EC Library Guide on the history of the European Commission: Introduction
- Introduction
- History of the European CommissionToggle Dropdown
- EU Legislation
- von der Leyen Commission (2024-2029)Toggle Dropdown
- von der Leyen Commission (2019-2024)Toggle Dropdown
- Juncker Commission (2014-2019)Toggle Dropdown
- Barroso Commission (2004-2014)Toggle Dropdown
- Prodi Commission (1999-2004)Toggle Dropdown
- Santer Commission (1995-1999)Toggle Dropdown
- Delors Commission (1985-1995)Toggle Dropdown
- Thorn Commission (1981-1985)Toggle Dropdown
- Jenkins Commission (1977-1981)Toggle Dropdown
- Ortoli Commission (1973-1977)Toggle Dropdown
- Mansholt Commission (1972-1973)Toggle Dropdown
- Malfatti Commission (1970-1972)Toggle Dropdown
- Rey Commission (1967-1970)Toggle Dropdown
- Hallstein Commission (Commission of the EEC, 1958-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Chatenet (Euratom Commission, 1962-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Hirsch (Euratom Commission, 1959-1962)Toggle Dropdown
- Armand (Euratom Commission, 1958–1959)Toggle Dropdown
- Del Bo (High Authority of the ECSC, 1963-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Malvestiti (High Authority of the ECSC, 1959-1963)Toggle Dropdown
- Finet (High Authority of the ECSC, 1958-1959)Toggle Dropdown
- Mayer (High Authority of the ECSC, 1955-1958)Toggle Dropdown
- Monnet (High Authority of the ECSC, 1952–1955)Toggle Dropdown
- Databases and WebsitesToggle Dropdown
- Related Guides
- Citing and Referencing

(Image source: EC Audiovisual Service. © European Communities, 1997)
This LibGuide provides a selection of relevant primary and secondary information sources on the history of the European Commission, and is an initial gateway for your research. Access to some sources may be restricted to Commission staff or to users at subscribing institutions.
For quick reference, introductory information is provided below.
- European Commission
Official website of the European Union.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication
- The European Commission
Glossary of summaries, Publications Office of the European Union
The European Commission is the executive branch of the European Union (EU). Established in 1957, the Commission is currently composed of 27 Commissioners, including its President. It acts in the EU’s general interest with complete independence from EU Member States’ national governments and is accountable to the European Parliament.
- The European Commission
Summaries of EU Legislation, Publications Office of the European Union
The summary of Treaty articles sets out the role, composition, powers, appointment procedures and functioning of the European Commission, the EU’s executive branch.
The European Commission 1986 – 2000: History and memories of an institution
The period 1986-2000 covers key moments in the history of the European Commission, such as the Single European Act, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the establishment of the euro area and the enlargement of the European Union.
(Source: EC Audiovisual Service. © European Union, 2019)
Presidents of the EC from 1958 to 2004
This archive stockshot presents some shots of the Presidents of the European Commission from 1958 to 2004.
(Source: EC Audiovisual Service. © European Communities, 2004)
- Fact sheets on the European Union: The European Commission
European Parliament.
The Commission is the EU institution that has the monopoly on legislative initiative and important executive powers in policies such as competition and external trade. It is the principal executive body of the European Union and is formed by a College of members composed of one Commissioner per Member State. The Commission oversees the application of Union law and respect for the Treaties by the Member States; it also chairs the committees responsible for the implementation of EU law.
The resources listed in the EC Library Guides do not necessarily represent the positions, policies or opinions of the EU institutions and bodies.
- Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025 8:50 AM
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