual trust in EU criminal law by Auke Willems
ISBN: 9781509924547Publication Date: 2021This book develops a conceptual framework of the principle of mutual trust in EU criminal law. Mutual trust is a household term in the EU criminal law vocabulary and is widely regarded to be a prerequisite for a successful application of mutual recognition. But despite its importance, the parameters of the concept are not clear. The book demonstrates that mutual trust is multi-faceted: combining the elements essential to a successful EU criminal law, as part of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. The book approaches trust from multiple angles. First, a study of social science literature. Second, a meticulous assessment of mutual trust in EU criminal law. Third, a study of trust in US interstate criminal justice cooperation. Finally, the book identifies a comprehensive approach to tackle trust related difficulties in EU criminal law.
Data Governance: Nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle und Technologien im Europäischen Rechtsrahmen by Beatrix Weber (Editor)
ISBN: 9783662675557Publication Date: 2024Data Governance kann in den Dimensionen Technik, Ökonomie, Nachhaltigkeit und Recht als Steuerung der Nutzung, des Teilens und der Weiterverwendung von Daten definiert werden. Der sich entwickelnde Rechtsrahmen der Europäischen Union zum Datenrecht, insbesondere der Data Governance Act, der Data Act, der Digital Markets Act sowie bereits bestehende Gesetze wie die Datenschutzgrundverordnung schaffen einen Ordnungsrahmen für Dateninhaber, Datennutzer und Datensubjekte. Daneben erfordert die ESG-Gesetzgebung in den Bereichen Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz die rechtskonforme Erfassung und Nutzung von Daten. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird der Binnenmarkt für Daten als Produkte oder Dienstleistungen dauerhaft nur wachsen, wenn technische Innovationen und Standards eine nachhaltige, rechtskonforme, aber auch wertschöpfende Datennutzung für die Marktteilnehmer ermöglichen. Dieses Werk löst die Frage, wie ein ökonomischer Mehrwert durch die Nutzung von Daten erzeugt werdenkann, der die aktuellen technischen Möglichkeiten, Ziele der Nachhaltigkeit und das rechtlich Zulässige verbindet.Data protection and privacy, Volume 15 by Hideyuki Matsumi (Editor); Paul De Hert (Series edited by, Editor); Dara Hallinan (Editor); Diana Dimitrova (Editor); Eleni Kosta (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509965908Publication Date: 2023This book offers conceptual analyses, highlights issues, proposes solutions, and discusses practices regarding privacy and data protection in transitional times. It is one of the results of the 15th annual International Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP), which was held in Brussels in May 2022. We are in a time of transition. Artificial Intelligence is making significant breakthroughs in how humans use data and information, and is changing our lives in virtually all aspects. The pandemic has pushed society to adopt changes in how, when, why, and the media through which, we interact. A new generation of European digital regulations - such as the AI Act, Digital Services Act, Digital Markets Act, Data Governance Act, and Data Act - is on the horizon. This raises difficult questions as to which rights we should have, the degree to which these rights should be balanced against other poignant social interests, and how these rights should be enforced in light of the fluidity and uncertainty of circumstances.Data protection without data protectionism: The right to protection of personal data and data transfers in EU law and international trade law by Tobias Naef
ISBN: 9783031198922Publication Date: 2022This open access book offers a new account on the legal conflict between privacy and trade in the digital sphere. It develops a fundamental rights theory with a new right to continuous protection of personal data and explores the room for the application of this new right in trade law. Replicable legal analysis and practical solutions show the way to deal with cross-border data flows without violating fundamental rights and trade law principles. The interplay of privacy and trade became a topic of worldwide attention in the wake of Edward Snowden's revelations concerning US mass surveillance. Based on claims brought forward by the activist Maximilian Schrems, the ECJ passed down two high-profile rulings restricting EU-US data flows. Personal data is relevant for a wide range of services that are supplied across borders and restrictions on data flows therefore have an impact on the trade with such services. After the two rulings by the ECJ, it is less clear then ever how privacy protection and trade can be brought together on an international scale.Data subject rights under the GDPR by Helena U. Vrabec
ISBN: 9780198868422Publication Date: 2021In 2018, the GDPR started a revolution in the data protection world. One of the most far-reaching developments of the new regulation was the chapter on data subject rights. Old rights were strengthened and extended, and several new rights were introduced. For data subjects who felt overwhelmed with the information overload, the GDPR meant a promise of more individual control over data. In combination with severe financial penalties, the revised rights brought the potential to become a vehicle of data protection law enforcement. However, there are still many uncertainties related to data subject rights due to the fact that the GDPR only recently entered into force.Digital Bouncers: A European Roadmap to Navigate Access Rights and Moderation Issues on Social Media Platforms by Berdien B. E. van der Donk
ISBN: 9789403528588Publication Date: 2024This book addresses the complex issue of questionable content removals and account suspensions on social media platforms in the European Union, solving the existing legal ambiguity with a powerful roadmap designed to guide decision-makers in navigating online access rights and moderation issues.The roadmap's elements are deduced from a technology-neutral comparative case law study of four Member States (Denmark, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands) based on rigorous selection criteria that highlight the most salient distinctions that characterise legal approaches to social media access and moderation. The 'layers' of the roadmap focus on such central issues as the following: the legal basis for social media platforms to impose restrictions; platform operators' right to shape access, including limitations to the platform's right to exclude users; the validity and enforceability of terms of service; and users' and platforms' remedies for breaches of the terms of service, including the procedural obligations in the Digital Services Act.The EU Law Enforcement Directive (LED): A commentary by Eleni Kosta; Franziska Boehm
ISBN: 9780192855220Publication Date: 2024The Law Enforcement Directive 2016/680 (LED) is the first legal instrument in the EU which comprehensively regulates the use of personal data by law enforcement authorities, creating a minimum standard of privacy protection across the EU. Together with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it stands at the heart of the legal reform of the EU's data protection law. Although it was adopted at the same time as the GDPR, the LED has not received the same scholarly attention, despite its significant impact and controversial implementation in Member States.The EU Law Enforcement Directive (LED): A Commentary addresses this by providing an article-by-article commentary on the Directive. Drawing on the expertise of leading scholars, regulators, and practitioners in the EU data protection field, it offers a detailed analysis of its legal provisions, drawing on relevant case law and scholarship to illuminate the key aspects and intricacies of each provision. It analyses national transpositions of the LED while taking into account the GDPR and the regulations on the processing of personal data by EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies. For further context, it includes introductory chapters on the background and evolution of the Directive, the Council of Europe, and the impact of Brexit on the LED.Governance of artificial intelligence in the European Union: What place for consumer protection? by Ho-Dac, Marion and Pellegrini, Cécile.
ISBN: 9782802772989Publication Date: 2023Consumers are increasingly exposed to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their daily lives, either through their own actions or through third parties who subject them to AI (e.g. via connected devices or digital applications). In this context, a major tension emerges between, on the one hand, the technological contributions of AI that underpin consumers behaviour and, on the other hand, consumer protection, mainly due to the risks posed by AI. Against this backdrop, this collective work explores the interplay between AI governance and consumer protection from a European Union market perspective. In that respect, an analysis of the existing and future European governance is conducted in order to assess its capacity to meet the various challenges posed by AI. In particular, the effectiveness of consumer protection and fundamental rights in the EU digital market calls for a regulatory ecosystem that fosters trust and therefore, upstream, transparency, accuracy and explainability of AI systems.L’identité numérique en construction : quels enjeux et quels modèles ? by J. Eynard, G. Macilotti (ed.)
