EC Library Guide on the European elections: Selected books
Selected books
The law and politics of electoral reform [chapter] by Costa O. and Fasone C. In: The Politicisation of the European Commission’s Presidency.
Publication Date: 2024
The Treaties of Paris and Rome envisaged the possibility of direct elections to the European parliamentary assembly from the outset. Since the early 1960s, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have been active on this issue and in 1976 they got satisfaction, with the Act on the direct election of the European Parliament. Since then, the European Parliament has constantly tried to obtain its reform in order to reinforce the European dimension of this election, and to strengthen its own powers within the Union’s political system. It has met with little success, due to its own divisions and those of the Council. It nevertheless continues to request a reform of the 1976 Electoral Act, and the Spitzenkandidaten procedure is now central to its initiatives. The European Parliament would like to see it institutionalised and to create a legal obligation for the European Council to appoint the ‘leading candidate’ of the winning European party as President of the European Commission. This request is linked to many other proposals, aiming to reinforce the supranational nature of the ballot, to mobilise voters or to elect some MEPs on transnational lists. This chapter aims to take stock of this complex debate, which has been the subject of recent initiatives by the European Parliament, and has also been raised by the Conference on the Future of Europe. It will also highlight the uncertainties and ambiguities that accompany a possible institutionalisation of Spitzenkandidaten.
The Elgar companion to the European Union by Faure, S.B.H. and Lequesne, C., eds.
ISBN: 9781800883420Publication Date: 2023
Examining the EU through the lenses of political science, history, law, sociology and international political economy, the Companion provides a holistic outline of the methodological controversies and core theoretical approaches in European studies. Taking a closer look into the governance of and regulation within the EU, chapters consider its range of actors and decision-making processes before exploring the regulation and redistributive policies of the internal market. Forward-thinking, the Companion concludes with a discussion of the EU's strategies in responding to issues of increasingly global significance, including climate change, migration and war. Reflecting on the evolution of politics beyond the nation-state, it predicts a shift in the EU's raison d'être from inward narratives of internal prosperity to outward narratives of increasingly competitive international power.
The impact of EU politicisation on voting behaviour in Europe by Costa Lobo, M., ed.
ISBN: 9783031291876Publication Date: 2023
This book makes a major contribution to our understanding of how the European Union influences national politics and how the national response to Europe can serve as a channel of accountability in the European Union. The authors engage fundamental questions relating to national elections and European issues with an eye to explaining the dynamics of EU political support and opposition in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. The authors come to grips with these questions using extensive original data on EU coverage in the national media, parliamentary debates, and online surveys.
The EU political system after the 2019 European elections by Costa, O. (Editor); van Hecke, S. (Editor)
ISBN: 9783031123375Publication Date: 2022This book assesses the impact of the May 2019 European elections as well as the Covid-19 pandemic on the EU’s politics, institutions, and policies. Special attention is paid to the impact of these events on the different political forces as well as on the Union’s institutional balance, its priorities and the reform of its budget and policies. Because of the many post-electoral uncertainties, the book also takes into account how the relations between the Parliament, the European Council and the new Commission have developed. Furthermore, it analyses the capacity of the von der Leyen Commission to implement an ambitious programme, especially in the context of an unfolding pandemic. The objective of this book is to study the 2019 electoral sequence (parliamentary elections, appointment of EU institutions leaders, investiture of the Commission, new legislative programme) and determine its influence on the main institutional and political challenges for the 2019-2024 legislature.European Parliament’s political groups in turbulent times by Ahrens, P.; Elomäki, A.; Kantola, J., eds.
ISBN: 9783030940126Publication Date: 2022
This open access book provides the first ever authoritative collection of scholarly insights, based upon original research, into the political groups of the EP tackling the fundamental changes since the Lisbon Treaty and the upsurge of radical right parties. It analyses political groups and their importance from multiple perspectives critically assessing their role and significance in EU politics. Each chapter is authored by leading scholars in the field, working on key topics in relation to political groups: political group formation and function, their role in parliamentary and EU policy-making, the way that Eurosceptic MEPs influence (or not) the Parliament, and the nature and form of interactions with external actors.
The political system of the European Union by Hix, S. and Høyland, B. K.
ISBN: 9781350325470Publication Date: 2022
Starting from the observation that the EU now possesses many of the attributes of modern political systems, Hix and Høyland take an innovative approach to analysing, researching and teaching the European Union. Using the general theories of political science to understand how the EU works, this text covers each of the main processes in the EU political system - executive, legislative and judicial politics, public opinion, interest groups and democracy, and regulatory, monetary and foreign policies - introducing the key political science tools, reviewing the relevant theories, and applying the knowledge in detailed descriptive analysis. As well as incorporating new data and the latest research, this new edition examines the consequences of the dramatic political and policy developments in the EU over the past decade. The methodology used in the text makes the political system of the EU accessible to political science students as a whole, as well as those specifically studying and researching the EU.
