EC Library Guide on artificial intelligence and sustainable governance: Selected documents
EU law: Selected documents
- Fostering a European approach to artificial intelligence | European Commission
COM/2021/205 final.
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
Faced with the rapid technological development of AI and a global policy context where more and more countries are investing heavily in AI, the EU must act as one to harness the many opportunities and address challenges of AI in a future-proof manner. To promote the development of AI and address the potential high risks it poses to safety and fundamental rights equally, the Commission is presenting both a proposal for a regulatory framework on AI and a revised coordinated plan on AI.
- Artificial intelligence in a digital age | European Parliament
P9_TA(2022)0140 (2022/C 465/06).
Notes that the world stands on the verge of the fourth industrial revolution; points out that in comparison with the three previous waves, initiated by the introduction of steam, electricity, and then computers, the fourth wave draws its energy from an abundance of data combined with powerful algorithms and computing capacity; stresses that today’s digital revolution is shaped by its global scale, fast convergence, and the enormous impact of emerging technological breakthroughs on states, economies, societies, international relations and the environment; recognises that radical change of this scale has differing impacts on various parts of society depending on their objectives, geographical location or socio-economic context; emphasises that the digital transition must be shaped with full respect for fundamental rights and in such a way that digital technologies serve humanity.
- Last Updated: Feb 7, 2025 2:27 PM
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