ISBN: 9782802774044Publication Date: 2024The Legal Consistency of Technology Regulation in Europe by Inge Graef (Editor); Bart van der Sloot (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509968022Publication Date: 2024By bringing together fundamental rights, economic law, and recent legislation in the areas of digital platforms, data, and AI, this open access book gives a comprehensive picture of the state of play in technology regulation in the EU. Risks of regulatory fragmentation are on the rise with ever more legislative instruments becoming applicable to the technology sector. This book explores the prospects and challenges of ensuring legal consistency in a period of transition in which new legislation is being implemented and the interpretation of existing laws is being challenged by the use of data, AI, and platform technologies. The book analyses the legal consistency of technology regulation from three perspectives: (1) the relationship between the EU and the Council of Europe; (2) the relationship among EU regulatory frameworks; and (3) the relationship between EU and Member State law. By covering issues of fundamental rights protection, the free flow of data, consumer protection, competition, and innovation, the book gives a unique and extensive outlook into the state of the art in academic and policy discussions.Die neue Verordnung der EU zur künstlichen Intelligenz by Eric Hilgendorf, David Roth-Isigkeit
ISBN: 9783406796821Publication Date: 20231. Entstehungsgeschichte und Leitwerte -- 2. Anwendungsbereich und Adressaten -- 3. Verbotene KI-Praktiken -- 4. Hochrisiko-KI-Systeme: Risikobasierter Ansatz -- 5. Anforderungen an Hochrisiko-KI-Systeme (außer Transparenz) -- 6. Transparenzanforderungen an Hochrisiko- und andere KI-Systeme -- 7. Qualitätskontrolle, Korrekturmechanismen und Code of Conduct -- 8. Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren, Organisation und Mittel der KI-Aufsichtsbehörden und Europäischer KI-Ausschuß -- 9. Innovationsfördernde Maßnahmen -- 10. Zivilrechtliche Haftung -- Vorschlag für eine Verordnung des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Festlegung harmonisierter Vorschriften für künstliche Intelligenz vom 21. April 2021 [COM/2021/206 final].New Data Governance Act: A practitioner's guide by Kristina Schreiber, Patrick Pommerening, Philipp Schoel
ISBN: 978-1-5099-6996-8Publication Date: 2023Ch. 1. The Data Governance Act -- Ch. 2. Re-use of data from public sector bodies -- Ch. 3. Data intermediation services -- Ch. 4. Data altruism -- Ch. 5. International data transfer -- Ch. 6. Legal protection and penalties -- Ch. 7. The European data innovation board.Privacy, data protection and data-driven technologies by Edited ByMartin Ebers, Karin Sein
ISBN: 9781003502791Publication Date: 2024This book brings together contributions from leading scholars in law and technology, analysing the privacy issues raised by new data-driven technologies. Highlighting the challenges that technology poses to existing European Union (EU) data protection laws, the book assesses whether current legal frameworks are fit for purpose, while maintaining a balance between supporting innovation and the protection of individual’s privacy. Data privacy issues range from targeted advertising and facial recognition, systems based on artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain, and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, to technologies that enable the detection of emotions and personal care robots.The regulation of digital technologies in the EU: Act-ification, GDPR mimesis and EU law brutality at play by Vagelis Papakonstantinou, Paul De Hert
ISBN: 9781032630175Publication Date: 2024.This book identifies three phenomena which are common to all EU digital technologies-relevant regulatory initiatives: act-ification, GDPR mimesis, and regulatory brutality. These three phenomena serve as indicators or early signs of a new European technology law-making paradigm that now seems ready to emerge. They divulge new-found confidence on the part of the EU digital technologies legislator, who has now asserted for itself the right to form policy options and create new rules in the field for all of Europe.
Climate change litigation in Europe: Regional, comparative and sectoral perspectives by Ivano Alogna, Carole Billiet, Matteo Fermeglia, Alina Holzhausen (eds.)
ISBN: 9781839704567Publication Date: 2024Part I. Climate change litigation in Europe: regional and comparative perspectives. -- Part II. Climate change litigation in Europe: sectoral perspectives. -- Part III. Climate change litigation in Europe: the way forward.Environmental liability and the interplay between EU law and international law by Emanuela Orlando
ISBN: 9781315676708Publication Date: 2023The role of law in responding to global environmental problems and the interplay between different levels of regulation and governance is becoming increasingly relevant in the field of liability and reparation for environmental damage. This book examines the relationship and reciprocal influences between the EU and the international legal order in a multilevel and comparative perspective, in relation to the ongoing efforts to elaborate effective regimes of liability and reparation for environmental damage. It addresses questions concerning the impact of interaction on the development, implementation and enforcement of appropriate responses to environmental damage within the respective legal orders and on a global level.A guide to EU environmental law by Josephine van Zeben; Arden Rowell
ISBN: 9780520295216Publication Date: 2020The first part explains the basics of the European legal system, including key actors, types of laws, and regulatory instruments. The second part describes the EU’s overarching legal strategies for environmental management and delves into how the EU addresses the specific environmental issues of pollution, ecosystem management, and climate change.Handbook of European environmental and climate law by Patrick Thieffry
ISBN: 9782802769859Publication Date: 2021This Handbook of European Environment and Climate Law is the 2nd edition of the work previously titled Handbook of European Environment Law. It is associated with the Traité de droit européen de l’environnement et du climat and the Manuel de droit européen de l’environnement et du climat, both in the French language and published in the same collection, and with which it shares a same structure. The Traité provides a more in-depth approach, with further historic, policy and caselaw considerations, and more complete references.Krämer's EU Environmental Law by Ludwig Krämer; Christopher Badger
ISBN: 9781509969074Publication Date: 2024The new edition of this essential book details the present state of EU environmental law as it has developed over the last 50 years. The author was personally involved in its making and enforcement, having worked for more than 30 years in the environmental department of the European Commission. The book therefore provides unique insights into this complex field. The book discusses in detail governance and other horizontal issues, such as competence questions, the division of power between the EU and its Member States, the individual right to a clean environment, and the integration of environmental requirements into other EU policies such as energy, transport, agriculture, fisheries, trade, and tourism.The legal regulation of environmental crime by Valsamis Mitsilegas; Elena Fasoli; Fabio Giuffrida; Malgosia Fitzmaurice
ISBN: 9789004323087Publication Date: 2022The book includes an in-depth analysis of the major international conventions as they relate to the regulation of environmental crime (CITES, Basel, MARPOL) and provides a holistic overview of the evolution and content of EU law in the field of environmental crime, covering substantive criminal law harmonisation, judicial cooperation and the role of EU criminal justice bodies and agencies (Europol, Eurojust and the EPPO) in fighting environmental crime. Further, the book addresses key recent policy and legislative developments in the field and offers a timely contribution to legal reform in view of the publication of new proposals on legislation on environmental crime at EU level.Manuel de droit européen de l'environnement et du climat by Patrick Thieffry
ISBN: 9782802775812Publication Date: 2024Ce manuel est associé au Traité du même nom et au Handbook of European Environmental and Climate Law, publiés dans la même collection et avec la même architecture. Accord de Paris, Pacte vert : le temps de la mise en oeuvre... La précédente édition reflétait les mesures prises par l’Union européenne pour respecter l’accord de Paris. Or, elle a depuis relevé ses ambitions en adoptant le Pacte vert pour l’Europe qui fixe l’objectif de neutralité climatique en 2050 et pose de grandes ambitions pour la biodiversité, l’économie circulaire et la lutte contre les pollutions.Soft law and its importance in ensuring Member States' compliance with Union law by Paul Weismann
ISBN: 9783756000081Publication Date: 2024Soft law and its role in the enforcement of EU law: Apart from the Treaty infringement procedure there are more and more procedures, mostly laid down in secondary law, by which the EU - often using soft law - ensures Member States' compliance with EU law. This development entails a considerable transforming power. It deserves not only a foundational, mainly competence-oriented analysis of EU soft law, but also a systemic and legal account of these procedures in which it is often EU agencies - instead of the Commission and the European Court of Justice, as provided for in the TFEU - which, largely beyond public attention, interpret EU law and, on this basis, try to enforce it vis-a-vis the Member States.Nature law and policy in Europe by Andrew Jackson (Editor)
ISBN: 9780367275440Publication Date: 2023Following the Fitness Check evaluation of the Birds and Habitats Directives, in 2017 the EU adopted an Action Plan for nature, people and the economy to rapidly improve the Directives' implementation and accelerate progress towards the EU's biodiversity targets for 2020. More recently, the EU has adopted a Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and proposed an EU Nature Restoration Law.Research handbook on EU environmental law by Marjan Peeters (Editor); Mariolina Eliantonio (Editor)
ISBN: 9781788970662Publication Date: 2020This comprehensive Research Handbook discusses how the EU has used its regulatory power to steer towards environmentally friendly behaviour, delving into the deep concerns related to the compliance with and enforcement of EU environmental law. It also highlights the important role of civil society’s use of environmental procedural rights, and characterizes how the CJEU case law has contributed to the effective implementation of EU environmental legislation.
