EC Library Guide on the history of the European Commission: Research
- Introduction
- History of the European CommissionToggle Dropdown
- EU Legislation
- von der Leyen Commission (2024-2029)Toggle Dropdown
- von der Leyen Commission (2019-2024)Toggle Dropdown
- Juncker Commission (2014-2019)Toggle Dropdown
- Barroso Commission (2004-2014)Toggle Dropdown
- Prodi Commission (1999-2004)Toggle Dropdown
- Santer Commission (1995-1999)Toggle Dropdown
- Delors Commission (1985-1995)
- Thorn Commission (1981-1985)Toggle Dropdown
- Jenkins Commission (1977-1981)Toggle Dropdown
- Ortoli Commission (1973-1977)Toggle Dropdown
- Mansholt Commission (1972-1973)Toggle Dropdown
- Malfatti Commission (1970-1972)Toggle Dropdown
- Rey Commission (1967-1970)Toggle Dropdown
- Hallstein Commission (Commission of the EEC, 1958-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Chatenet (Euratom Commission, 1962-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Hirsch (Euratom Commission, 1959-1962)Toggle Dropdown
- Armand (Euratom Commission, 1958–1959)Toggle Dropdown
- Del Bo (High Authority of the ECSC, 1963-1967)Toggle Dropdown
- Malvestiti (High Authority of the ECSC, 1959-1963)Toggle Dropdown
- Finet (High Authority of the ECSC, 1958-1959)Toggle Dropdown
- Mayer (High Authority of the ECSC, 1955-1958)Toggle Dropdown
- Monnet (High Authority of the ECSC, 1952–1955)Toggle Dropdown
- Databases and WebsitesToggle Dropdown
- Related Guides
- Citing and Referencing
A selection of research publications on the Delors Commission (1993-1995, 1989-1993, 1985-1989)
(in chronological order)
- A Social Europe with a greener perspective: The evolution of the Delors Commission around 1989
Warlouzet, Laurent, Studi storici, 62(1), 2021, pages 189-209.
The Delors Commission (1985-1995) developed an extremely broad social policy agenda, but it is often overlooked that this ambition has acquired a greener colour over the years, especially after 1989 under the influence of the Italian commissioner Carlo Ripa di Meana.
- Reconsidering Jacques Delors' leadership of the European Union
Ross, George, Jenson, Jane, Journal of European Integration, 39 (2), 2017, pages 113-127.
Jacques Delors' presidency of the European Commission (1985-1994) is a major example of transformative leadership at a moment of significant innovation in a transnational institution.
- Jacques Delors, président de la Commission, 1985-1995
Marie-Thérèse Bitsch. Rivista di studi politici internazionali, 74 (1), 2007, page 37-50.
Avant d'arriver à Bruxelles, au cours d'un itinéraire professionnel et politique assez original, Jacques Delors a acquis une expertise dans les domaines économique, financier, monétaire et social qui sera précieuse pour le président de la Commission. Dans cette fonction, il est pendant dix ans, de 1985 à 1995, l'un des principaux, artisans de la relance européenne. Il donne une impulsion décisive en faveur du marché unique et de l'union monétaire. En même temps, il s'efforce de valoriser le rôle de la Commission et d'améliorer le fonctionnement du système institutionnel communautaire.
- Comparing Jacques Delors and Jacques Santer as pesidents of the European commission: Skill in supranational context
Lord, Christopher J., Politics & policy, 30 (2), 2002, pages 324-346.
- Jacques Delors et la Commission européenne: Un leadership unique ?
Helen Drake. Politique européenne, (8), 2002, page 131-145.
L'objet de cet article est d'établir dans quelle mesure la décennie Delors représente un cas de leadership politique réellement unique.
The Presidency of the European Commission under Jacques Delors by K. Endo
ISBN: 9780333984161Publication Date: 1999This work is the first systematic study of the presidency of the European Commission. Drawing upon cases of attempted leadership by Jacques Delors, the Commission President from 1985-95, it examines the leadership capacity of the office-holder.
- Inside the Delors Cabinet
George Ross, Journal of common market studies, 32 (4), 1994, pages 499-523.
The Cabinet of Jacques Delors has been an absolutely central instrument in the European Commission's accomplishment in recent times.
- Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025 8:50 AM
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