EC Library Guide on the history of the European Commission: Composition of the Commission
- Introduction
- History of the European CommissionToggle Dropdown
- EU Legislation
- von der Leyen Commission (2024-2029)Toggle Dropdown
- von der Leyen Commission (2019-2024)Toggle Dropdown
- Juncker Commission (2014-2019)Toggle Dropdown
- Barroso Commission (2004-2014)Toggle Dropdown
- Prodi Commission (1999-2004)Toggle Dropdown
- Santer Commission (1995-1999)
- Delors Commission (1985-1995)Toggle Dropdown
- Thorn Commission (1981-1985)Toggle Dropdown
- Jenkins Commission (1977-1981)Toggle Dropdown
- Ortoli Commission (1973-1977)Toggle Dropdown
- Mansholt Commission (1972-1973)Toggle Dropdown
- Malfatti Commission (1970-1972)Toggle Dropdown
- Rey Commission (1967-1970)Toggle Dropdown
- Hallstein Commission (Commission of the EEC, 1958-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Chatenet (Euratom Commission, 1962-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Hirsch (Euratom Commission, 1959-1962)Toggle Dropdown
- Armand (Euratom Commission, 1958–1959)Toggle Dropdown
- Del Bo (High Authority of the ECSC, 1963-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Malvestiti (High Authority of the ECSC, 1959-1963)Toggle Dropdown
- Finet (High Authority of the ECSC, 1958-1959)Toggle Dropdown
- Mayer (High Authority of the ECSC, 1955-1958)Toggle Dropdown
- Monnet (High Authority of the ECSC, 1952–1955)Toggle Dropdown
- Databases and WebsitesToggle Dropdown
- Related Guides
- Citing and Referencing
Composition of the Santer Commission (1995-1999)1
The Santer Commission held office from 1995 to 1999 (15 March). It managed the period which preceded the Treaty of Nice (2000-2001) and the EU’s enlargement to 25 Member States (2004). Its mandate was marked by the Amsterdam Treaty’s signature (1997) and the birth of the single currency (Euro) (1998) (source: European Commission, archived webpage, accessed on 3 April 2024).
- Division of portfolios in the new Commission
European Commission, press release, 29 October 1994.
After the meeting of the 21 nominated Members of the new Commission, held in Senningen (Luxembourg) on 29 October 1994, President Jacques Santer announced the final division of portfolios which will be formally adopted when the new Commission meets at the beginning of 1995.
- Santer 1995-1999
In: European Commission: 1986-2000, Bussière, É., Ludlow, P., Romero, F. et al., Publications Office of the European Union, 2019, pages 76-77.
The European Commission until the year 2000
This video introduces the twenty members of the new Commission under the presidency of Jacques Santer. It also explains the responsabilities of each member of the team, which is to remain in office until the year 2000.
Copyright: European Communities, 1996
- For different language versions, check the EU Publications website.
- Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025 8:50 AM
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