EC Library Guide on the Treaty of Rome: EU resources
A selection of EU resources on the anniversary of the Treaty of Rome (EEC Treaty)1
60th anniversary
(sorted by relevance)
The European story 60 years of shared progress by European Commission. European Political Strategy Centre
Publication Date: 2017This 32 page brochure showcases six decades of shared progress under 10 main themes: peace, democracy, freedom, prosperity, discovery, equality, well-being, sustainability, influence and diversity.
- 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties, 25 March 2017
European Council, 25 March 2017
Informal meeting of EU heads of state or government that took place in Rome on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties.
60 years of the European Community : let's shape the future! : EESC conference. by European Economic and Social Committee
ISBN: 9789283036319Publication Date: 2017This publication aims to capture the wealth of ideas that emerged during our major EESC conference celebrating the 60th anniversary.
- Ever closer Union: The legacy of the Treaties of Rome for today’s Europe
European University Institute, Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU)
Exhibition on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties.
The online exhibition has been created by expanding, enriching and re-elaborating the materials and content from the static exhibition organized by the Historical Archives of the European Union.
50th anniversary
(sorted by relevance)
- Declaration on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the signature of the Treaties of Rome
European Parliament, Council of the European Union, European Commission, 2007 - Celebrating Europe! 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome portal. Website archived on 1 January 2008. Documentation of the 50th Anniversary's celebrations.
Statistical portrait of the European Union 2007 : 50 years of the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community. by European Commission. Statistical Office of the European Communities.
ISBN: 9279027700Publication Date: 2006This Eurostat brochure celebrates the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community (EEC), which occurs on 25 March 2007. This publication presents a collection of statistical indicators relating to the different areas covered by the preamble to the treaty, tracing the evolution of the European Community over the last five decades.Towards a single Parliament : the influence of the ECSC common assembly on the treaties of Rome : 1957-2007 : fiftieth anniversary of the treaties of Rome. by European Parliament. Publication Office
ISBN: 9769282322222Publication Date: 2007The adoption of the Treaties of Rome was a turning point. This collection of ECSC Common Assembly documents and the accompanying account of events illustrate the contribution that the Assembly made to the work leading up to the Rome Treaties. The publication covers the threeyear period from August 1954 (which saw the collapse of the European Defence Community project) to March 1957.Actes du colloque pour le cinquantième anniversaire des Traités de Rome: L'influence du droit national et de la jurisprudence des juridictions des États membres sur l'interprétation du droit communautaire by Court of Justice of the European Communities. Publication Office
ISBN: 978-92-829-0861-7Publication Date: 2007
40th anniversary
Los Tratados de Roma en primera plana = Rom-traktaten på forsiden = Die Römischen Verträge beherrschen die Schlagzeilen = H Συvθήκη της Ρώμης στηv πρώτη γραμμή της επικαιρότητας = The Treaties of Rome and headlines = Les traités de Rome à la une = I tratt by European Commission
ISBN: 9282782662Publication Date: 1997
30th anniversary
25 March 1987: Thirtieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome by European Commission
Publication Date: 1987Extracts from speeches made in Rome on 25 March on the occasion of the formal celebrations to mark the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome on the Capitol. Opening of the Symposium organized by the Liaison Group of Professors of Contemporary History on 'The revitalization of Europe and the Treaties of Rome’ -- Declaration adopted by the Action Committee for Europe at its meeting of 23 and 24 March in Rome 18 -- Europe 2000: Special edition of Eurobarometer for the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome 19 Chronology 1957-87
25th anniversary
- Europe 25 years after the signature of the Treaties of Rome : Speeches made at the official celebration at the Palais des Académies in Brussels on 29 March 1982
European Council. Publications Office of the European Union, 1982
The official celebration of the 25th anniversary of the signature of the two Treaties took place on 29 March 1982 at the Palais des Académies in Brussels.
4th anniversary
- Bilan des Communautés européennes : quatre années de Marché commun, quatre années d'Euratom, dix années de CECA
EC. Commission, Information Office (Paris), 1962
- For different language versions, check the EU Publications website.
- Last Updated: Dec 18, 2024 11:30 AM
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