The EU's conceptualisation of the rule of law in Its external relations by Lisa Louwerse
ISBN: 9789004509856Publication Date: 2023This book explores the question of how the EU understands the ‘rule of law’ in its external relations, with a particular focus on development cooperation and enlargement. Although the EU’s commitment to the rule of law is strong, the relevant concept remains nebulous. On the basis of a detailed analysis of two key EU external policy areas, the main argument advanced is that the Union has adopted a mostly ‘institutional’ approach to the concept by focusing largely on judicial reform. By testing the relevant practice against the background of the constitutional traditions of the Member States and legal theory, the book attests to the significance of developing a comprehensive approach to the rule of law in EU external relations.EU diplomatic law by Sanderijn Duquet
ISBN: 9780192844552Publication Date: 2023EU Diplomatic Law provides a thorough analysis of the interactions between the European Union (EU) and international diplomatic and consular law. Over the past six decades, the EU has been granted unique powers that enable it to act prominently on the international plane, thereby developing a worldwide bilateral and multilateral diplomatic network. Much like states, the EU sends ambassadors to all corners of the world and accredits permanent missions at its Brussels' headquarters. These developments shake the foundations of diplomatic and consular law, as these branches of international law are based on the principles of state sovereignty, non-interference, and reciprocity. Traditional conceptions of international law only allow states to perform diplomatic and consular functions, leaving little room for non-state entities such as the EU. Sanderijn Duquet addresses this fundamental problem by re-visiting the foundations of diplomatic and consular law, as well as analysing EU practice in initiating, conducting, and terminating diplomatic and consular relations.EU external relations law by Stefan Lorenzmeier (Editor); Roman Petrov (Editor); Christoph Vedder (Editor)
ISBN: 9783030628581Publication Date: 2021The book covers contributions from 18 authors from different countries and analyses the recent case law of the ECJ on the external competences of the European Union. It deals with the impact of EU values on its relations with the Eastern neighbouring countries. The first part focuses on the evolution and current challenges of the external actions of the European Union, while the second part presents the EU cooperation with its Eastern neighbourhood and Eurasia. The book addresses the Association Agreements with the countries of the Eastern Partnership with its Eastern neighbourhood and Eurasia, the enhanced Partnership Agreements in the Eastern neighbourhood and post-Soviet area, and the current and future contractual relations with Eurasian Economic Union and its member states.EU external relations law by Ramses A. Wessel; Joris Larik
ISBN: 9781509926763Publication Date: 2020This new edition offers a dual perspective, looking at questions from both the EU constitutional law perspective (the principles underpinning EU external action, the EU's powers, and the role of the Court of Justice of the EU); and the international law perspective (the effect of international law in the EU legal order and the position of the EU in international organisations such as the WTO). A number of key substantive policy areas are explored, including trade, security and defence, police and judicial cooperation, the environment, human rights, and development cooperation.EU external relations law: The cases in context by Graham Butler (Editor); Ramses A. Wessel (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509939695Publication Date: 2022Marking the 50th anniversary of the influential ERTA doctrine, this book analyses and contextualises the entire breadth of the jurisprudence of EU external relations law through a systematic, case-by-case account of the field. The entire framework of EU external relations law has been built from the ground up by the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union.EU international relations law by Panos Koutrakos
ISBN: 9781849463225Publication Date: 2015Part I. The regulation of EU international relations law -- Part II. The management of EU international relations law -- Part III. EU-International law -- Part IV. The practice of EU international relations law -- Part V. Political relations and interactions between policies.The evolving nature of EU external relations law by W. Th. Douma (Editor); Christina Eckes (Editor); Peter van Elsuwege (Editor); Eva Kassoti (Editor); Andrea Ott (Editor); R. A. Wessel (Editor)
ISBN: 9789462654228Publication Date: 2021This book originates from the proceedings of the 10th anniversary conference of the Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER) in which renowned experts in the field took stock of recent evolutions in the law and practice of the EU’s external relations. In particular, the book addresses the question of how the evolving legal and political framework affects the nature of EU external relations law. The contributions discuss the actions (and reactions) of the EU through external action instruments in a number of substantive areas such as migration, trade, neighbouring policies, security and defence.International Relations and the European Union by Christopher Hill; Michael Smith; Sophie Vanhoonacker-Kormoss
ISBN: 9780192897343Publication Date: 2023International Relations and the European Union takes a unique approach by incorporating the study of the EU's world role into the wider field of international relations. As the most comprehensive introduction to the EU's international relations written by leading experts in the field, it is the key text for anyone wishing to understand the EU's role in the contemporary world.Beginning with an examination of theoretical frameworks and approaches, the book goes on to address the institutions and processes that surround the EU's international relations. Key policy areas, such as security and trade, are outlined in detail, alongside the EU's relations with specific countries and regions.Updates for the fourth edition include new chapters on the EU's relationship with Africa and Asia, coverage of the implementation of the EU's foreign policy, and exploration of how the EU's international relations relate historically to the European integration process, and the contemporary issue of migration.The law of EU external relations: Cases, materials, and commentary on the EU as an international legal actor by Jan Wouters; Frank Hoffmeister; Geert De Baere; Thomas Ramopoulos
ISBN: 9780198869481Publication Date: 2021This book explores the question of how the EU understands the ‘rule of law’ in its external relations, with a particular focus on development cooperation and enlargement. Although the EU’s commitment to the rule of law is strong, the relevant concept remains nebulous. On the basis of a detailed analysis of two key EU external policy areas, the main argument advanced is that the Union has adopted a mostly ‘institutional’ approach to the concept by focussing largely on judicial reform.Les accords internationaux de l'Union européenne by Aloupi, Niki, Rapoport, Cécile, Kaddous, Christine
ISBN: 9782800416441Publication Date: 2019Les accords internationaux de l'UE n'auront plus de secret pour vous ! Le présent volume est consacré aux accords internationaux de l'Union et aborde des thèmes qui traversent les divers domaines des relations extérieures de l'Union: les compétences externes, la procédure de conclusion des accords internationaux, les accords d'association et les accords mixtes. Cet ouvrage de référence, destiné en particulier aux chercheurs et aux praticiens du droits, traite la matière de façon approfondie et s'appuie sur un ensemble impressionnant de références à la pratique décisionnelle, à la jurisprudence et à la doctrine.Research handbook on the European Union and international organizations by Ramses A. Wessel (Editor); Jed Odermatt (Editor)
ISBN: 9781786438928Publication Date: 2019Over the years, the European Union has developed relationships with other international institutions, mainly as a result of its increasingly active role as a global actor and the transfer of competences from the Member States to the EU. This book presents a comprehensive and critical assessment of the EU's engagement with other international institutions, examining both the EU's representation and cooperation as well as the influence of these bodies on the development of EU law and policy.
