EC Library Guide to information on the European integration history: Websites and Portals
A selection of websites and portals
(in alphabetical order)
- (University of Luxembourg)The University of Luxembourg’s research infrastructure gives you access to thousands of documents and publications on the European integration process. It is a major information source.
- Clio-onlineThe Clio-online portal offers information services for historians. The non-profit association Clio-online e.V. supports many online and communication services for historical studies.
- HistorianaHistoriana offers a framework for comparing and contrasting the impact on and responses by Europe’s nations to a range of different events and developments which have shaped the world from the distant past to modern times. It promotes the acquisition of cross-border historical knowledge and the development of critical thinking, digital and other transversal competences important for active participation as citizens of the 21st century.
- Themenportal Europäische Geschichte
Das Themenportal Europäische Geschichte behandelt die Geschichte Europas und der Europäer vom 18. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart anhand origineller Text-, Bild- und Tondokumente, die mithilfe eines begleitenden Forschungsessays in die historischen Zusammenhänge eingeordnet werden.
- Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025 11:21 AM
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