Tracing the politicisation of the EU: The future of Europe debates before and after the 2019 elections by Haapala, T., and Oleart, Á., eds.
ISBN: 9783030826994Publication Date: 2021
Departing from the idea that political controversies are embedded in the very framework of European integration, this volume focuses on the relationship between politicisation and European democracy. The contributors to this edited volume trace the various ways of understanding ‘politicisation’ before and beyond the 2019 European elections. The aim is to offer constructive reinterpretations of the concept for further research in the field. Encompassing different approaches, the book shows a plurality of perspectives and provides innovative analytical tools to make sense of the phenomenon of politicisation in the EU context.
Assessing the 2019 European Parliament elections by Kritzinger, S., ed.
ISBN: 9781000057225Publication Date: 2020
Informed by and against the backdrop of the 2019 European Parliament (EP) elections, this innovative book provides a critical assessment of where Europe stands in terms of the quest for achieving democratic legitimacy. Since the 2014 EP elections, the European Union (EU) has experienced multiple crises, which have arguably undermined its legitimacy. The 2019 EP elections were hence seen as a crucial moment in the EU's efforts to show resilience and regain trust. Using political science and legal frames of analysis, the book provides an understanding and assessment of the current politico-legal framework, and its impact on European elections. Furthermore, using original data, it provides a timely examination of public opinion issue priorities and voting behaviour at the 2019 EP elections in eight countries.
A dictionary of the European Union by Haastrup, T., McGowan, L. and Phinnemore, D.
ISBN: 9781000048070Publication Date: 2020
This unique collection of data includes concise definitions and explanations relating to all aspects of the European Union. It explains the terminology surrounding the EU, and outlines the roles and significance of its institutions, member countries, foreign relations, programmes and policies, treaties and personalities. It contains over 1,000 clear and succinct definitions and explains acronyms and abbreviations, which are arranged alphabetically and fully cross-referenced. Among the 1,000 entries you can find explanations of and background details on: ACP states, Article 50, Brexit, competition policy, Donald Tusk, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, the euro, Greece, Jean-Claude Juncker, Europol, migration and asylum policy, the Schengen Agreement, the Single Supervisory Mechanism, the single rulebook, the Treaty of Lisbon, Ukraine.
Les élections européennes, 40 ans après: bilan, enjeux et perspectives = The European Elections, 40 years later: Assessment, issues and prospects by Marguery, T., Platon, S.,van Eijken. H.
ISBN: 9782802768357Publication Date: 2020En 2019, 40 ans après la première élection des membres du Parlement européen au suffrage universel direct en 1979, les citoyens de l’Union étaient une neuvième fois appelés aux urnes. Entre ces deux dates, le Parlement européen a profondément changé, passant d’une simple assemblée consultative au colégislateur de droit commun d’une Union européenne en proie à de nombreuses crises. Les contributions au présent ouvrage, tirées des travaux d’un colloque international qui s’est tenu à l’Université de Bordeaux les 9 et 10 mai 2019, entendent dresser le bilan, les enjeux et les perspectives, tant des élections européennes de 2019 que de la démocratie représentative européenne de façon globale.Euroscepticism and the future of Europe: Views from the capitals by Pollak, J.; Schmidt, P.; Kaeding, M., eds.
ISBN: 9783030412722Publication Date: 2020
This book sheds light on how the increasing prominence of Eurosceptic and nationalist parties is having an impact on the thinking of mainstream parties, their representatives in the European Parliament, and the future of Europe. It is timed to coincide with the strategic vision of Council, Commission, and Parliament, as well as the next phase of Brexit negotiations. The book provides perspectives on the future of the European project from authors in all the EU Member States, as well as neighboring European countries and potential applicant nations. Furthermore, it includes a Foreword by the Vice-president of the European Parliament.
Patterns of opposition in the European Parliament: Opposing Europe from the inside? by Carlotti, B.
ISBN: 9783030536831Publication Date: 2020
Is Euroscepticism still suited to analyze the variegated nature of opposition to the EU? Starting from this question, this book critically reviews Euroscepticism, reconceptualizes it in terms of political opposition and discovers, disentangles and explains patterns of EU-opposition within the European Parliament (EP). Distinguishing between "what the EU does" and "what the EU is", the research elaborates an index of parties' positioning "measuring" it through the speeches that parties' deliver in the EP. The EP is the "perfect laboratory" where decisions concerning EU-policies are taken and the future EU- trajectories are shaped. Besides delineating a set of guidelines categorizing parties, the book concludes that their positioning varies along two main axes: the pro-anti-EU- system and the pro-anti-EU-establishment. From a normative perspective, the research argues for the growing importance of the "cumulation hypothesis": if criticism remains unheard within the European elitist construct, such criticism will transform itself into rejection.