Controlling immigration through criminal law: European and comparative perspectives on "crimmigration" by Gian Luigi Gatta (Editor); Valsamis Mitsilegas (Editor); Stefano. Zirulia (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509933921Publication Date: 2021This book provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the increased role of criminal law in managing migration, from a European, domestic and comparative law perspective. The contributors critically engage with the current trends leading to the criminalisation of irregular migrants, asylum seekers and those who engage in 'humanitarian smuggling' and the national and common policies calling for a broader use of criminal law measures. The chapters explore the measures used to protect borders and their impact in terms of effectiveness and their ability to strike a fair balance between security and the protection of human rights. The contributors to the book cover a range of disciplines within law, human rights and criminology resulting in a broad understanding of the issues at play.Droit général des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne by Gilliaux, P.
ISBN: 9782802773917Publication Date: 2024La consécration des droits fondamentaux par les Communautés, puis de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne en tant que texte contraignant de première importance a été encouragée par différents acteurs, mais a aussi pâti de résistances. De nouveaux défis sont maintenant à l’oeuvre. Par ailleurs, la complexité intrinsèque du droit de l’Union et de ses rapports avec les autres ordres juridiques affecte la matière. Aussi, ce livre retrace les développements que les droits fondamentaux ont connus parallèlement à la construction européenne. Il examine ensuite la portée de la Charte et ses concepts essentiels, puis les dispositions générales régissant son interprétation et l’ingérence dans les droits, libertés et principes qui y figurent, ses rapports avec les traités et le droit dérivé, ainsi qu’avec les autres sources de droits fondamentaux, son utilisation dans le processus normatif et, enfin, les contrôles a posteriori de son application. L’accent est mis sur la jurisprudence afin de rendre compte au mieux de la pratique.The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A commentary by Steve Peers (Editor); Tamara Hervey (Editor); Jeff Kenner (Editor); Angela Ward (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509933471Publication Date: 2022This second edition of the first commentary of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in English, written by experts from several EU Member States, provides an authoritative but succinct statement of how the Charter impacts upon EU, domestic and international law.EU citizenship law by Niamh Nic Shuibhne
ISBN: 9780198795315Publication Date: 2024European Union citizenship is a novel and complex legal status. Since its formal conception in the Maastricht Treaty, EU citizenship has catalysed an extraordinary, and ongoing, legal experiment, the development and implications of which are traced comprehensively throughout this book. EU Citizenship Law articulates, explains, and analyses the legal framework and legal developments that have shaped the status of EU citizenship and the rights that it confers on Member State nationals. By examining how the rights and responsibilities produced by EU citizenship relate to other rights conferred by EU law, the distinctive meaning and scope - the added legal value - of EU citizenship is uncovered. But the legal story examined here sits in deeper and wider economic, political, social, and emotional contexts because EU citizenship is also an idea: a vector of European integration, collective personhood, and multi-layered identities that reflects the paradoxically inclusive and exclusive qualities of citizenship more generally.EU immigration and asylum law: Article-by-article commentary by Daniel Thym (Editor); Kay Hailbronner (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509957316Publication Date: 2022The new edition of this seminal guide to EU immigration and citizenship has been updated to include all key legislative developments, focusing in particular on: - Asylum Procedure and Reception Conditions Directives - Dublin III Regulation - Qualification Directive - Schengen Borders Code, Visa Code and Frontex Regulation - Family Reunion Directive - Long-Term Residents Directive - Blue Card Directive - Return Directive.European migration law by Daniel Thym
ISBN: 9780192894274Publication Date: 2023This title provides a comprehensive overview of European migration law. More than three dozen directives and regulations are discussed throughout this volume, together with numerous court judgments, international treaties, reform proposals, and factual developments. This careful inspection of EU legislation and cases is accompanied by analyses of domestic and international developments, as well as contextual factors influencing the real world of migratory movements. Across eighteen chapters, Daniel Thym discusses core features of visas and border controls, asylum and legal migration, integration and return, association agreements, and international cooperation. The work consists of two parts. In the first part, Thym provides an analysis of the general framework behind the EU rules on migration and the changing positions of the supranational institutions. Central to this part is a discussion on the significance of human rights and the case law of the Court of Justice. Several chapters identify general features guiding the interpretation and the administrative implementation of the common rulebook. In the second part of the book, Thym explores the policy design and the substance approached through a thematic, rather than a chronological, lens. These chapters provide a reliable inventory of the policy design, the legislation and judgments on all areas of European migration law.The EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights: A commentary by Manuel Kellerbauer (Editor); Marcus Klamert (Editor); Jonathan Tomkin (Editor)
ISBN: 9780198794561Publication Date: 2019This Commentary provides an article-by-article summary of the TEU, the TFEU, and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, offering a quick reference to the provisions of the Treaties and how they are interpreted and applied in practice. Written by a team of contributors drawn from the Legal Service of the European Commission and academia, the Commentary offers expert guidance to practitioners and academics seeking fast access to the Treaties and current practice. The Commentary follows a set structure, offering a short overview of the Article, the Article text itself, a key references list including essential case law and legislation, and a structured commentary on the Article itself. The editors and contributors combine experience in practice with a strong academic background and have published widely on a variety of EU law subjects.Immigration and privacy in the law of the European Union: The case of information systems by Niovi Vavoula
ISBN: 9789004356092Publication Date: 2022The monograph analyses both the currently operational databases - Schengen Information System (SIS), Visa Information System (VIS) and Eurodac - and forthcoming systems - Entry/Exit System (EES), European Travel Information and Authorisation Systems (ETIAS) and European Criminal Record Information System for Third-Country Nationals (ECRIS-TCN) - as well as their future interoperability. To assess the compatibility of legal instruments governing information systems and their interoperability with the right to respect for private life, the author calls for the centrality of privacy as the appropriate lens through which instruments involving the processing of personal data should be viewed and offers a typology of privacy standards based on relevant case law by the Strasbourg and Luxemburg Courts.Manuel de droit de l'Union européenne de la santé by Estelle Brosset
ISBN: 9782802772484Publication Date: 2024L’Europe de la santé est rarement abordée juridiquement. Malgré une faible compétence initiale, l’UE a développé un important volume de droit en santé, accentué par la pandémie de Covid-19. Ce manuel explore ses fondations, compétences, et dimensions substantielles, incluant la protection de la santé publique, la relation de santé, et la régulation des médicaments.La protection juridictionnelle par la Cour de Justice dans l'ELSJ et la PESC après le Brexit by Marcel Yannick Minsongui
ISBN: 9782140485220Publication Date: 2023Ce livre étudie les questions juridiques concernant le retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'Union, la consolidation du statut diplomatique de l'Union européenne après le Brexit, les droits de l'homme, l'État de droit, la démocratie et les efforts multilatéraux de l'Union visant à consolider la paix et la stabilité internationale.Research handbook on European Union citizenship law and policy by Dora Kostakopoulou (Editor); Daniel Thym (Editor)
ISBN: 9781788972895Publication Date: 2022This Research Handbook provides a panoramic guide to the study and research of EU citizenship and its development within a challenging environment characterised by restrictive access to social benefits, Brexit, Euroscepticism and Covid-19. It combines theoretical perspectives with analyses of both the existing and future rights, duties and social protection that EU citizens ought to enjoy in a democratic and principled European Union.
