EC Library Guide on Jean Monnet, President of the European Coal and Steel Community High Authority, 1952-1955: Articles and studies about Jean Monnet
Selected articles and studies about Jean Monnet
(In chronological order)
- Jean Monnet and Charles de Gaulle: Two visions of France, Europe and the world, interactions and legacies
Jouty, F., Migani, G., Revue d'histoire, (159), 2023, pages 185-187.
Institut Jean Monnet qui organisait l’événement, et par Laurent Warlouzet, président de son conseil scientifique, le colloque tenu au palais du Luxembourg et à l’École normale supérieure (ENS) les 25 et 26 novembre 2022 avait pour ambition de revenir sur l’héritage de deux personnalités clés du 20e siècle, Jean Monnet et Charles de Gaulle, et sur leurs rapprochements éventuels mais aussi leurs oppositions de fond.
Voir aussi Géopolitique européenne - Jenny Raflik [émissions et podcasts] et Activités de l’Institut Jean Monnet, documentation du colloque
- Kissinger and Monnet: Realpolitik and Interdependence in World Affairs
Merlini, Cesare, Survival, 65 (1), 2023, pages 129-140.
The juxtaposition of the political and cultural legacies of Henry Kissinger and Jean Monnet may help in interpreting the current phase of history. The evolution of the European Union has been consistent with Monnet’s vision of interdependence. The ‘return of the states’ connotes a new prominence for geopolitics and realpolitik in an increasingly multipolar world, squaring with the world order contemplated by Kissinger.
- Les représentations de l’unité chez Jean Monnet
Bossuat, G., Europe en formation, 395 (2), 2023, pages 191-205.
Quels furent les projets d’unité de Jean Monnet ? Les recherches sur Monnet ont d’abord investi le champ du plan Schuman, oubliant que Monnet avait formulé des projets d’unité européenne atlantique et mondiale dès la période de la Société des Nations.
- A reappraisal of the origins of European integration: From wartime planning to the Schuman plan
Ciappi, E., Journal of Contemporary History, 58 (4), 2023, pages 676-696.
Thanks to its innovative supranational features, the European Coal and Steel Community is widely recognized as the cornerstone of the European integration process. This article offers an alternative history of the European Coal and Steel Community's origins by highlighting the role of transnational expertise and public diplomacy. More precisely, this study seeks to demonstrate that the policies carried out by Jean Monnet, the mastermind of European Coal and Steel Community's blueprint, originated from the plans elaborated by the New York-based think tank Council on Foreign Relations.
- Jean Monnet: Neofunctionalism at work in the European Integration
In: The European Union and Its Political Leaders: Understanding the Integration Process, Springer, 2022, pages 121-140.
Jean Monnet stands on a prominent position among the Fathers of Europe; his influence in the creation of the first European Communities and further development of the organization is well known and documented.
- Une “drôle de guerre” aux côtés de Jean Monnet (septembre 1939 - juin 1940)
Bougeard, C., in: René Pleven: Un Français libre en politique, 2022, pages 61-79.
- Jean Monnet à la présidence de la Haute Autorité de la CECA: Analyse de deux discours fondateurs
Grin, G., in: Narrating Europe: Speeches on European integration (1946–2020), 2022, pages 61-81.
- European parliament public history initiatives and the memory of european unity: Some reflections and a blueprint for action
Segú, M. G. I., RiMe Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea , 7 (2 Special issue), 2020, pages 113–137I.
Among the European institutions, the European Parliament has been playing a prominent role in putting forward initiatives to stir public conversation on Europe’s past. Those initiatives are intent on addressing the barriers that prevent the consolidation of a memory of European unity. The development of the Jean Monnet House activities, one of the newest European Parliament visitor facilities, is an opportunity to convey those principles to the public through a hands-on experience.
- The European logistics space: On Jean Monnet and the integration of Europe
Frapporti, M., Notas Económicas, (49), 2019.
