EC Library Guide to information on the European integration history: Selected journals
A selection of key titles
(in alphabetical order)- Common Market Law ReviewThe Common Market Law Review covers European Union law, and legal issues relating to the European Union for over fifty years.
- Dokumente: Zeitschrift für den deutsch-französischen Dialog = Documents: revue du dialogue franco-allemand
La revue Dokumente/Documents informa ses lecteurs, de 1945 à 2018, sur l'Allemagne et la France, tant en allemand qu'en français.
- European history quarterly
European History Quarterly is a peer-reviewed journal which has earned an international reputation as an essential resource on European history, publishing articles by historians on a range of subjects from the later Middle Ages to post-1945.
- European Union PoliticsThe international journal provides access to research on all aspects of the processes of government, politics and policy in the European Union.
- History of European ideas
History of European Ideas is devoted to the intellectual history of Europe from the Renaissance onwards. It publishes articles on the history of ideas in a number of different fields: political and economic thought and international relations, philosophy, natural philosophy and science, theology and literature.
- Journal of common market studiesThe journal focuses on economic and political science analyzing European and international integration. It covers the full range of European Community activities and theoretical issues of integration.
- Journal of contemporary European studies
Journal of Contemporary European Studies (JCES) is a multidisciplinary journal for the empirical study of European societies, politics and cultures. The central focal area of the journal is European, in its broadest geographical definition.
- Journal of European Integration.The Journal of European Integration publishes scholarly work on all aspects of the European integration process. The primary emphasis is on the discussion of European integration in the fields of political science and international relations.
- Journal of European Integration History
The Journal of European Integration History is published twice a year by the European Union Liaison Committee of Historians (Groupe deliaison des professeurs d’histoire contemporaine auprès de la Commission européenne). It covers the history of European Integration, from European history after the Second World War to contemporary European history. All articles submitted are double blind peer reviewed.
- Journal of modern European history / Zeitschrift für moderne europäische Geschichte / Revue d'histoire européenne contemporaine
The Journal of modern European history sees itself as a forum for historians all over the world who share a common interest in the history of Europe.
- Legal issues of economic integration
This journal on legal issues of economic integration provides a forum for the discussion of the legal choices that are raised by the processes of economic integration and globalisation. It examines the European Union, as well as other regional economic systems and draws developments into the larger context of the World Trade Organization and other international economic organisations.
- Les cahiers Sirice
Les Cahiers Sirice sont en ligne pour faire part des débats et des pistes de réflexion de voir la recherche historique en train de se faire sur les questions européennes. L’unité mixte de recherche (UMR) Sorbonne - Identités, relations internationales et civilisations de l’Europe publie ses Cahiers à raison de deux numéros par an.
- Revue de l'Union européenneLe journal propose des éclairages sur l'actualité européenne, son droit, mais aussi ses politiques et ses enjeux économiques. En outre, elle invite régulièrement des personnalités européennes de premier plan à répondre à des questions sur les enjeux et débats contemporains de l'Europe unie.
- Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung / Journal of East Central European Studies
Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung / Journal of East Central European Studies (ZfO/JECES) presents research on history and culture of the countries and regions that today are within the borders of the states of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia as well as regions of what are today Belarus, Russia (Kaliningrad exclave), Ukraine and Hungary. JECES publishes in German and English on a quarterly basis.
- Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025 11:21 AM
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