The choice of legal basis for acts of the European Union: Competence overlaps, institutional preferences, and legal basis litigation by Annegret Engel
ISBN: 9783030002732Publication Date: 2018This book provides the first comprehensive discussion of conflicts between legal bases in EU law. It fills an important gap in the existing literature on the choice of legal basis in EU law by analysing the structure of legal bases and the resulting legal basis litigation in the European Union, thus identifying areas of conflict produced by overlapping competences, divergent inter-institutional interests, and inconsistencies in the courts' judgements. While certain cases have been discussed extensively in academic literature (e.g. Tobacco Advertising, ECOWAS), there has been little analysis of the general underlying criteria and principles governing the choice of legal basis on the part of European institutions. Such an analysis has, however, become necessary in order to better understand and possibly predict judicial outcomes, and to identify flaws in the current legislative framework.Commentaire article par article des traités UE et CE : de Rome à Lisbonne by Pingel, Isabelle
ISBN: 9783719025533Publication Date: 2010Livre I. Commentaire du traité sur l'Union européenne : p. 3 -- Livre II. Commentaire du traité instituant la Communauté européenne (CE) : p. 253 -- Annexe I. Protocoles annexés aux traités Union européenne et Communauté européenne : p. 1941 -- Annexe II. Traité de Lisbonne : p. 1943 -- Annexe III. Acte relatif aux conditions d'adhésion à l'Union européenne de la République de Bulgarie et de la Roumanie : p. 2211.Droit institutionnel de l'Union européenne by Claude Blumann
ISBN: 9782711037858Publication Date: 20231re partie : Le cadre constitutionnel de l'Union européenne. Titre 1. Les caractéristiques fondamentales de l'Union -- Titre 2. L'organisation constitutionnelle de l'Union européenne -- Titre 3. Le système des compétences -- 2e partie : L'ordre juridique de l'Union européenne. Titre 1. Les sources du droit de l'Union européenne -- Titre 2. Le contentieux de l'Union européenne -- Titre 3. La primauté du droit de l'Union européenne.EU-Kommentar by Schwarze, Jürgen
ISBN: 9783789063237Publication Date: 2000"Dieses Werk kommentiert sowohl den Vertrag über die Europäische Union als auch den Vertrag zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft in der Fassung, die ihnen der Vertrag von Amsterdam gegeben hat." Die Artikel 149 und 150 des Vertrags über die Europäische Union haben die politischen Ziele der Europäischen Union im Bereich der Allgemeinen und Beruflichen Bildung und Jugend zum Inhalt.EU constitutional law by Koen Lenaerts; Piet Van Nuffel; Tim Corthaut (Editor)
ISBN: 9780198851592Publication Date: 2021This title is a comprehensive textbook of EU constitutional law, setting out the structure, values, procedures, and policies of the European Union. It is a first point of reference for issues of EU constitutional law. The book encompasses six major parts. The first part addresses the formation history of the European Union, the treaties, the accessions, and the withdrawal of the United Kingdom. The second part covers the competences of the European Union. It contains an extensive analysis of the key constitutional principles governing the exercise of competences by the Union and the balance of power between the Union and its Member States, followed by an in-depth anaylsis of EU citizenship and the four freedoms, followed by an overview of the main internal and external policy domains. The third part addresses the role and workings of the various institutions (European Council, Council, European Parliament, Commission, European Court of Justice, and European Central Bank), the position of the Member States of the Union, and various other institutional matters. Part four explores the various decision-making processes, addressing not only the legislative and executive decision-making, but also the budget, CFSP, and external action. The fifth part looks at the legal instruments and the position of EU law in the EU and national legal orders, with an attention to the key principles of primary and direct effect, and the role of fundamental rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The final part sets out the complete and coherent system of judicial protection in the European Union, offering an overview of the various courses of action before the EU courts and in the national legal orders to enforce EU law or to obtain judicial protection.European Banking Union: Brussels commentary by Jens-Hinrich Binder (Editor); Christos V. Gortsos (Editor); Klaus Lackhoff (Editor); Christoph Ohler (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509963898Publication Date: 2022This new commentary analyses, article by article, the two most important regulations on the European banking union: firstly, the Single Supervisory Mechanism with the ECB as the single supervisory authority for major banking institutions; and secondly, the Single Resolution Mechanism with the Single Resolution Fund as the centralized decision-making body in the eurozone.The European Monetary Union: A commentary on the legal foundations by Helmut Siekmann (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509918966Publication Date: 2021Part I: Treaty on European Union -- Part II: Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union -- Part III: Statute of the ESCB/ECB: Protocol (no 4) on the statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank -- Part IV: Other protocols.European Union Treaties: Treaty on European Union, Treaty on the functioning of the European Union by Rudolf Geiger (Editor); Daniel-Erasmus Khan (Editor); Markus Kotzur (Editor)
ISBN: 9781849463614Publication Date: 2015This is the new English edition of a Commentary on the basic European Treaties comprises concise article-by-article commentaries on the most recent versions of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, supplemented by the Charter of Fundamental Rights (including the comments of the European Convention's Presidency) and the Treaty Protocols. The authors, all of them specialists on European law, provide a compact overview of the European primary law and also refer to the relevant secondary law.The Evolution of the EU Treaties: From the Treaties of Rome to the Conference on the Future of Europe, including Brexit and the Windsor Framework by Klemens H. Fischer
ISBN: 9783756012930Publication Date: 2024The development of EU policies from the Treaties of Rome in the 1950s to the Lisbon Treaty in 2009, which led to an "ever closer union" and ultimately to Brexit, are made comprehensible. This process shows that primarily political considerations led to Treaty changes. Both the political and historical background of the evolution of EU policies and the consequences for the UK and the EU as a result of the Withdrawal Agreement are presented in detail. Klemens H. Fischer is Professor of International Relations and Geopolitics at the University of Cologne. He is Vice President of the Austria Institute for European and Security Policy, Vienna, and member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, London.The future of EU constitutionalism by Matej Avbelj (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509962860Publication Date: 2023Is there a real and meaningful future for EU constitutionalism? This collection explores this question in light of recent challenges to EU constitutional law; namely the pandemic and the political schisms emerging across the European Union. The contributors explore the question through the prism of the five main pillars of EU constitutionalism: the constitutional values, the EU formal constitutional framework, its substance consisting of the EU political and economic constitution, and conclude by looking at the foundational concept of sovereignty (national and European) in a global realm.Judicial authority in EU internal market law: Implications for the balance of competences and powers by Velyvyte, Vilija
ISBN: 9781509939015Publication Date: 2022This book examines the role of the European Court of Justice in the regulation of the internal market from a competence perspective. However, rather than focusing on the Court's role in enforcing the limits of EU competence in the EU's political decision making, it explores a related, albeit understudied, question: to what extent does the Court observe the constitutional limits of EU competence and its own institutional powers in the interpretation of EU internal market law laid down in the Treaties? The book provides an answer to this question through the analysis of EU free movement case law in light of the constitutional principles that govern the allocation of competences and powers in the EU: conferral, subsidiarity and proportionality, on the vertical level, and institutional balance, on the horizontal level.Oxford pinciples of European Union law. Volume 1, the European Union legal order by Robert Schutze (Editor); Takis Tridimas (Editor)
ISBN: 9780199533770Publication Date: 2018Volume I provides an analysis of the constitutional principles governing the European Union. It covers the history of the EU, the constitutional foundations, the institutional framework, legislative and executive governance, judicial protection, and external relations.The Palgrave handbook of European Banking Union law by Mario P. Chiti (Editor); Vittorio Santoro (Editor)
ISBN: 9783030134778Publication Date: 2019This handbook analyses the European Banking Union legal framework focusing on legislative acts (regulations and directives), case law and the resolution procedures. In addition, it will pay attention to the division of responsibilities between the ECB and the national authorities, with special attention to the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM). To give a more complete picture, the book will also cover the implementation of European Deposit Insurance Scheme (so called third pillar) still under construction, and appeal to academics, researchers and students of banking and financial law.Revisiting judicial politics in the European Union by Mark Dawson (Editor); Bruno De Witte (Editor); Elise Muir (Editor)
ISBN: 9781035313501Publication Date: 2024Addressing the tensions between the political and the legal dimension of European integration as well as intra-institutional dynamics, this insightful book navigates the complex topic of judicial politics. Providing an overview of key topics in the current debate and including an introductory chapter on different conceptions of judicial politics, experts in law and politics interrogate the broader political role of the European Court of Justice. Revisiting Judicial Politics in the European Unionexplores the variety of interactions between legal and political actors across sensitive policy fields, as well as different ways in which legal institutions engage with political or moral norms. Chapters discuss institutional balance in the EU, the role of judges and experts in judicial politics, the place of fundamental rights in matters of jurisdiction, and the relationship between ordinary national courts and the European Court of Justice.The substantive law of the EU: The four freedoms by Catherine Barnard