The Eurosceptic 2014 European Parliament elections by Julie Hassing Nielsen (Editor); Mark N. Franklin (Editor)
ISBN: 9781137586964Publication Date: 2016This edited collection explores the role of Euroscepticism in the European Parliament (EP) elections of 2014 both in particular EU Member States and across broader regions. It shows how the "second rate" features of elections with no clear agenda-setting role facilitated the astonishing success of Eurosceptic parties while the traditionally "second order" nature of purely legislative elections amplified this outcome, giving it a quite different character than the outcome of any previous EP elections, with potential in turn to affect outcomes of later national elections as well. The chapters draw on a number of different methodological approaches and focus on different perspectives regarding how Euroscepticism played a role in the election context, investigating public opinion, party strategies and media covera≥ and assessing how these elections created links to national party politics with likely consequences for electoral success of Eurosceptic parties in future national elections and referendums.Routledge handbook of European elections by Donatella M. Viola (Editor)
ISBN: 9780415592031Publication Date: 2016The Routledge Handbook of European Elections explores the multifaceted dimension of the European Parliament’s (EP) electoral contests across the European Community and European Union since 1979. After setting a general empirical and theoretical framework, this collaborative project presents original contributions from leading experts from virtually all the corners of the European Union. Each case study adheres to a common template that makes it easy to compare data, methodology and outcomes. Every country chapter includes: a brief geopolitical profile and historical background of the Member State; a glance at the national political landscape; a short account of the main political parties, including their attitude toward the European Union; a section on public opinion and European integration; a summary of electoral systems; an overview of all EP and national elections; an in-depth analysis of the 2009 EP electoral race; an overall theoretical interpretation of European elections. A comparative chapter closes the Handbook followed by an Epilogue focussing on the 2014 EP contest with a detailed analysis of the newly elected European Assembly in terms of political group and gender compostion.The 2009 elections to the European Parliament by Lodge, J. (Editor)
ISBN: 9780230297272Publication Date: 2010An analysis of the 2009 European elections in each of the 27 member states of the newly enlarged European Union, and assessment of the European Parliament in 2004-2009. This book looks at the implications of low turnout for the future of European Union democracy and accountability.The EU expansion: Communicating shared sovereignty in the parliamentary election by Kaid, L.L. (Editor)
ISBN: 9780820481739Publication Date: 2007The EU Expansion analyzes the communication strategies of candidates and parties in the 2004 European Parliamentary elections. These elections marked the first opportunity for the selection of representatives to the enlarged European Parliament. They also provided an important opportunity to study how candidates and parties strike a balance between communicating the need to preserve the sovereignty and culture of their countries with the increasing realization that Europe can only preserve its significance in the world by forging a unified economic and political federation. Research and analysis from both longstanding EU nations and those entering for the first time are provided. Chapters focus on the background and significance of the elections; the content of the party and candidate communications in representative countries; news media coverage of the elections; the effects of these communications on voters; and the unique perspectives of how the elections were covered and perceived around the world.Les élections européennes de juin 2004 by Deloy, C., Reynié, D.
ISBN: 9782130551553Publication Date: 2005Cet ouvrage propose une analyse détaillée et une mise en perspective des résultats du scrutin de juin 2004, renouvellement du Parlement européen marqué par un nouveau recul de la participation, au sein des Etats comme au niveau de l'Union. Les cinq précédentes élections européennes sont aussi présentées. Avec l'adoption de la Constitution européenne, le Parlement pourrait voir ses pouvoirs élargis et renforcés. Il est donc urgent de tirer les leçons des scrutins précédents pour comprendre l'importance de ces élections dans la construction d'une Europe plus démocratique.The 1999 elections to the European Parliament by Lodge, J.
ISBN: 9780333800423Publication Date: 2001Were the 1999 elections a watershed for the European Parliament? Did they represent the final step towards a federal Europe, or the end of European Union democracy? This book examines the elections within each of the fifteen member states, producing an analysis of their impact upon the Parliament's party style. The contributors speculate on the future of Euro-elections and offer ideas as to how the electoral system might be reformed through e-voting to encourage greater participation.People and Parliament in the European Union: Participation, democracy, and legitimacy by Blondel, J., Svensson, P. and Sinnott, R.
ISBN: 9780191522031Publication Date: 1998
This book sets out to analyse the relationship between people and parliament in the European Union and the problem of participation in European Parliament elections. It begins by examining the concepts of democracy and legitimacy as applied to the supranational level of governance, by briefly reviewing approaches to the study of turnout, including the approach embodied in the second‐order‐election model, and by describing the main features of the survey (Eurobarometer 41.1, (1994)) on which the study is based. The book summarizes the trends in turnout in European Parliament elections and makes a key distinction between circumstantial and voluntary abstention. This is followed by a series of chapters dealing with attitudes to European integration, the European Parliament, and European elections, each chapter concluding with a bivariate analysis of the relationship between such attitudes and participation/abstention in European Parliament elections.
Direct elections to the European Parliament 1984 by Lodge, J.
ISBN: 9781349180929Publication Date: 1986Campaigns, election procedures, and results in each of the ten European Community member states.
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