EC Library Guide on the history of the European Commission: Addresses to the European Parliament
- Introduction
- History of the European CommissionToggle Dropdown
- EU Legislation
- von der Leyen Commission (2024-2029)Toggle Dropdown
- von der Leyen Commission (2019-2024)Toggle Dropdown
- Juncker Commission (2014-2019)Toggle Dropdown
- Barroso Commission (2004-2014)Toggle Dropdown
- Prodi Commission (1999-2004)Toggle Dropdown
- Santer Commission (1995-1999)Toggle Dropdown
- Delors Commission (1985-1995)Toggle Dropdown
- Thorn Commission (1981-1985)Toggle Dropdown
- Jenkins Commission (1977-1981)Toggle Dropdown
- Ortoli Commission (1973-1977)Toggle Dropdown
- Mansholt Commission (1972-1973)Toggle Dropdown
- Malfatti Commission (1970-1972)Toggle Dropdown
- Rey Commission (1967-1970)
- Hallstein Commission (Commission of the EEC, 1958-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Chatenet (Euratom Commission, 1962-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Hirsch (Euratom Commission, 1959-1962)Toggle Dropdown
- Armand (Euratom Commission, 1958–1959)Toggle Dropdown
- Del Bo (High Authority of the ECSC, 1963-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Malvestiti (High Authority of the ECSC, 1959-1963)Toggle Dropdown
- Finet (High Authority of the ECSC, 1958-1959)Toggle Dropdown
- Mayer (High Authority of the ECSC, 1955-1958)Toggle Dropdown
- Monnet (High Authority of the ECSC, 1952–1955)Toggle Dropdown
- Databases and WebsitesToggle Dropdown
- Related Guides
- Citing and Referencing
Address by Jean Rey, the President of the Commission, to the European Parliament1
Since the early days of the European Communities, it has always been the tradition for each new President of the Commission, on taking office, to deliver a general policy statement before the European Parliament. Today the President of the European Commission delivers an address to the Parliament each year (source: European Parliament, Historical Archives, blog October 21, 2014).
- Discours de M. le président Rey devant le Parlement européen : exposé du programme de la Commission pour l'année 1970 (Strasbourg, 4 février 1970) ; exposé sur le rapport général de la Commission (Strasbourg, 10 mars 1970)
CE Commission, 1970.
Discours de M. Jean Rey, Président de la Commission des Communautés Européennes, devant le Parlement Européen Strasbourg, 15 mai 1968
European Commission, Archives historiques de la Commission, 1968.
Statement of 20 September 1967 by President Rey
Debates of the European Parliament, sitting on Wednesday, 20 September 1967.
Addresses of 19 July 1967 by President Rey
Debates of the European Parliament, sitting 19 July 1967.
- For different language versions, check the EU Publications website.
- Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025 8:50 AM
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