EC Library Guide on the history of the European Commission: Research
- Introduction
- History of the European CommissionToggle Dropdown
- EU Legislation
- von der Leyen Commission (2024-2029)Toggle Dropdown
- von der Leyen Commission (2019-2024)Toggle Dropdown
- Juncker Commission (2014-2019)Toggle Dropdown
- Barroso Commission (2004-2014)Toggle Dropdown
- Prodi Commission (1999-2004)Toggle Dropdown
- Santer Commission (1995-1999)
- Delors Commission (1985-1995)Toggle Dropdown
- Thorn Commission (1981-1985)Toggle Dropdown
- Jenkins Commission (1977-1981)Toggle Dropdown
- Ortoli Commission (1973-1977)Toggle Dropdown
- Mansholt Commission (1972-1973)Toggle Dropdown
- Malfatti Commission (1970-1972)Toggle Dropdown
- Rey Commission (1967-1970)Toggle Dropdown
- Hallstein Commission (Commission of the EEC, 1958-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Chatenet (Euratom Commission, 1962-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Hirsch (Euratom Commission, 1959-1962)Toggle Dropdown
- Armand (Euratom Commission, 1958–1959)Toggle Dropdown
- Del Bo (High Authority of the ECSC, 1963-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Malvestiti (High Authority of the ECSC, 1959-1963)Toggle Dropdown
- Finet (High Authority of the ECSC, 1958-1959)Toggle Dropdown
- Mayer (High Authority of the ECSC, 1955-1958)Toggle Dropdown
- Monnet (High Authority of the ECSC, 1952–1955)Toggle Dropdown
- Databases and WebsitesToggle Dropdown
- Related Guides
- Citing and Referencing
A selection of research publications on the Santer Commission (1995-1999)
(in chronological order)
- Political Leadership in the European Commission: The Santer and Prodi Commissions, 1995-2005
Cini, Michelle. In: Leaderless Europe, 2008.
- Investiture and censure of the Santer Commission
Hix, Simon, Noury, Abdul G., Roland, Gérard. In: Democratic Politics in the European Parliament, 2007, pages 182-199.
The story of the Santer Commission is a revealing case of how the European Parliament exercises its executive-control powers.
- Government-opposition dynamics in the European Union: The Santer Commission resignation crisis
Nils Ringe, European Journal of Political Research , 44 (5), 2005, pages 671-696.
This article seeks to shed light on the sources of government-opposition dynamics in the European Union (EU). It considers the ideological left-right divide and the sovereignty-integration dimension as potential sources of a government-opposition cleavage in the EU, as well as a "representation dimension". The empirical evaluation of these propositions is based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the political crisis leading to the collective resignation of the Santer Commission.
- The resignation of the Santer Commission, 1999: Causes and consequences
Margaret M. Malone, Administration, 50 (1), 2002, pages 86-104.
- The resignation of the Santer Commission: The impact of "trust" and "reputation"
Topan, A., EIoP, 6 (14), 2002.
This contribution begins with reciting the facts behind the resignation of the European Commission under Jacques Santer, followed by theoretical considerations on the significance of trust and reputation from the principal-agent-theory perspective.
- Comparing Jacques Delors and Jacques Santer as pesidents of the European commission: Skill in supranational context
Lord, Christopher J., Politics & policy, 30 (2), 2002, pages 324-346.
- Organizational culture and reform: The case of the European Commission under Jacques Santer
Cini M., European University Institute, 2000, 27 pages.
This paper examines the reform efforts of former European Commission President, Jacques Santer. It does so from the perspective of the Commission’s organizational culture.
- The Santer era: The European Commission in normative, historical and theoretical perspective
Peterson, John, Journal of European public policy, 6 (1), 1999, pages 46-65.
This article assesses the evolution of the European Commission's role, power and effectiveness in the post-Delors era.
- The Making of a President: The European Parliament and the Confirmation of Jacques Santer as President of the Commission
Hix, Simon, Lord, Christopher, Government and opposition, 31 (1), 1996, pages 62-76.
- Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025 8:50 AM
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