EC Library Guide on food waste: Selected reports
Selected think tank reports
- Barriers and enablers for implementing circular economy business models: Evidence from the electrical and electronic equipment and agri-food value chains
Vasileios Rizos, et al. Centre for European Policy Studies,.2021.
The circular economy is a key element of the EGD. This report provides evidence on barriers and enablers to the implementation of circular economy business models in two value chains that exhibit high levels of waste generation: the electrical and electronic equipment and agri-food value chains. It provides insights on how the Covid-19 crisis has affected the companies’ circularity activities..
- The EU farm to fork strategy: What needs to come next? A first assessment of important steps for an ambitious implementation of the EU Farm to Fork strategy
S. Wunder, A. Frelih-Larsen, I. Herb. Ecologic Institute, 2020.
The Ecologic Institute's initial assessment highlights five important steps for an ambitious implementation of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy – on EU, national and regional level.
- The food systems approach in practice: A guide for sustainable transformation
Koen Dekeyser, et al. European Centre for Development Policy Management, 2020.
Recently, several approaches have been developed to guide systemic interventions, but due to the complexity of food systems, taking a ‘food system approach’ is often seen by practitioners and decision-makers as a daunting task requiring considerable resources. In this paper, we develop an iterative, step-based sustainable food system approach that helps navigate complexity and is flexible in its required resources, thus enabling a fast overview or a deep dive as determined by a project’s or organisation’s objectives.
- Reduzierung der Lebensmittelverschwendung in privaten Haushalten: Mapping von bestehenden Maßnahmen und Initiativen in Deutschland
S; Wunder, I. Herb, L. Schmidt. Ecologic Institute, 2022.
Im Rahmen des Projektes Dialogforum "Private Haushalte" wurde ein Mapping bestehender Akteur*innen und Initiativen durchgeführt und ausgewertet. Ziel dieser strukturierten Kategorisierung ist es, einen Überblick über die aktuelle Maßnahmenlandschaft zu gewinnen, um darauf basierend zu erkennen, welche wirkungsvollen Ansatzpunkte bereits durch aktuelle Maßnahmen abgedeckt werden bzw. welche nicht und, wie bestehende Maßnahmen verbessert und die Wirksamkeit erhöht werden können.
- Last Updated: Feb 3, 2025 11:25 AM
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