ISBN: 9780192857880Publication Date: 2022An introductory chapter provides valuable context on the governance of the internal market, its evolution, and the theories behind its key principles. Each of the freedoms is then dealt with in turn, covering goods, persons, services, and capital, before moving on to discuss harmonization, the regulation of the internal market, and its future. Additional useful detail is captured in footnotes, while directed further reading lists provide support for independent study and research.The Treaty on European Union (TEU): A commentary by Hermann-Josef Blanke (Editor); Stelio Mangiameli (Editor)
ISBN: 9783642317057Publication Date: 2013The major Commentary on the Treaty on European Union (TEU) is a European project that aims to contribute to the development of ever closer conceptual and dogmatic standpoints with regard to the creation of a "Europeanised research on Union law". This publication in English contains detailed explanations, article by article, on all the provisions of the TEU as well as on several Protocols and Declarations, including the Protocols No 1, 2 and 30 and Declaration No 17, having steady regard to the application of Union law in the national legal orders and its interpretation by the Court of Justice of the EU. The authors of the Commentary are academics from ten European states and different legal fields, some from a constitutional law background, others experts in the field of international law and EU law professionals. This should lead to more unity in European law notwithstanding all the legitimate diversity. The different traditions of constitutional law are reflected and mentioned by name thus striving for a common framework for European constitutional law.Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union: A commentary by Hermann-Josef Blanke (Editor); Stelio Mangiameli (Editor)
ISBN: 9783030435097Publication Date: 2021The Commentary on the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (four volumes) is a major European project that aims to contribute to the development of ever closer conceptual and dogmatic standpoints with regard to the creation of "Europeanised research on Union law". Following on from the Commentary on the Treaty of the European Union, this book presents detailed explanations, article by article, of all the provisions of the TFEU, discussing the application of Union law in the national legal orders and its interpretation by the Court of Justice of the EU. The authors are academics and practitioners from twenty-eight European states and different legal fields, some from a constitutional law background, others experts in the field of international law and EU law.L'Union européenne de la défense : commentaire article par article by Elsa Bernard, Quentin Loiez, Stéphane Rodrigues
ISBN: 9782802772774Publication Date: 2024L’Union européenne de la défense s’est développée pour répondre aux nouveaux défis sécuritaires et intègre des éléments supranationaux, dépassant la politique intergouvernementale de sécurité et de défense commune (PSDC). Elle se fonde sur des dispositions variées : le Traité sur l’Union européenne (TUE), le Traité sur le fonctionnement de l’Union européenne (TFUE) et le Traité Euratom. Cette approche permet de traiter des enjeux de défense en intégrant des règles communes, avec des actes dérivés qui forment une base juridique élargie pour une défense européenne plus intégrée.
Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union by Eleonora Rosati
ISBN: 9780198885580Publication Date: 2024First released in early 2019, Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union remains the only book exclusively devoted to the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the EU copyright field. Fully updated for the new edition, the book explains the Court's role and action in the field of EU copyright law and provides readers with a sense of the direction of the Court's jurisprudence through an exercise of 'tidying up' and rationalizing the rulings issued so far. In his foreword to the first edition, First Advocate General Maciej Szpunar praised the book's 'profound analysis' of the EU copyright protection and CJEU decisions, which in his view, 'unveiled new information, perhaps never considered, even by members of the Court'.Counterfeit and falsified medicines in the EU by Vishv P. Kohli
ISBN: 9781788978194Publication Date: 2021This timely book investigates the issue of counterfeit and falsified medicines (CFM) in the EU, identifying that this is a problem that lies at the intersection of three spheres of law - medicine, intellectual property (IP), and criminal law. The book highlights key issues such as infiltration of the legal supply chain and the involvement of organised crime, analysing relevant EU law and demonstrating the challenges of CFM. Using examples from several case studies, Vishv Priya Kohli reveals the gaps in the current legal framework, underlining the particular difficulties created by the interplay between different areas of law as well as the lack of criminal penalties. The author explores areas where improvements have already been made, in particular through the Falsified Medicines Directive, and articulates a number of recommendations to fill in the gaps, for example by harmonizing criminal law and building synergies within law enforcement.EU copyright law: A commentary by Irini Stamatoudi (Editor); Paul Torremans (Editor)
ISBN: 9781786437792Publication Date: 2021The book addresses the rapid development of EU copyright law in relation to the advancement of new technologies, the need for a borderless digital market and the considerable number of EU legal instruments enacted as a result. Alongside full legislative analysis and article-by-article commentary, the Commentary illustrates the underlying basic principles of free movement and non-discrimination. It provides insights into the influence of copyright on other areas of EU policy, including telecoms and bilateral trade agreements.Intellectual Property and Private International Law by Paul L.C. Torremans (ed.)
ISBN: 9780198853312Publication Date: 2024The rapidly developing field of intellectual property and private international law could be difficult to navigate for practitioners and researchers because of the complex interface of the two legal disciplines. Intellectual Property and Private International Law sets out the main concepts with a comprehensive analysis of issues arising from the relationship between the two disciplines from common law, European Union and international perspectives.This highly regarded work examines how jurisdiction is established in intellectual property disputes, how one identifies the applicable law and how to secure the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. This new edition encompasses the numerous, and in some cases major, legal developments seen over the past twelve years. It deals with the private international law aspects of the introduction of mandatory exemptions to the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market; discusses the new Court of Justice of the European Union case law on article 7.2 Brussels I Regulations and its divergent approach to European Union intellectual property rights; covers recent EU directives and national case law, including the fundamental change in patent law that will result from the introduction of the European Patent with Unitary Effect and the Unified Patent Court; as well as elucidating the implications of Britain's departure from the European Union.Managing Copyright: Emerging business models in the individual and collective management of rights by Rudolf Leska (Editor)
ISBN: 9789403509372Publication Date: 2023Managing Copyright brings together prominent contributors in a collection of academic papers as well as business oriented reports which encompasses our current knowledge in the field of collective management of authors'' and related rights. This volume, published in cooperation with the Association littéraire et artistique internationale, is an output of the 2019 ALAI Congress held in Prague where scholars and practitioners met to discuss outstanding issues related to collective management. In the book, the reader finds large studies by well-known copyright scholars (Gervais, Drexl, Nérisson, Synodinou, Ficsor, Axhamn and others) and reports on every issue in this highly dynamic field of copyright law.The Routledge handbook of EU copyright law by Eleonora Rosati (Editor)
ISBN: 9781003156277Publication Date: 2021The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law provides a definitive survey of copyright harmonization in the European Union, capturing the essential and relevant issues of this relatively recent phenomenon. Over the past few years, two themes have emerged: on the one hand, copyright policy and legislative initiatives have intensified; on the other hand, the large number of references to the Court of Justice of the European Union has substantially shaped the EU copyright framework and, with it, the copyright framework of individual EU Member States. This handbook is a detailed reference source of original contributions which analyze and critically evaluate the state of EU copyright law with a view to detecting the key trends and patterns in the evolution of EU copyright, weighing the benefits and disadvantages of such evolution. It covers a broad range of topics through clusters focused on: the history and approaches to EU copyright harmonization; harmonization in the areas of exclusive rights, exceptions and limitations, and enforcement; copyright policy and legacy of harmonizationSui generis intellectual property protection: Comparison of EU and U.S. regulatory approaches by Iana Kazeeva
ISBN: 9789819988969Publication Date: 2024The standard forms of intellectual property protection, namely, copyright, patents, trademarks and trade secrets, have a long history and are well regulated in the legislative systems of most jurisdictions. However, there are specific kinds of subject matter that, due to their characteristics, cannot be adequately protected by these standard forms of intellectual property instruments. At the same time, these categories of subject matter require legal protection in order to ensure the balance between the public's access to these creations and the creators' rights. For these reasons, many jurisdictions introduce a special form of intellectual property protection, namely, sui generis regime, i.e., intellectual property legal regime "of its own kind", designed to serve the specific needs of a particular subject matter. This book analyzes the intellectual property protection regimes in the EU and the U.S. available for three categories of subject matter that are often considered as requiring sui generis protection, namely, databases, designs and plant varieties. One of the main objectives is to evaluate whether the chosen subject matter in fact requires sui generis intellectual property protection and whether the introduced sui generis regimes have proved to be successful over time. The final chapter of this book analyses the perspectives of sui generis intellectual property protection for works generated by AI systems.
