EC Library Guide on conflict prevention, peace building and mediation: Research journals
Research journals
- Conflict Management and Peace Science | Sageis the journal of the Peace Science Society (International). Articles (a) observe conflict at different levels of aggregation, (b) employ a variety of scientific methodologies (c) recognize a diversity of viewpoints and experiences as relevant for understanding the how and why of political violence and its resolution.
- Cooperation and Conflict | Sage
This journal, with Norwegian roots, has a long-standing tradition for publishing on Nordic and European affairs in the field of cooperation and conflict.
- Defence and Peace Economics | Routledge Journals
Defence and Peace Economics (DPE) deals with research in all aspects of the economics of defence, security, disarmament, conflict and peace. It studies and analyses on issues of defence and security. Major thematic areas covered include conflict and civil war, national security, terrorism, peacemaking and peacekeeping, conflict resolution, the economic effects of defence spending, arms races, the arms trade, the economics of alliances, burden sharing, defence management, budgeting and procurement, military personnel recruitment and retention, the defence‐industrial complex, defence R&D, country and industry surveys.
- International Negotiation | Kluwer Academic Publishers
The journal's practical aim is to identify, analyse, and explain effective and efficient international negotiation and mediation processes that result in long-lasting, flexible, and implementable solutions. The journal addresses the processes of negotiation relating to political, security, environmental, ethnic, economic, business, legal, scientific and cultural issues and conflicts among nations, international and regional organisations, and multinational corporations and other non-state parties.
- Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research | University of Central Lancashire and Ashworth Research Centre.
s unique in providing collective coverage of aggression, conflict and peace research, which are often separated disciplines. The journal’s approach stems from the ethos that in order to understand conflict and aggression it is also necessary to understand peace and conflict resolution (and vice versa).
- Journal of Conflict Resolution | Sage
The Journal of Conflict Resolution is an interdisciplinary journal of social scientific theory and research on human conflict. It focuses especially on international conflict, but its pages are open to a variety of contributions about intergroup conflict, as well as between nations, that may help in understanding problems of war and peace.
- The Journal of Conflict Resolution | University of Michigan
This is an interdisciplinary journal of social scientific theory and research on human conflict. It focuses especially on international conflict, but its pages are open to a variety of contributions about intergroup conflict, as well as between nations, that may help in understanding problems of war and peace.
- Journal of International Peacekeeping | Brill
is devoted to reporting upon and analyzing international peacekeeping with an emphasis upon legal and policy issues, but it is not limited to these issues. Topics include inter alia peacekeeping, peace, war, conflict resolution, diplomacy, international law, international security, humanitarian relief, humanitarian law, and terrorism.
(The board is international but mainly South-Korean)
- Journal of Peace Research | Sage
The Journal of Peace Research is edited at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), by an international editorial committee. It strives for a global focus on conflict and peacemaking. The Journal encourages a wide conception of peace, but focuses on the causes of violence and conflict resolution.
- Peace Review | Taylor and Francis
Peace Review (PRJ) focuses on the issues and controversies that underlie the promotion of a more peaceful world. The editors define peace research very broadly to include peace, human rights, development, ecology, culture and related issues - from the micro to the macro, the personal to the planetary.
- Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025 1:48 PM
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