This article aims to investigate a different genealogical line of European integration. Through a partial use of the biography of Jean Monnet, the author aims to expand the temporal borders of the path often outlined by European integration history, taking advantage of an analytical tool that is rarely used in this context: logistics. On the one hand, the author proposes to make the Schuman Declaration resonant with a broader “European past”. On the other hand, the author's aim is to show that some categories of the global present also pervade the process of continental integration. All in all, this path reveals that the latter process was originally developed to build what the author calls the “European Logistics Space”.
- The Creation of the Monnet Plan, 1945-1946: A Critical Re-Evaluation
Brunet, Luc-André, Contemporary European History (Open Access), 27 (1), 2018, pages 23 - 41.
Drawing on an extensive range of French archival sources as well as Jean Monnet's papers, this article challenges several commonly held views regarding the establishment of the Monnet Plan by re-examining the domestic political context in post-war France.
- Jean Monnet before the first European community: A historical perspective and critic
Troitiño, D. R., Trames Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences , 21 (3), 2017, pages 193-213.
Jean Monnet is known as the father of the European Union. His involvement in the early stages of the European integration process was crucial for the later development of the European Communities. His previous contributions to the international cooperation through the League of Nations, or his support to the Allied Naval Forces during WWI and the Franco-British Union during WWII, can provide a wider historical perspective to the work of Monnet pursuing a united Europe.
- Shaping Europe: The path to European integration according to Jean Monnet
Grin, G., Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe,
Debates and Documents Collection, 7, 2017.
This contribution is aimed at achieving an understanding of the political philosophy of Jean Monnet with regard to European integration.
- Jean Monnet: The diplomat who reinvented Europe
In: Garten, Jeffrey E., From silk to silicon: The story of globalization through ten extraordinary lives, Harper, 2016, pages 195-234.
- La méthode fonctionnelle d'intégration de Jean Monnet: Dernier héritage de la culture de guerre?
Enache, Bogdan C., Studia Politica: Romanian Political Science Review, 15 (4), 2015, pages 613-634.
In this article the author explores the historical and intellectual origins of the functional theory of European integration.
- Jean Monnet: From the Marshall plan to the British refusal
Alexandrescu, I.M., Journal of Global Politics and Current Diplomacy, 3(1), 2015, pages 5-11.
During the last interwar years and the first three years of the Second World War, relations between states considerably deteriorated. In 1943, David Mitrany published at Chatham House, his well-known work “A Working Peace System”, in which he expressed his own arguments against the territorial order of future world peace. A new process was needed with three stages: appeasement, reconstruction and reorganization. Furthermore, Monnet found the construction of a supranational entity necessary, which would integrate the common interests of the states, in order to satisfy the needs of the citizens. Monnet’s idea transformed into what we now call the Schuman Declaration. The existence of a ‘high authority’, which would absorb the sovereignty of participant states, determined a blockage in negotiations with Great Britain.
- Monnet's Brandy and Europe's Fate
Talbott, S., Brookings Essay, 2014 (accessed 15 October 2024).
In a new Brookings Essay tells the story of Jean Monnet and demonstrates how his vision of integration may serve as a guide to ending the current eurozone crisis. - Discreet players: Jean Monnet, transatlantic networks and policy-makers in international co-operation
Chira-Pascanut, C., Journal of Common Market Studies, 52 (6), 2014, pages p. 1242-1256.
The origins of the first supranational European community can be traced back to the bold and imaginative proposal drafted by Jean Monnet in early 1950. Yet his plan entered history under a different name: that of the statesman who offered his political backing - Robert Schuman. This article investigates the factors that made it possible for political leaders to accept this ground-breaking idea. Furthermore, it investigates the source of Monnet's power and influence, which helped to persuade various leaders at different times. - Jean Monnet, businessman avant l’Europe
L’étonnant destin de Jean Monnet comporte encore des moments d’incertitude dans l’établissement des faits et des interprétations pour la période d’avant 1945, en dépit de l’abondante littérature existante.