Effective enforcement of EU labour law by Zane Rasnaca (Editor); Aristea Koukiadaki (Editor); Niklas Bruun (Editor); Klaus Lörcher (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509944415Publication Date: 2022This book by the ETUI Transnational Trade Union Rights Expert Network analyses enforcement as a key element making EU labour law effective or ineffective. Enforcement is the key ingredient that makes rights effective and ensures compliance. It can make or break a legal system. Despite this, enforcement of EU labour law has received little scholarly attention in recent decades and has rarely been examined in a comprehensive way. This book aims to fill this gap.The EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages: Context, commentary and trajectories by Luca. Ratti, Elisabeth Brameshuber, and Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni
ISBN: 9781509968749Publication Date: 2024This book provides an all-encompassing and timely analysis of the EU regulatory framework deriving from the enactment of Directive 2022/2041 on adequate minimum wages. In the first part, the book discusses the function of minimum wage policies in contemporary labour markets and the role of social partners and collective bargaining in governing minimum wage determinants and trends. The second part provides an article-by-article commentary of the Directive, including insights on crucial aspects such as the EU competence to intervene on wages, the concept of minimum wage adequacy, and the measurement and promotion of collective bargaining coverage. The third part assesses the impact of the Directive across the EU, focusing on the main systemic implications of the Directive as well as on the structural changes that Member States will need to implement.Law, precarious labour and posted workers by Marta Lasek-Markey
ISBN: 9781032395982Publication Date: 2023This book examines the role of law in regulating and influencing the lived experiences of posted workers in Europe. The 'posting' of workers is an unusual type of labour mobility, where workers are hired out to provide a specific service in another country. Although it involves a specialised area of law, it is one that serves as a magnifying glass for the long-standing tension between the economic and social dimensions of law's regulatory role. As an atypical form of labour migration, posting also touches upon broader themes concerning the role and purpose of labour law in a changing world of work. Taking up these themes through interviews with posted workers, lawyers and employers, the book adopts a sociolegal approach to consider how the law shapes the precarious lived experiences of posted workers in Europe.The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the European Union: The impact on law and governance by Carmine Conte
ISBN: 9781509945146Publication Date: 2022This book analyses the impact of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) on EU non-discrimination law and governance. The CRPD places the protection of persons with disabilities at the heart of international human rights law. The Convention is the first human rights treaty open for signatures by regional organisations, and the European Union favourably acceded to it in December 2010. Ten years after this historic event, this book explores whether the theory has been put into practice, and examines the effects of the CRPD on EU non-discrimination law and governance. This book brings together the practices of the European Court of Justice (CJEU) with regard to disability discrimination to show whether the CRPD is living up to its full potential to substantially improve the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in the EU. It examines whether the judicial interpretation of the Directive 2000/78/EC, establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation, does or does not comply with the new legal background delineated by the CRPD. In addition, it investigates whether the governance mechanisms underlying the EU Framework for promoting, protecting and monitoring the CRPD are effectively fostering the implementation of the CRPD and the role of civil society.
European private international law: Commercial litigation in the EU by Geert van Calster
ISBN: 9781509970919Publication Date: 2024Opening with foundational questions, the book clearly explains the subject's central tenets: the Brussels I, Rome I and Rome II Regulations (jurisdiction, applicable law for contracts and tort). Additional chapters explore private international law and insolvency, freedom of establishment, and the impact of private international law on corporate social responsibility. The relevant Hague instruments, and the impact of Brexit, are fully integrated in the various chapters.Financial Services Contracts in EU Law by Federico Della Negra
ISBN: 9780192866608Publication Date: 2024In the wake of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, misconduct and unfair contract terms in financial services contracts triggered a wave of litigation before national courts. Litigation did not remain a national law issue but soon became an EU law issue. National courts sought, through the preliminary reference procedure, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)'s guidance to interpret EU financial services legislation and determine the scope of consumers' rights and private law remedies vis-à-vis financial service providers (FSPs). The high number of CJEU's rulings have significantly innovated numerous EU and national private law rules on financial services contracts. The CJEU has often expanded consumers' private law remedies, based on general principles of EU law, beyond the letter of the law, thus 'creating' new private law principles for these contracts.The European Roots of the Lex Sportiva by Antoine Duval (Editor); Alexander Krüger (Editor); Johan Lindholm (Editor)
ISBN: 9781509971442Publication Date: 2024This open access book explores the complexity of the lex sportiva, the transnational legal regime governing international sports. Pioneering in its approach, it maps out the many entanglements of the transnational governance of sports with European legal processes and norms. The contributors trace the embeddedness of the lex sportiva within national law, European Union law and the European Convention on Human Rights. While the volume emphasizes the capacity of sports governing bodies to leverage the resources of national law to spread the lex sportiva globally, it also points at the fact that European legal processes are central when challenging the status quo as illustrated recently in the Semenya and Superleague cases.The Rome III Regulation: A commentary on the law applicable to divorce and legal separation by Sabine Corneloup (Editor)
ISBN: 9781788975773Publication Date: 2020This comprehensive Commentary provides an in-depth, article-by-article analysis of the Rome III Regulation, the uniform rules adopted by the EU to determine the law applicable to cross-border divorce and legal separation. Disputes on family matters form part of everyday litigation in the EU, with around 140,000 international divorces per year; this Commentary offers a clear legal understanding of the regulation that governs this increasingly significant area of family law.
