EC Library Guide on the Treaty of Rome: Research
Research on the European Economic Community
(In chronological order)
- 1955-1957 La relance européenne et les traités de Rome (University of Luxembourg) (accessed on 22 January 2024)
The University of Luxembourg’s website (former Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe) gives you access to documents and publications on the European integration process. It is a major information source.
- Towards a Fourth Paradigm in European Competition Policy? A Historical Perspective (1957–2023)
Laurent Warlouzet. In: The Transformation of EU competition law: Next Generation Issues, 2023, page 33-52.
Following an historical approach, this article revisits the history of European Union’s Competition policy, from its inception in the 1957 Treaty of Rome (whose articles on this field have remained unchanged) to the Digital Markets Act / Digital Services Act (DMA / DSA) adopted in 2022.
- A flanking European welfare state: The European community’s social dimension, from Brandt to Delors (1969–1993)
Laurent Warlouzet. In: Contemporary European History, 2022
Between 1969 and 1993, a genuine ‘European welfare state’ was forged at the level of the European Economic Community (EEC), even though this expression was not used per se.
- Adjusting an institutional framework to a globalising world: The creation of new institutions in the EEC, 1957-1992
Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol. In: Journal of economic policy reform 23 (3), 2020, page 273-289
This article explores the development of all new EEC institutions between 1957 and 1992 within policy areas relevant to the possible development of a European single currency.
- Podcast: Die Machtarchitektur des EWG-Vertrages
Frank Schorkopf. In: Europas Weg: Verfassungsgeschichte der Europäischen Union, 2020
Im Mittelpunkt der sechsten Folge steht das Machtgefüge des Vertrages über die Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft. Die institutionelle Architektur des EWG-Vertrags war die Antwort der Regierungen auf die ernüchternden Erfahrungen mit der Montanunion und aus den nachfolgenden Verhandlungen über die Europäische Politische Gemeinschaft. Einzelheiten der Folge sind die Arbeit der sagenumwobenen Redaktionsgruppe und das Verhältnis von Ministerrat und Kommission. Es geht um die noch geringe Rolle der Parlamentarischen Versammlung und die Kritik an fehlender parlamentarischer Legitimation im deutschen Ratifikationsverfahren. Der Podcast bringt zahlreiche Tondokumente, darunter von Pierre Pescatore, aus der Ratifikationsdebatte im Bundestag sowie von Walter Hallstein und Ludwig Erhard.
Regulating Competition: Cartel registers in the twentieth century world by Susanna Fellman (Editor); Martin Shanahan (Editor)
ISBN: 9781317693994Publication Date: 2015See in particular chapter 4 "Competition policy in the European Economic Community, 1957–1992: the curse of compulsory registration?"The Origins and Development of the European Union 1945-2008 by Martin Dedman (Editor)
ISBN: 9780415435604Publication Date: 2009The book provides a thematic history of European economic and political integration in its economic, military, monetary and political contexts and outlines the major schools of thought regarding the causes and motives for European economic integration.
- Macroeconomic and Monetary Policy-Making at the EC, from the Rome Treaties to the Hague Summit
Ivo Maes. In: National Bank of Belgium Working Paper (58), 2004, 43 pages
This paper discusses macroeconomic and monetary policy-making at the European Commission,
covering the period from the Rome Treaties to the Hague Summit.
- The history of conditional agenda-setting in european institutions
Tsebelis, George, Kreppel, Amie, European journal of political research, 33(1), 1998, pages 41-71.
- 1961: Europe "at sixes and sevens": The European Free Trade Association, the neutrals, and Great Britain's decision to join the EEC
Steininger, Rolf. In: The journal of European economic history 26 (3), 1997, page 535-568
- Forces et faiblesses des économies de la CEE
Philippe Trainar, Magali Demotes-Mainard. In: Économie et Statistique 217 (1), 1989, page 7-19
With more than 320 million inhabitants (against 245 million in the USA and 1 20 million in Japan), the European Community represents the most populated market in the industrialized world.
- Last Updated: Dec 18, 2024 11:30 AM
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