Mioche, P., Journal of European Integration History, 18 (2), 2012, pages 143-158.
- The conception of Community Integration by Jean Monnet (1950-1955)
Madeja A., Roczniki Jumanistyczne, 60 (2), 2012, pages 161-185.
This article in Polish is an attempt to reconstruct his views on the pivotal issue of the form and content of international cooperation in the post-war Europe.
- Jean Monnet, le Comité d'action pour les États-Unis d'Europe et la genèse des traités de Rome
Grin, G., Relations internationales, 136 (4), 2009, pages 21-32.
Du point de vue de l’étude des négociations internationales, l’intérêt du sujet réside dans le fait que Jean Monnet a créé en 1955 un Comité d’action pour les États-Unis d’Europe, institution de conception originale dont le rôle dans l’origine des traités de Rome est discuté.
- 'Designer' Europeanization: Lessons from Jean Monnet
Ugland, T., European Legacy, Towards New Paradigms, 14 (2), 2009, pages 149-161.
The article argues that the successful establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was a product of a robust deontological design in a constitutional moment for Europe, and that prospective designers in the EU can learn important lessons from how Monnet identified and exploited available spaces for institutional design.
- Jean Monnet’s grand design for Europe and its criticism
Hungdah, U., Journal of European Integration History, 15 (2), 2009, pages 29-46.
Honoured as `Father of Europe' and `First European Citizen', Jean Monnet was a man of action and never intended to be a theorist. But he ultimately constituted a complete design for Europe, which aimed not only at building a unified Europe, but also establishing a permanent alliance and partnership between the US and a unified Europe in world politics. Furthermore, Monnet presented a picture of a world of blocs managed by a concert of powers, where the US and unified Europe constituted a predominant holy alliance. With the objective of analysing Monnet's grand design for Europe, the article first explains in detail the Frenchman's motivations before presenting his tripartite plans - composed of a European Federation, a US-Europe alliance and a world concert of three powers. The paper then presents a critical review of Monnet's design before drawing some conclusions.
- Jean Monnet, le Comité d’action pour les États-Unis d’Europe et la genèse des traités de Rome
Grin, G., Relations Internationales, 12 (136), 2008, pages 21-32.
La présente contribution se penche sur la genèse des traités de Rome de 1957 instituant la Communauté économique européenne (CEE) et la Communauté européenne de l’énergie atomique (Euratom), avec comme perspective le rôle et l’action de Jean Monnet, qui a créé en 1955 un Comité d’action pour les États-Unis d’Europe, institution de conception originale dont le rôle est discuté. L’article tente de montrer que, même si les activités du Comité d’action se sont concentrées sur Euratom en 1956, Jean Monnet a considéré le Marché commun comme un élément indispensable d’un ensemble visant à faire avancer la construction européenne. Même s’il est difficile de mesurer l’influence d’une institution, l’article conclut que le rôle du Comité d’action dans la genèse des traités de Rome a été important en termes d’impulsion et de coordination au niveau européen.
- Le « père de l'Europe »: La construction sociale d'un récit des origines
Cohen, A. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, (166-167), 2007, pages 14-140.
Par quelle construction sociale d’un récit des origines, la déclaration du 9 mai 1950 apparaît-elle comme l’acte fondateur de la construction européenne, et de Jean Monnet le « père de l’Europe » ?
- La personnalité de Jean Monnet dans l'aventure européenne
Melchionni, M.G., Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali, 74(3), 2007, pages 339-346.
L'auteur représente dans l'expérience de l'Amérique et des guerres mondiales ce qui fut essentiel dans la formation et dans l'essor de la personnalité innovatrice et charismatique de Jean Monnet et qui fit de lui, dans le deuxième après-guerre, le leader visionnaire d'une Europe nouvelle. Ensuite, après avoir souligné la centralité du modèle "comité" dans la méthode Monnet, l'auteur s'étend sur le Comité d'Action pour les Etats-Unis d'Europe, que Jean Monnet présida de 1955 à 1975 dans le but de continuer à développer la construction communautaire.