Contentieux européen by Melchior Wathelet
ISBN: 9782804467838Publication Date: 2014Volume 1. Chapitre 1. Architecture juridictionnelle de l'Union européenne. Section 1. Les Cours nationales -- Section 2. Les juridictions de l'Union européenne -- Section 3. Procédure : des règles simples -- Chapitre 2. Les différents recours. Section 1. Le recours en manquement -- Section 2. Le recours en annulation -- Section 3. Les recours en matière de fonction publique -- Section 4. Compétence de pleine juridiction -- Section 5. L'exception d'illégalité -- Section 6. Le recours en carence -- Section 7. Le recours en responsabilité extracontractuelle -- Section 8. Recours préjudiciels -- Section 9. Recours contre les arrêts du Tribunal et du Tribunal de la fonction publique -- Section 10. Demande d'avis à la Cour de justice sur un projet d'accord international (art. 218, § 11 TFUE) -- Section 11. Mesures provisoires -- Section 12. Autres compétences de la Cour de justice et du Tribunal -- Section 13. Compétence du juge de l'Union dans les matières de Politique étrangère et de sécurité commune (PESC) et de Justice et affaires intérieures (JAI). Volume 2. Textes de procédures et inventaires de jurisprudence. Recueil de textes et procédure. Traités. Cour de justice de l'Union européenne. Cour de justice. Tribunal. Tribunal de la fonction publique -- Inventaires des décisions de jurisprudence.EU procedural law by Koen Lenaerts; Kathleen Gutman; Janek Tomasz Nowak
ISBN: 9780198833086Publication Date: 2023EU Procedural Law provides a rigorously structured analysis of the system of judicial protection in the European Union and the procedure before the Union Courts (the Court of Justice and the General Court). It examines the various types of proceedings which may be brought before the Union Courts, such as the actions for infringement, annulment, failure to act, and damages, along with special forms of procedure involving, for example, interim relief, appeals, staff cases, and intellectual property rights. It also addresses the relationship between the Court of Justice and the national courts through the preliminary ruling procedure and the interplay between European Union law and the national procedural and remedial frameworks more generally.European Court procedure: A practical guide by Viktor Luszcz
ISBN: 9781841130538Publication Date: 2020The new rules of procedure of the General Court, in force as of 2015, as well as the reform of the General Court and the re-establishment of a two-tier EU judiciary in September 2016 are the last bricks in the post-Lisbon legal structure governing litigation before the EU Courts. This work covers the already sizeable case-law developed after the completion of these reforms and explains the changes in the Courts' practice. Written by référendaires of the EU Courts and lawyers of the European Commission with a combined experience of 70 years, it gives a detailed and practice-oriented overview of the whole spectrum of litigation procedure before the EU judiciary. It also presents the entire system of judicial avenues that enable litigants to enforce their rights under EU law against European institutions, Member States or private parties.Guide pratique du contentieux européen devant les juridictions nationales by Varga, Zsófia
ISBN: 9782802767695Publication Date: 2021Le but de cet ouvrage est de décrire les règles essentielles relatives à l’application du droit de l’Union devant les juridictions nationales, et de les structurer d’une manière systématique, afin de permettre aux juges et aux juristes de contentieux nationaux d’appréhender les normes principales. En bref, ce livre porte sur les règles qui tomberaient sous la catégorie des règles procédurales du contentieux civil et administratif dans un ordre juridique national. Ces règles, élaborées par la Cour de justice, déterminent quand et comment les juges nationaux doivent appliquer le droit l’Union dans les procédures nationalesLasok's European Court practice and procedure by K.P.E. Lasok
ISBN: 9781526519764Publication Date: 2022When the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance drafts its own procedural rules, and when it makes decisions on procedural matters, it turns to the highly regarded Lasok's European Court Practice and Procedure for confirmation and guidance. Fully revised and updated the fourth edition:1. Explains the implications of Brexit and the residual jurisdiction of the ECJ in relation to the UK under the Withdrawal Agreement. 2. Takes account of and provide in-depth analysis of all case law since the previous edition.3. Provides guidance on the new General Court Rules of Procedure.4. Provides new commentary on the Judges and Advocates General caused by Brexit and the current ongoing litigation concerning Advocate General Sharpston.5. Includes additional commentary on the confidentiality regime for cases raising security concerns.Manuel de droit institutionnel et de contentieux européen by Nicolas de Sadeleer
ISBN: 9782802770824Publication Date: 2021S’adressant tant aux étudiants qu’aux praticiens confrontés au droit européen, ce manuel offre une présentation d’ensemble des compétences, de la composition et du fonctionnement des institutions et des organes de l’Union ainsi que des sources normatives. S’y ajoute une analyse approfondie des différentes voies de recours qui garantissent une protection juridictionnelle effective. Dans la mesure où le détour par le contentieux s’avère indispensable, une place particulière est attachée à la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice. Que ce soit pour la délimitation des droits fondamentaux (état de droit en Pologne), la répartition verticale et horizontale des pouvoirs (politique monétaire européenne), les rapports internationaux (CETA), c’est devant les prétoires que se joue l’avenir institutionnel de l’Europe.Perceptions of the independence of judges in Europe: Congruence of society and judiciary by Frans van Dijk
ISBN: 9783030631420Publication Date: 2020This open access book is about the perception of the independence of the judiciary in Europe. Do citizens and judges see its independence in the same way? Do judges feel that their independence is respected by the users of the courts, by the leadership of the courts and by politicians? Does the population trust the judiciary more than other public institutions, or less? How does independence of the judiciary work at the national level and at the level of the European Union? These interrelated questions are particularly relevant in times when the independence of the judiciary is under political pressure in several countries in the European Union, giving way to illiberal democracy.Procédures devant les juridictions de l'Union européenne et devant la CEDH by Jean-Luc Sauron
ISBN: 9782297055765Publication Date: 2016Partie 1. Procédure devant les juridictions de l'Union européenne. Titre 1. Les juridictions de l'Union européenne (CJ et Tribunal) -- Titre 2. Les recours et renvois prévus par le TFUE -- Partie 2. Procédure devant la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme. Titre 1. Les acteurs -- Titre 2. La procédure -- Titre 3. L'examen de la recevabilité des requêtes -- Titre 4. L'exécution des arrêts de la Cour.
EU tax law: A handbook by Juliane Kokott
ISBN: 9781509964741Publication Date: 2022This book analyses the tax law of the European Union, which has developed in the space between the national legal orders of the Member States on the one hand and the international regime (particularly the influences of the OECD, including BEPS) on the other. In that framework, the author considers the whole body of the tax law of the European Union: the general principles applicable to both direct and indirect taxation, the principle of equality and its more specific expressions on the basic freedoms and the prohibition of state aid, the principles of neutrality and ability to pay, taxpayers' fundamental rights, the justifications of infringements, including the fight against tax avoidance, secondary legislation in the area of direct taxes and details of the Union's VAT law and excise taxes.Manuel de droit fiscal de l'Union européenne by Maitrot de la Motte, Alexandre
ISBN: 9782802769804Publication Date: 2024Le droit fiscal de l’Union européenne prévoit deux modalités d’intégration des fiscalités nationales : l’intégration négative, qui suppose l’interdiction des restrictions fiscales à la libre circulation des marchandises, la prohibition des restrictions fiscales à la libre circulation des personnes, des services et des capitaux, et l’encadrement des aides d’État sous forme fiscale ; et l’intégration positive, qui passe par l’harmonisation des droits fiscaux nationaux, l’élimination des doubles impositions, et la coopération administrative et politique en matière fiscale. À terme, la question de la création d’un impôt européen devra bien entendu être posée. Cette question, renouvelée par la nécessité de financer le plan « Next Generation EU », montre à quel point le droit fiscal de l’Union européenne est une matière essentielle, passionnante et hautement symbolique.Research handbook in European Union taxation law by Christiana Hji Panayi (Editor); Werner Haslehner (Editor); Edoardo Traversa (Editor)
ISBN: 9781788110839Publication Date: 2020This multidisciplinary book provides an insight into the taxation of individuals, businesses, passive investment and the non-profit sector. It reviews the harmonisation debate in the areas of corporate taxation and Value Added Tax, and also analyses the current developments as to energy and environmental taxation. Tax competition, state aid and the impact of the international polemic against aggressive tax planning are explored, as are the more procedural but equally important topics dealing with cooperation between tax authorities, exchange of information, taxpayer rights and dispute resolution. The final part of this book examines the external dimension to EU tax law - not only as far as the fundamental freedoms are concerned but also in the context of trade agreements and association agreementsTax crimes and enforcement in the European Union: Solutions for law, policy and practice by Umut Turksen (Editor); Donato Vozza (Editor); Reinhard Kreissl (Editor); Fanou Rasmouki (Editor)
ISBN: 9780192862341Publication Date: 2023EU member states lose hundreds of billions of euros to tax evasion every year. Tax crimes have a significant impact on the functioning of national and international economies and on the global financial system. Not only do they affect the actors involved and the state that has been deprived of tax revenues, but the citizens of those states suffer too.Tax Crimes and Enforcement in the European Union presents the findings of the EU-funded PROTAX project. Chapters written by leading experts discuss EU and national legal measures and institutional practices to counter anti-money laundering, corruption, organised crime, and tax evasion. Human factors and their role in countering tax crimes are also considered as well as whistleblower protection legislation which gives readers a rounded view of current practices within the EU.This book provides a timely and valuable comparative study of the legal and institutional background of the prosecution of tax crimes, as well as an analysis of legal measures and institutional practices to combat tax crimes on national and EU levels. It also contributes to the development of an advanced European Security Model for understanding human factors in countering tax crimes.
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