- Jean Monnet et le partenariat atlantique des années soixante
Bossuat, G., ,Relations internationales, (119), 2004, pages 285-301.
Jean Monnet a proposé d'institutionnaliser le partenariat atlantique en créant une Association économique atlantique, à égalité de droits, pour mener des politiques communes qui exigent l'unité de l'Europe occidentale. Monnet a tenté de construire le partenariat entre 1959 et 1972 à quatre moments de l'histoire : la naissance de l'OCDE, la Force multilatérale, le Kennedy round et les difficultés du SMI.
- The father of Europe: An analysis of the supranational servant leadership of Jean Monnet
Birkenmeier, B., Carson, P.P. and Carson, K.D., International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 6 (3), 2003, pages 374-400.
The cornerstones of servant leadership theory (service, trust, credibility, and vision) were used to analyze how one of the most outstanding leaders of the twentieth century, Jean Monnet, used his skills to solve difficult problems of regional and global dimensions. Many believe that this Frenchman possessed unusually astute leadership skills in guiding individuals and governments during critical times.
- De la deuxième guerre mondiale au "projet européen" de Jean Monnet
Mattera, A., Revue du Droit de l'Union Européenne, 1, 2002, pages 5-33.
Une page exaltante de l'histoire de l'Union Européenne remémorée à tous ceux qui sont appelés à réfléchir et à décider de l'avenir de l'Union, pour qu'ils y puisent l'inspiration, la puissance de vision et le courage nécessaire. - Jean Monnet - Mensch und Methode, überschätzt und überholt?
Wessels, Wolfgang, Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), 2001.
Jean Monnet's work and impact are omnipresent in Community circles: there are hardly any memoirs of leading post-world-war politicians of the post-world-war period that do not describe encounters with Jean Monnet, hardly any political speeches that do not discuss his method. But does his significance go beyond a historical figure that set the stage for new developments? The author focuses on the so-called Monnet method and analyses its main strategic aspects. He not only presents the main elements of the method, but also emphasises its relevance for strategic reflections on future integration, especially after Nice.
- Jean Monnet, ou l'esprit d'anticipation
Bertrand, J., Futuribles, 215, 1996, pages 81-86.
Cet article montre que, ce qui est capital c'est incontestablement l'extraordinaire faculté d'anticipation dont a fait preuve Jean Monnet tout au long de sa vie.
- Jean Monnet and the "democratic deficit" in the European Union
Featherstone, K., Journal of Common Market Studies, 32 (2), 1994, pages 149-170.
The central focus of the article is the debate over how the EU should respond to the challenge to its legitimacy posed by the difficulties in ratifying the Maastricht Treaty. The article argues that Jean Monnet established the European integration process with a particular character (marked by technocracy and elitism), and consequently the Commission has inherited a weak and fragile democratic legitimacy. In that sense, the backlash against the Maastricht Treaty is a direct consequence of Monnet's original strategy.
- 1944-1949: De Gaulle face à Jean Monnet, des illusuions de la grandeur aux réalités de la guerre froide
Slama, A.-G., Commentaire , 55 (3), 1991, pages 622-623.
- Jean Monnet et la naissance de l'Europe
Uri, P., Evènement Européen Initiatives et Débats, 5, 1989, pages 139-145.
Examen des origines du plan Schuman de la Communauté Charbon-Acier, de la CED et du Traité de Rome, et du rôle important joué par Jean Monnet au départ du processus d'intégration européenne
- The role of Jean Monnet in setting up the European Coal and Steel Community
Lynch , L. in: Die Anfänge des Schuman-Plans 1950/51 : Beitr. des Kolloquiums in Aachen, 28.-30. Mai 1986 = The beginnings of the Schuman-Plan : contributions to the Symposium in Aachen, May 28-30, 1986, 1988, pages 117-129.
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